Chapter Four : Who is Solomon Wroth Wis ?

"What in blazing hell was that ?" Clen asked as soon as we got home. We had not spoken during the drive. I had watched the rear to make sure no cop was following us.

"Don't know. I was not the one who shot ?" I said and collapsed on the sofa.

"You just shut up okay. You know what happened, you know everything in this assassin game." Clen shot back at me. Yah, I did know so much.

"Why was Rasto killed ?"

"To shut him up." I said and began unbuttoning my suit.

I looked at Clen, he was scared. He knew that the assassin that just killed Rasto should be amog the best of hands. He was worried but none of that was going to change the fact that this guy — Solomon Wroth Wis was after our lives. I was still trying to figure out why the assassin didn't kill us right away. We did not expect his attack, Rasto did. As a matter of fact he led the assassin to the Country Garden.

Solomon Wroth Wis must have promised him safety just as he promised Mr Mokel. Too bad this world revolves .

"What do you mean ? Why would the same man that wanted us dead , kill the man that is to help him kill us ? It doesn't make any sense." Clen raged.

"Solomon Wroth Wis does not want us to know much about him. He wants to play with our mind. He does not want a trace. But too bad we already know who his ." I said. Clen sat and began thinking.

"Who is Solomon Wroth Wis?" Clen asked. I did not have an idea of who he was. Why was he questioning me ?

"I do not know him man. This guy just wants to use us as his puppet game." I said.

"You are a freaking liar ! Why does he want you and I dead ? Did you give him an unfinished business? Did you double cross him? Tell me what did you do? Tell me! "

"Honestly , I do not know him." I said again.

"You shut up! We nearly died twice . The clearer you are to me, the better for us." he said.

"Nothing has to be better, Clen. I will find Solomon Wroth Wis and when I do , I will kill him." I said and walked into my room. Clen sat behind, looking sternly and angrily at me as I left. He hated when I behaved this way but I loved it. I walked into my room.

I collapsed on my bed and began thinking. I had to do an in depth research on Solomon Wroth Wis but first I will have to be careful with any client. As for Clen, he could think whatever he wanted, I did not care . I did not know Solomon Wroth Wis and Clen was not going to impose it on me.

I got into the bathroom and had my bath. I loved the shower as my nerves needed the cold shower.

That night , I went to work. I began to dig deep on the research on Solomon Wroth Wis. I began typing furiously. I hacked into the files of the International Council. And I found two files bearing the same names but different countries — one was from United States of America while the other was from Mexico.

The one from Mexico had a great profile. He was the son of a powerful business man and politician . He was crook and had recently began to have deals with some hidden identities. He had engineered the death of seven prominent men across the country who were his father's enemies.

He was a man of sixty seven years. He had a family of two children and an ex wife.

The American had a dubious identity. He was once a goon for Suras Biter. Suras Biter was the owner of one of the biggest tobacco industries in America, Ash Smoke.

This Solomon Wroth Wis rose from the level of a goon to a trusted adviser to Suras Biters . But that trust was failed when he assassinated Suras Biter with the help of some other co operatives. After killing Suras Biter, he killed them all .

Already making plans, he had made Suras Biter , will his company to his most trusted adviser. With him being the only adviser , he inherited the company but that was about eight years ago. The files did not show anything else about this guy.

"Sigh..." I stared at the computer screen for nearly two hours. This was confusing. Both men were not connected to me or my brother. They were both powerful and if it was any of then it was not good.

I looked at the Mexican profile and the American's. They were both similar in action but their ways seemed to be different . I had to find out which one of them was after us. I closed my laptop and went to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and dressed up for a meeting . I had to meet Marco Diskel . He was our broker but we did not use him in our last hit . I was sure he was not going to happy if he found out .

I put on a neat black suit and made sure I looked cooperate. I met Jhea by the door. She was dressed up . What for ? Was she already squandering the dollars we gave her yesterday? I gasped as I saw her.

"Where are you going ?" I managed to ask.

"Exam. I have an exam today of course." she said simply. "Didn't I tell you ?"

She did tell me. Gosh ! How could I have forgotten about my sister's exams?

"I forgot. Wish you goodluck." I said as she left the house. I went to the kitchen and got out a bottle of mayonnaise and a went for the bread in refrigerator. I made tea and came to the dinning to eat .

Clen walked into the dinning room dressed up also. Seems like he had an appointment of his own.

"Still worried ?" I asked still eating. He did not respond. He ignored me and went to the refrigerator and got out a loaf of bread.

"Look, what you said last night made a lot of sense. We must have offended him for him to be after us . But I went through their profile and found nothing ." I said. Clen turned to focus his attention on me.

"What do you mean 'their '?" Clen asked.

"We have two Solomon Wroth Wis in this little world. One is an American and the other a Mexican . But both control power. Possess more than eight hundred million dollars." I explained. Clen was attentive.

"What is the sense in all these ?" he asked.

"Both men can crush us and I need us to work together as a team, Clen. " I pleaded.

"I probably cannot work with someone who keeps secrets from me. You know why Solomon Wroth Wis is after us and you have to fix it yourself. " he said. I knew that pressing him further would not be progressive , so I decided a different trick.

"Hey, Marco got a deal for us. He says it's cool." I said trying to erase our harmless argument.

"Just keep it to you yourself because I'm done with this partnership. I am done." he stated and left the dinning room.

That was cruel I must say. We had to figure this out together. Damn ! He was just making this harder for himself. I knew nothing about Solomon Wroth Wis and he was not going to force me to accept otherwise.

Besides, I could handle myself but I doubt if he would be able to take care of himself. If only he knew the might of the person or persons who was after us , he would be begging for a tight head partnership.

I smiled to myself and continued eating. I had done pretty good assassinations in the past and I would handle this, the same way. I have been an assassin for thirteen years and those years were not a waste. I had assassinated all by myself except for a few helps from my friends. I had been solo for eight years without Clen in the picture, this would not make a difference.

I finished eating and left the house in a hurry . I had to be with Marco in the next ten minutes. Marco was a man who valued time and I also did . I was running late. I left and boarded a taxi. For some reason I did not want to use my car. I needed to be fast. I needed to make fast cash because if I had to defeat either of the Solomon Wroth Wis. I will have to be equipped with the best armour. My mind drifted to the death of Rasto. The killer was a hybrid assassin.

Damn! I was scared.