Chapter Six : Finalising the Deal

Cuzan Restaurant was a nice place to relax. Good service, humble sight, fresh air and beautiful ladies. I walked into the restaurant and once in I scanned the area for the face of the man I had memorised. It took me nearly a minute to spot him. Marco was indeed right about Druwex Spenter. He did have sticky goons around him. That made it hard for me to spot him.

I approached his table and smiled at him on reaching him. He was dressed in red suit, a rare kind. I made a move to seat on his table but a goon held my hand and in a sharp movement, I brought him to the ground , pinning him to the ground with the weight of my body.

Another goon tried to touch me but I held him by the neck and moved closer to Druwex Spenter.

"Tell your goons to leave me or I will kill them all with no one left for you ." I threatened. Druwex immediately knew I was the assassin he had been waiting for. He looked at his goons and they came back to their former positions.

I smiled and dusted my suit. I took a seat to face Druwex while his goons stood around us protecting us like we were gold. The arrangement created attention, especially when I went against two of his goons.

"What would you like to drink ?" Druwex Spenter asked but I rejected it.

"Never mind. I do not drink when a serious matter is being discussed. " I said flushed with my pride. He ordered for something I did not care to know and the waiter left with his demands .

"You are Zhen, right? " he asked as soon as he was done with the waiter. Damn ! I warned Marco never to disclose my name or that of brother to anyone . He will pay for this. Probably , a reduction in his percentage will teach him a great lesson .

"Yah , and you are Druwex Spenter. " I also wanted him to know that I knew his name also. But that was useless, he had nothing to hide but I did. I will surely need to kill him after this assignment.

"Where is your brother, Clen? My men were expecting two men that was why they went against you." he said . I was internally mad now. Was Marco that stupid? I will have deal with him. Was he such a cheap punk to release my name and my brother's to a client. This had finalised it, I was going to have to kill Druwex after this.

"I am the only person in this business. My brother would not be partaking. " I managed to say.

"That's better. Fewer hands give better results and the expenses are lower." Druwex stated. I smiled. What was wrong with this fucker ?

"Sorry to say buy you will still have to pay me the exact price budgeted. Six hundred thousand dollars. " I said. He smiled.

"Why would I do such? You are doing this alone and do not expect me to pay you the worth for two hands." Druwex said coldly

"Really. You will have to pay me what I want if you want me to give you my service." I said and relaxed on my seat. The waiter approached with Druwex's order.

"Okay. I agree. So when do you strike ?" Druwex asked.

I was not sure of when I would do the job so why give a date ? I looked at him sternly.

"What do you mean ? I can't possibly give a date I can't keep to. I think it's better I do the job my way without you interfering in it , okay ?" I said.

"I need Romeo dead by Friday this week." Druwex whispered. I smiled , this guy could not give me a job and still control me on how and when to do it .

"Look sir, I understand your anxiety but Romeo will be dead. I do not give sleazy services , I am a professional assassin. " I said to ease his anxiety.

"I'm not anxious for his death, I am only worried. He plans to kill every member of the executive team on Saturday. I need to take him down." Druwex pleaded.

"If I may say, is this why you decided to take him down ?" I asked.

"Yes. The faster you kill him the better for us."

"What do you mean us ?" I asked.

"He is a man of strategy and as such I think he will be able to trace you down. Just kill him before Saturday. " he said freaking out .

"Here , that is your money. Six hundred thousand dollars. " he said sliding a briefcase to me. I opened it and I peeped into it and saw the fresh mint of dollars . I smiled, he was indeed rich. I was happy Clen was not with me. He would have asked for a fortune and that would spoil the deal.

"Consider the job done." I said closing the briefcase.

"When, you fucking asshole? " he asked.

"Before Saturday as you wish. " I said but he was not satisfied.

"Be precise. " he questioned further. This man was really anxious and he did not know it.

"Look I do not have to be in the building on the day of his death. I do not want a trace." he added.

"Why don't you have a vacation for a few days at least no one will suspect you." I said dodging to tell him a date. I hated giving dates.

"That would not work. I can't be on a vacation when I was two days ago ? That would be more suspicious. " he said. He had won me now. I had to give a date .

"Friday. Let's say he dies on Friday. " I assured. Druwex smiled at me.

"Good boy. Nice doing business with you." Druwex said as he stood up to offer me a handshake. I stood up and took his hand in a warm handshake.

"I will be waiting. " he said as he parted hands. I smiled at him.

"You can count on me. " I said.

I left the restaurant quickly. My mind raced as the money I was holding was extremely large. I decided not take the same route I used to come. I flagged down a taxi and off we were moving to my place .

I began to think. I had cut a deal with Druwex and now the ball was in my court. Another kill for money. Another night of planing an execution and assassination. I had a lot to do. I had to research on Druwex Spenter and Romeo. I also had to plan my kill after surveying the building hosting my target and all this would eat my sleep but I was determined. If I wanted to defeat whichever of the Solomon Wroth Wis then I will need more weapons and the only way to do so was to get more clients and money. The faster the better.