Finally, some good fucking food


Brainpower requirement: 90

Resilience: +0,2 per 1 thousand populace.

1 unit of food feeds 10% more people.


What a useful and delicious technology. Implementing it became my next project.

Of course, I could teach random bees myself, and then wait until they share this vital knowledge with their peers…

But it was ineffective.

Why do that, when our hive *almost* had a school?

I filled a jug with fried meat skewers and flew to the part of the hive where Ambrosia was lecturing future Teacher Bees. To my delight, Pollenia was at her side.

It was wrong to have favorites among my daughters, but… She was my favorite. She was just like her mother!

I beamed at my delightful girls, Queen and Worker Bees both.

"Hey, everybody! Look what I have! This is for you, Polly," I offered her a skewer.

She sniffed it cautiously, then tore it out of my hands and bit in.