Chapter Five : A Business

I sat in the cab thinking furiously on how to overcome the challenge of Solomon Wroth Wis. Either of them was a great entity and taking them down would be nearly impossible . 

I rethought about the man I was going to meet , Mr Marco. He was a kind of personality that was scary . He loved money and was concerned very much about his time management. 

Mr Marco had been our broker for a year now. Our former broker had been killed by a client. I can remember the first client Mr Marco brought to us. I can't remember his name. Ohh!!

Dr Muffel. Yes that was his name. A short dark man. He was a real culprit of a doctor I must say. After extorting about five hundred thousand dollars from a patient's family for a surgery he later found out he could not do, he decided to kill the patient but by assassination.

Dr Muffel had a clear history in the medical line . He had not recorded a death in his hands for more than eight years. With this record,he could not let the patient die in his hands.

He decided to assassinate the patient to clear his name off the mud. Such a crook !

I think the most murderous minds are the clients and not the assassins. All we assassins do, is to follow orders given to us by the clients. We have the nerves and courage to do what we do because we do not know our targets but the clients do. Most times they stick around with them while they lead them to us. Cruel !

As for brokers, they the cleanest in the whole game. All they do is to link the murderers to the assassins. For me that's a cool way to earn cool dollars. But they are not as protected as the assassins or the major clients . Their lives could be snapped at anytime. 

Mr Marco Diskel was one of such brokers who believed in their cheap security. He had four goons to guard him up day and night but they were cheap hands and he had real enemies, he could die too easy . 

"Sir , we are here ." the cab driver said to me. I looked around and found out that I was so engrossed in thinking that I did not notice that we had arrived at my destination. 

I pulled out some notes of currency and paid the driver off . I walked into the Central Park , walking past innocent citizens to reach the four seater bench. I saw Marco humbly waiting for me. He was dressed in dark black suits and had a briefcase on his lap. I walked to him and I could read the disappointment on his face . I was late for his appointment and he hated lateness. 

"Sorry for coming late." I said and sat next to him . He looked at me and a frown furrowed on his face .

"You do not need to be sorry. We all can make mistakes. " Marco said convincingly. I looked at Mr Marco surprised at his sudden calmness. He never loved lateness and normally, he was supposed to begin a sermon about lateness. 

"Okay." I said finally. 

"Seems like you had a business with another broker ." Marco said. I shot him a glance.

"No. That was a direct business with the client. And it was a job for my brother. " I said. 

"Yah, I knew something was fishy and missing. Where is your brother ?" Marco asked. I could not tell him about Clen's sudden decision to leave me or the incident of a man named Solomon Wroth Wis chasing us down. 

"Something broke out and I think he is not coming." I said. Marco paused for a while and checked his wristwatch, studying the time.

"Druwex Spenter ." Marco dropped. I looked at him trying to analyse the name.

"Client or target ." I asked as those were the only two classes of names that I needed to hear. Either the one sponsoring the kill or the one to be killed.

"He is a client and he got a lot of money. He has a lot of goons by his side and they pretty stick to him." Marco said happily. I ached an eyebrow. Why would a man with such goons as Marco had just explained want to spend an extra money on me to kill anyone ? It was pretty suspicious. 

"Why not let his goons do the job? He got the money, he got the goons. " I stated. Marco frowned at me before speaking. 

"His target is Romeo , a business cooperate in the company he works for. They know his goons too well and any move by them would be easily traced. Besides, his goons are not as expertised as you are. He needs an assassin to deliver this job neatly and you are that assassin. " he said assuringly. 

"So why does he want him dead ?" I asked.

"I do not know . Probably, business enemy . They work in the same workplace, Lucaster Industry." Marco detailed.

"How much is the pay ?" I asked and he smiled with a grin. 

"Like I said earlier , he has a lot of money. He is willing to pay, three hundred thousand dollars to each of you." Marco said and smiled.

"He is going to have to make it six hundred thousand dollars. " I said camly. Marco looked at me puzzled.

"Are you crazy ? He has the money but you will blow the business to dust if you look greedy. Do not tell me that you getting greedy like your brother. " he questioned feeling everything was going to get down the drain.

I knew his concern. As the broker , we had reached an agreement with him for him to earn twelve percent of our deals. This was forty five thousand dollars for each of us making his total expected earnings to be ninety thousand dollars. He felt that I could make Druwex reject the offer and decline the deal. But I had my reasons .

"I will be the only person taking the hunt." I said camly.

"What!? How did you mean ? What happens to Clen ?" Marco questioned without letting me chose the question to attend to. 

"Let's just say, he will not be around for a while." I said. 

"Bbb... but what happened ?" I ignored his question and asked mine.

"Where do I meet him to strike the deal ?" I asked. Marco opened his briefcase and got out a picture of a handsome man that looked to be in his early fifties.

"That is his picture. He is waiting for you at Cuzan Restaurant. He's got his goons along with him. Be careful. And do not spoil the deal." Marco warned. I collected the picture and smiled.

"Of course I would not do such a thing. Thanks for your service Mr Marco. I really appreciate. " I said and left the park. 

Lucaster Industry . Druwex Spenter. Romeo. These names had to stick to my mind. I knew Lucaster Industry , it was known for producing tobacco related articles but not cigarettes. 

Druwex Spenter was not a popular name but I was going to have to dig him up. Romeo. Hmmm... I think I have heard of him, I can't really say but I had a feeling that I knew him .

There got to be a reason for the kill. I would have to dig up a lot but first I had an appointment to catch up with. I boarded a taxi to Cuzan Restaurant. I knew the place well enough. I had been there twice or so for a harmless drink.

I eased my mind. I did not need to think a lot, I was about to seal a deal so I needed comfort. I rested in the car while watching the relative motion of the surrounding around me.