
Sneakily advancing out from the cave, he surveiled the area and found no traces of a nearby guard. There were some rocks he used as cover, as he descended downwards the small slope. He could feel traces of aura's belonging to goblins, some meters down.

"Did you get a hold of that fox chick?" A male goblin about 5ft3 asked, to the second opposite him. They were both stark naked holding a spear each.

"Of course!" The second goblin proudly proclaimed. "Who knew those fox chicks could really go that deep. Am completely drained."

"Ahh.. good times." They both chuckled to which jack rolled his eyes in disgust. He was already grossed out from the fact they were naked, and now they bragged about their lustful fantasies.

'I can't see a way past them.' Jack thought seeing no way around the goblins. They were no match for him, but he didn't want to attract attention just yet.

"Who are you?" A feminine voice snapped jack from his trance. Based on reflex he spun fast, placing his hand to the goblins mouth pinning her to the wall.

"Don't move." He coldly spoke to which she nodded having no choice. Peeping a bit, he could see the two goblin guards still conversing about irrelevant stuff.

Sighing, his attention then turned to the female goblin in his grasp. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you right now."

He indifferently spoke without any emotion visible on his face.

"Mhm, mrfg~" muffled words escaped her mouth as she tried to speak. Shaking his head jack slightly shifted his hand, just enough so she could speak.

"If you yell I kill you." He said to which she gave a slight nod of understanding.

"M-my name is Yuma and I can help you get in." She calmly said in a low tone shivering a bit.

"And why the hell would I trust you?" He scoffed in disdain, rolling his eyes a bit. There was no way he could trust her, as it was obvious it was a trap. To get him lure his guard down so they could strike.

"Because am your only chance of getting in there alive. Trust me, there are far more traps and security protocols that will kill you. But with my help I could easily get you in without them suspecting." Her words sounded too good to be true, like that of a sugarcoated politician. There was no way he was going to trust a goblin, his enemy, over his own instincts.

[I couldn't sense a fluctuation in her heartbeat.] The system uttered a bit shocked.

'Are you saying she's telling the truth, really?' Jack's eye widened a bit in disbelief not believing his ears. 'There's no way this crooked goblin is telling the truth.'

He shook his head refusing to believe Yuma wasn't lying.

"Hey what was that!" The goblin guards voice snapped jack from his thoughts. Peeping, he could see they were now approaching towards their location.

'Great.' He inwardly thought seeing his cover was about to be blown.

"Look, I know you don't trust me. you don't have to. But I also know we're going to be captured and killed, if we don't act now." There was a lingering mix of fear and anger in her voice as she spoke.

"Killed, why would they kill you? You're one of them." Jack questioned. He found it strange how they would also kill her, as she was literally a goblin like them.

"Not exactly.. am what is called a casted. Rejected by the goblin king himself, and damned to be burnt alive in public, two days from now." She spoke with a sense of hurry in her tone. Hesitating a bit jack's mind raced on what to do. There was no way he could avoid being spotted by the guards.

Yes there was also the option of fighting, but for how long? He didn't have any idea how many goblins were present, and what equipments they had.

He was confident he could take out some goblins with or without a weapon. And he always had his skills to rely on, but for how long? He was stronger now yes, but he wasn't invisible, at least not yet.

His stamina was still limited so he could only fight for so long, before he eventually ran out of breath. And finally succumbed to the sheer forces of the whole goblin here.

"Fine." Jack shrugged letting go of her momentarily. "Your plan better work." He frowned still not trusting her one bit.

"It will, you just have to do exactly as I say."

Inching closer the goblins raised their spear pointing it forward. Their senses on high alert, slowly approaching the source of the disturbance.

"Ahhnn.. f-faster! Faster!" They were caught offguard, hearing soft moans escape from behind the rock. Going back, they could see on of their kind entagled in a moment of bliss.

Below was a grotesque creature, resembling a hideous abomination from a failed experiment. It's head placed down to the female goblin cave.

"Yuma! What are you doing!?" One of the goblins roared.

"W-what does it look like? Am mating idiot." She sarcastically spoke darting a cold glare at them.

"Mhm!" She sharply moaned more louder than before, shoving jack's head deeper to her sacred temple.

"How dare you perform such acts with this thing!" Azkaban, the goblin guard by the left shouted, a thick vein bulging on his forehead.

"What acts? I can do whatever acts I please with my body, afterall am a casted. So I might as well mate like crazy before am killed." She smiled mischievously ignoring them and continuing in her work.

"Why you!" Azkaban roared but was stopped by kaifee, before he could do anything rash.

"As expected from a filthy whore casted." The latter uttered with a smug grin. "You may take your slave back to the mating hall, and continue with whatever acts you wish to indulge in."

"Hmph! Jealous." She clicked her tongue crouching down to jack. Glancing at the duo male goblins, Yuma then planted her lips to jack. Wildly sucking his insides like a vacuum.

[Gross.] The system uttered in disgust, making a throwing up sound. She then proceeded with jack away from the guards.

"Wait!" Azkaban called out, making them stop in their tracks. "A collar for a slave." He grinned diabolicaly, placing a collar to jack's neck and cuffing his hands.

"That wasn't part of the plan." Jack frowned now out of sight from those goblins.

"I had to make it as real as possible." She retorded with a light giggle, to which jack grunted. Passing by some more guards, they were easily let through seeing the collar and cuff on jack.

"Welcome to the goblin village." She gestured, reaching the entrance of the village.