Chapter 6: Kazuo VS Nendai

Chapter 6: Kazuo VS Nendai

Ms. Aikawa: Begin!

Nendai: Earth Creation Magic - Mini Golems

Kazuo: The heck? Why's there so many of them?

Kazuo keeps dodging the golems (they're not dangerous, just annoying)

Kazuo: Man there's a lot (*looks for Nendai *). Where is he?

Nendai: Look behind you. Ice Magic - Water Bullet

Kazuo (*in his head*): He used the golems to distract me and get into my blind spot. Wind magic - Air Slash

Kazuo slashes his magic and at the same time knocks all the golems away.

Nendai: Not bad. I'm nowhere near finished though.

Kazuo: Neither am I.

The two battle. Throwing spells at each other.

Nendai: I think it's about time I end this. Water Magic - Sea Snake

Kazuo: Wind magic - Tornado Fang

The spells collide. The clash of the spells caused a burst of magic to engulf the place

Nendai: (*coughs*) Where are you?

Kazuo: Behind you.

Kazuo stands behind Nendai holding a sword to his neck

Ms. Aikawa: The winner is Kazuo!

Nendai: You used the spell clash to sneak your way in behind me, you're pretty fast.

Kazuo: Good fight though.

Nendai: Yeah, I enjoyed it.

They shake hands. Everyone leaves and goes back to class.

Ms. Aikawa: I hope that you all learned something from this. It will prove to be useful information in the future. Now then I will be handing you all your text books, and go over the schedule for the next month.

The teacher hands over their textbooks and goes over everything that will be happening in this first month.

Kanata: At the end of the month there'll be a competition that will run the entire year?

Ms. Aikawa: Indeed. This is to assess the rank of everyone.

Kanata: The rank?

Ms Aikawa: Yes, there is a ranking system that the school has in place to award students.

Seito: How does this ranking system work?

Ms. Aikawa: There are two ranks. Your Magic rank and your Academic rank. The academic rank is based on how high you score in written tests, the higher you score in tests the better your rank. The magic rank is based on how many wins you have in battles, the more points you obtain in tests and your overall skill. The rewards are the same for both ranks. If your rank is 2-10 points you will obtain a 10k point bonus, 11-40 points will obtain a 6k bonus, 41-80 points will obtain 4k and 81-100 points will obtain no bonus.

Kanata: What will the number one rank obtain?

Ms. Aikawa: Number one obtains a 15k bonus.

Seito: So if you rank first in both you obtain 30k. The goal is to reach number one.

Ms. Aikawa: Remember, rank doesn't determine one's skill. It's just a title, nothing more.

Nendai: Although, it does give us a reason to get a higher ranking.

Ms. Aikawa: One more thing, those of you who do not attempt anything at all will be expelled. The school does not allow slackers. Beware, this is only the beginning. There will be plenty of challenges, you might have to sacrifice your fellow classmates and friends, only those who are ready for anything will survive. Welcome to The Okanoshima Academy.