In the town of Benton Harbor, a teenager named Alex wakes up on the autumn equinox—a day that marks the start of fall. On his way to school with his friends, they’re suddenly transported to the Shattered World, a realm overrun by monsters, demons, and vampires.
Lost and unprepared, they’re attacked by a demon. Just when it seems like there’s no escape, a mysterious woman named Vespera appears, saving them with her silver sword.
Trapped in this strange world, Alex and his friends quickly learn survival won’t be easy. They’ll need to train, study, and fight to stay alive. Take lessons in the arts of the Shattered World while looking for a way home. Join Alex as he uncovers ancient secrets, faces terrifying creatures, and begins his journey in a place where survival itself is a test.
Author here, this story is my first time doing one. It's slower than most stories due to my writing style. However, I think you will still enjoy it.