Hard work can move mountains

The work camp was built like a miniature beehive. Safely hidden inside its cave from roaming kaijus, it hosted 10000 bees inside.

Foremen Bees and Forager Bees flew in and out with their hauls of nectar and pollen, Builder Bees maintained the structure, Cleaning Bees cleaned it…

But most of the bees, which were drafted from Foremen and Forager Bees, were swarming with their digging sticks near the future channel side. Their leader in this place, Chief Foreman B9381, was hovering in the air next to me.

We looked toward the spanning river. It had sloping, grassy banks, and it was hard to tell where the water ended and solid ground began.

'I bet this river floods terribly after every storm,' I thought.

"We are ready to dig, Father! But where from and to?" she asked me.