When jack had slaughtered the group of goblins, it was expected he did the same to these remaining three. It was obvious they were here to cause havoc and chaos here, so it was a fair treatment to kill them.
As their village chief, jack was meant to protect them to which he did. Until now, which he had a change of heart?
"Huh?" The goblins were shocked and lost for words. They'd expected death from Jack cause they deserved it. Never did they expect to hear the words pardon from him.
"What's he doing?" A stout male fox muttered.
"Has he lost it from the bloodlust?" Another orc murmured with a pale face.
"Maybe he's just toying with them before he ends them." A fox woman chipped in.
"No. He looks dead serious." Various murmurs and whispers, escaped the locals mouth. They couldn't believe jack was serious about letting them go, as it was just unheard of.
"B-but you can't let them go. You have to kill them." The old orc from earlier on the podium spoke up.
"And why is that?" Jack calmly asked, not darting an eye towards the orc.
"Because.. if we let them go now, they'll just come back and kill us when we let our guard down." He reasoned to which the crowd agreed. But none dared openly voice out their opinion.
"True.. but my decision is final." Jack declared not changing his mind. Causing the orc eye to twitch slightly in anger.
"Outrageous! It's never heard of to pardon your enemies. Who do you think you are to make such a decision, involving the entire town." The orc retorded with a frown, not approving of jack's first choice as village chief.
Finally turning, jack had a light smile on his face. "Does that mean you're challenging my order?" He calmly asked.
"Very well then." Jack shrugged, picking up a rusty dagger from besides one of the goblins.
"I shall do as asked." Jack plainly said, bringing the sword down fast to the goblins head. Just before it connected though he stopped, a sinister grin plastered on his lips staring at the orc.
'Swoosh!' He disappeared from his spot, reappearing behind the orc. In his hand was the dagger now stained with blood.
'Thud!' The orc head fell to the floor with a thud. A shocked expression plastered on it's face.
"W-what have you done?" The two older people, of the fox and cyclops race stuttered in horror. Even the crowd erupted in audible murmurs and chatters of jack's actions.
"Silence!" He ordered with a stern voice to which they obeyed, keeping shut.
"As the new village chief it is my duty to ensure the safety and future of the town. Yes my rules may seem unorthodox and challenging, but I will do anything to keep you all safe." He spoke in a calm tone, staring at the faces of the locals under his care.
"When I was inaugurated my rule was simple. Obey me or die." He paused taking in their reactions. "And I meant to keep to my word, so this is an example of how far am willing to go. Do you understand?"
He asked to which they nodded, with fear they would be next if they didn't agree.
'You never stop surprising me.' The female black and white furred fox smiled. Her playful eyes seductively staring at jack intriguingly.
"Get out of here before I change my mind." He coldly uttered without any emotion. Needing no further warning, the goblins got to their feet scurrying away.
[Great job asserting your role as village chief. Not only did you instill fear and confusion, into the hearts of your enemies. You also claimed your place as the dominant leader of this town.] The system complimented him.
'It was your idea.' Jack blushed, as this whole plan was his system idea. 'I simply learnt a bit of acting from the best.' He smiled referring to Kelly.
[Of course it was! Am a self evolving genius with great power!] The system proudly said making jack role his eyes.
'And.. you ruined it.' He shook his head, calmly walking towards the crowd. It was no doubt they were afraid of him, and he found that surprisingly good. Like he was seemingly feeding off the fears from the locals here.
"I want a brief explanation on why they were here and what they came for." Jack calmly spoke in a hurried tone. No one from the crowd dared to speak up first, fearing for their lives.
"They were here to attack our town like usual, and raid our food supplies. stealing a great amount of our foodstuffs." The seductive fox woman said, calmly walking forward with glistening eyes.
"Usual?" Jack asked. "Have they done this before?"
"Yes. It's a normal occurence once every two weeks. They usually come to our town to raid us and destroy our town. Robbing us of our food supplies, leaving us with little to spare."
"But why didn't you attack? I mean their numbers are lower than your's. You could easily attack and overpower them." Jack found it strange, how they allowed such to happen frequently. The idea of a bunch of goblins with low grade equipments, coming to raid their town which was more populated was absurd.
He could tell they had some few weapons here, the quality equivalent to that of the goblins. But still, their numbers far outnumbered these group of goblins.
"We did but it didn't end well. More goblins came, this time stronger. We suffered huge casualties as a result, so Jin broke a deal with them. They could come to take our food, in turn leaving us unharmed." She said with a hint of anger in her tone.
Listening to her, jack was a bit surprised there were more goblins stronger than these. Probably in the F or E rank stage.
'I wonder if there's a boss?' Usually there was always a boss, commanding these lesser minions to do the dirty work. Which was quite powerful, thus accepting the idea why Jin a powerful two tailed fox. Chose to break a deal with the goblins, instead of outright killing them.
'Guess he wasn't that powerful afterall.' Jack smirked with a proud grin.
[Do not underestimate these creatures jack. Though they may seem weak, but they posses a hidden strength within them. And there's always the possibility of a high level boss, capable of destroying you.] The system warned in a stern tone to which jack nodded.
"Why aren't they living here with you like the rest?" Jack asked the obvious question on his mind.
"They were banned long ago by the previous village chief. According to the ancient scroll, they stole the black fruit gifted by the dark one for themselves." She said to which jack raised a brow.
"Black fruit?" Jack asked confused.
"The black fruit is our sacred treasure, given to our ancestors long ago by the dark one itself. It's rumoured to have a tiny fragment of the dark one's energy in it. Granting the user immense power." Listening to her, Jack's heart fluttered at the thought of this black fruit. If truly what she said was true then he wanted it for himself.
"But why wasn't a strike team organized to deal with the goblins at night or something?"
"Unfortunately their location is still unknown to us." She shook her head in regret.
"Who is this dark one?" He asked again.
"No one knows or have seen him. Only our ancestors have come in contact with him but still, his identity is unknown." Nodding, there was no further information he required.
"Where are you going?" She tilted her head a bit confused seeing jack walking away.
"What do you mean? Am following the bait." Jack said with a poker face.
"Trailing the bait? Wait.. d-do you mean the goblins?" She asked with a shocked expression.
"Exactly.. I intentionally let them go to lower their guards, so I could tail them later." He plainly said making everyone's eye go wide.
Their expressions then changed to a more proud and grateful look of astonishment, amazed by jack's leadership instincts.
"So you didn't really let them go?"
"Of course not. Am not that stupid to let my enemies go unscathed." He smiled to which she giggled, wagging her tail a bit.
"Then am coming with you." She excitedly spoke with joy.
"No!" Jack stopped her.
"But why?" She angrily spoke puffing her cheeks a bit.
"Because.. you're the only second strongest person, I can entail the safety of the town to while am gone." He said to which she pouted not liking the idea of staying behind.
"No buts. You're the only one I trust." He said making her gasp, tints of red appearing on her cheeks.
"R-really?" She asked blushing.
"Apparently yes." He said with a light smile.
"Then I'll do as you wish." She excitedly said to which he nodded leaving. "I'll be waiting for you here so come back quick! She yelled waving jack goodbye.
[I never knew you were such a good lier.] The system sarcastically spoke with a teasing tone, to which jack chuckled.
He then made his way out of town going much further north. Heading into a forest with thin trees with no leave, but spiked branches.
'Where are they going?' Jack wondered tailing the group of three goblins behind. It was true they were long gone, and he wouldn't have caught up to them without his system.
Walking more for like over an hour, they finally made their way out the forest. Sounds of water could be heard gushing with power.
[There's a waterfall nearby.] The system said to which jack nodded feeling it.
Walking some more he could see it. a small waterfall in front, gushing out with power from a rock. Flowing in a straight line downwards some medium sized boulders.
He then watched them place a strange item to the huge rock, behind the waterfall. And before his eyes the rock parted, revealing a cave which they entered.
Hesitating, jack didn't just want to blindly rush in fearing an ambush.
"Shit!" He cursed seeing the cave closing. Dashing forth, he entered the dimly lit cave with small blue glowing stones.
[Mana stones.] The system said in an excited tone, and jack could feel the energy pulsing from them.
'Rumble!' The ground suddenly rumbled, and it looked like the cave was caving in. Blazing forward he made his way to the other side of the cave, bursting out in an entirely different place.
"Where am I?" Jack thought in a whole different landscape. It was a vast land with green vegetations, and tall trees. A line of water flowed in a straight line in this environment.
'So this is where they are.' Jack's eye widened, seeing multiple of the goblins both male, female, and child.
A sinister grin formed on his lips staring at his preys. "Time to harvest some goblins."