Raid's Preparation And Meeting A Most Wanted Lover

A day passed after the spectacular debut of Viscable in Teldrium, soldiers who wore navy blue, holographic-like armor with glowing green lines and yellow lines on the right stood in the middle of the vast room with the dark-red room shining the inside. Most of them covered their heads with the emerald scaly helmet that reassembled a cobra or crocodile, flickering the dazzling red lights through their scaly eyes.

More specifically, they were four lines of soldiers holding the glassy-black cylinder wands and sharpening their stares toward the glimmering U-shaped flags floated in the middle above. The levitating flag tightly presented the violet insignia of the lion expressing its excruciating face with it being impaled hundred needles.

On the snake-body balcony, a lavender long-sleeved man with a black scaly vest walked out from the darkness and firmly freed a smile. He had long brown hair with horizontal three-line scars on his right cheek A pair of crystalline emerald fangs attached the side part of his chest and its elongated length was on par with his red glassy-armored legs. Moreover, his glassy lower parts embedded the dark grey knee pats made of rusty scaly skin

Instead of possessing a human arm, the man had shiny creamy snake heads that constricted his arms. Small yellow opals patched on the side parts of the snake heads and acted as its eyes, convincing the man to elevate them toward the soldiers, exhaling a huge chunk of breath for the announcement preparation.

"Greetings my loyal followers of Uprising Venom," The man greeted the soldiers with a smirk. "The Great Baron Cipher Toxin will announce that today we declare a quite massive invasion of Teldrium, especially for showing our dominance."

"Even though there is a horrifying presence of the new armored man, we will not back down of course," Cipher Toxin asserted. "He just like The Triumph Makers. They fall eventually as long as we keep our strong fighting spirit!!

Cipher Toxin briefly glanced to the back with a familiar person slowly heading in his direction and shouted, "And this invasion will be led by one of the finest and most loyal warriors."

"Show yourself, Aska-Lal!!" Cipher Toxin loudened his voice, giving a respectful salute and heading to the darkness of the balcony. He locked his sight on a black-hooded old woman who was around the age of her 70s.

"Aska-Lal or Hernia Caldalina, reveal yourself on the battlefield when that armored man showed up," Cipher Toxin whispered before nervously swallowing a gulp of saliva. "But if you didn't want it, I could-"

Aska-Lal interrupted The Baron to finish his sentence and responded with a gleeful giggle, "It's alright."

"You should put more focus on finishing our greatest masterpiece and the suitable realm trap for the triumph makers," Aska-Lal suggested. "Also keeping an eye on our new partner, okay, my Baron."

Cipher Toxin chuckled, "I bet you still love challenging the so-called new threat even though you are no longer the Baron?"

"That's a better way to spend my retirement than mopping and sleeping, also being a cranky old woman," Aska-Lal replied. "Hell, I even preferred this position compared to the previous one. It's much more exciting.

"Then, I wished a great blessing for this invasion, and remember to be careful with the new armored man, " Cipher Toxin gave a cautious warning, walking further into the darkness of the balcony after handing the authority to his most trusted ally.



Warming yellow sunlight recently arose across the clean sky of Gloricon, including the house belonging to Cantos and Marla. As the sun continued to shine, The Old Man relaxedly decided to spend his free time carrying the yellow projection hose and showering grasses on his front garden.

Cantos tilted his head to the left and repeatedly stepped on the grasses, absorbing the blustery calmness as he steered the hose to the right. The time of Cantos showering declared a sudden break when he noticed the footsteps drumming in his ears, tapping the projection hose that vanished alongside the water.

A guest of his house has arrived and revealed to be a long pink ponytail-hair and slim body young woman, patiently standing in front of the silk-brown fences. The current she chose was a long green coat, pink tank top, and lastly long jean pants with glistening pink lines on the side parts.

"Good Morning, Mr.Walteron," The Pony-tailed woman greeted Cantos, closing her eyes for a brief second.

Cantos gladly smiled at the twin ponytail woman, and replied, "It's been quite a while and you still never hide your alter ego, Prilla."

"So how are you?" Cantos asked, humbly nodded. 

"Good as always," Prilla uttered, stroking her hair as she took a small step forward. 

"You still active in Triumph Makers?" Cantos let out another question, placing his hand on the holographic fences.

"Indeed and it's now become so busy that I couldn't even spend time in my daily life. I even gave up my college because of the demanding work" Prilla answered, exhaling her tiring sigh. 

"To be fair, saving the world is more important than all my human life problems, especially with my love life," Prilla added.

"And Gloricon needs a strong defender, I understood the struggle," Cantos said emphatically. "I used to be in your position and it's a heavy burden in your mind."

"Anyhow, is Mrs Walteron here?' Prila asked with a curious tone, tapping her lower chin and watching the fences on her front dragging upward.

"No. She is still working in the ministry. Most likely, she will return at midnight," Cantos spoke, raising his eager eyes and proposing a question, "So you must be coming here to visit, Gdark right?"

Prilla endearingly smirked and admitted, "Correct. I heard that he also made his debut as a Superhero. It's already been 10 years since we haven't talked with each other, I couldn't wait to see him again."

"Is he in the home currently?" Prila let out the question, rotating her wandering sight from left to right.

"Lucky you, Gdark is here even though he put his entire focus inside the laboratory?" Cantos answered, blowing a long whistle. "

"Building a new weapon for his Superhero work? Classic Gdark" Prila guessed. slowly entering the house. 

"I guess 10 years of experience in training and advancing his power couldn't humble his ego," Cantos assumed.

"Glad that he still maintained it," Prila uttered with a cheerful tone



The bolting noise inside the underground laboratory finally became mute, indicating the new project had been finished. Furthermore, Gdark who returned to his casual trench coat, sharpened his emancipative gaze toward the two recently finished projects and hid within the containers

The left container glimmered the blistering ochre particles and presented the title, "The Blaster Jabber is Completed, while the right container blew the verdant particles and tidily presented the words "The All Blader is Completed". Unfortunately, Gdark couldn't grasp any satisfaction as he grunted, fixating his gaze on the floating containment in the middle.

"The Convenient Executioner is much harder to finish with compared to the other backpacks," Gdark mumbled, raising his staggering knuckle. "Most likely, I put an overload of magic within it."

"Perhaps, it's matched with my intention," Gdark cackled and grinned, "A temporary backpack that only used to finish off anyone else who got in my way,"

Gdark crossed his arms and uttered, "Besides that, the fight with Wrathful Slug was quite underwhelming."

"Let's hope the next unlucky villain can give a satisfying test result for the two backpacks," Gdark spoke, switching his sight toward The Blaster Jabber's containment. "Especially, Blaster Jabber."

"I'm quite excited to test its long-range capability," Gdark added, opening a captivated smirk. 

"Or better, I should test these backpacks to The Triumph Makers members," Gdark proclaimed. 

"The perfect first victim could be The Glassess Freak," Gdark stated, trying to pick his next opponent

Gdark peeked at the above sight and continued his statement to the next topic, "Enough with the backpacks."

"Dimensional and Power Watch, come forth!" Gdark said, thrusting his left hand upward and generating a flock of gray particles on his wrist.

Then, Gdark thrust his hand to the left, and the particles disseminated into a complete speck of dust, manifesting a physical object that was neatly strapped around his arm. It was revealed to be a girthy black watch with striking crimson lines on the above and the tiny screen in the middle presented four diverse-shaped icons closely related to weapons and portals.

"Nice progress," Gdark complimented, darting his sight toward the grey whirling portal on the below left. 

Gdark cackled, "It means I could access the Parallel Freedom. Sending a villain will be the better idea for the starter."

"Working all night might drain a bit of my life energy but have a great benefit and result too," Gdark added bursting out with laughter and pushing his knuckle on his chest. "It allowed me to finish some of my projects."

A silence came upon Gdark when the noise of a door being slid streamed into his ears, alerting him to steer his sight to the back. A surprised gaze clouded The Inventor's face as he stared at Prila who dropped her shaking jaw and shed a line of tears, unable to hold the yearning thought of seeing the return of her most important person.

"You're finally here, my greatest trophy girl," Gdark mumbled, sluggishly walking closer to Prila. 

Prila giggled and teased, "You still called me that nickname even though 10 years have passed."

"Indeed," Gdark marked a reminder. 

"At least, you returned here, Congratulations on your spectacular debut," Prila said, wiping the tears and heading closer toward The Inventor.

Gdark respectfully bowed his head to Prila and uttered, "I'm quite pleased to hear your statement."

"Can you share the ten years of you learning the knowledge to become the best Superhero and many other stuff for your preparation, especially the most exciting ones?" Prila proposed with enthusiasm fueling her throat. 

"Let's get out from this lab first, if you're excited to hear some of my experience, Greatest Trophy Girl," Gdark taunted. 



An hour passed, and an echoing noise of cackling echoed inside the diner room, which had a long bright blue holographic table with a glassy surface. Gdark and his potential lover, Prila, occupied a pair of white glassy chairs separately. Prila keenly leaned her cheek on her hand on the table, initiating their refreshing reunion.

Two bright white cups containing the reddish drink lay on the top of the holographic table, encouraging Prila to grab the ones near her. Then, she took a slow sip on it, clearing the coldness with the exuding heat boiling within her. Gdark also sipped the drink and briefly closed his eyes in half gratification.

"You trained with other legendary heroes and traveled to other dimensions for the sake of perfecting your power?!" Prila guessed with her heaving eyebrows struggling to process the stories recently shared by The Inventor.

Gdark snickered, "Correct. Precisely correct,"

"To become the best one, I must be prepared for every possibility of life and always strive to better," Gdark affirmed. "Balancing life as both a regular citizen and a superhero is a piece of cake compared to all the training I endured. Several times I almost lost my life for accessing the true potential of the backpacks."

 "That's the risk I have to take," Gdark affirmed.

 "This is the most impressive thing I heard from you.," Prila praised proudly. "Proving you a strong and dedicated man to his life goal."

"Also, I know you were never interested in living as a simple human. I knew that ever since elementary school. That's why I adore you and almost followed you whenever there was a Superhero thing back then," Prila confessed, blissfully chortling. "Such as watching you giving harsh training to Layfree."

Prila hummed, "It's one of the nostalgic thing whenever I remembered it," 

"Even though I was already a seasoned Superhero and able to balance my life, sometimes I sensed some conflict too," Prila uttered hesitantly

"Especially after I left my parent for a while and never contacted them because of the last argument," Prila added sorrowfully, caressing her twin-tail hair on the right side.

"An argument related to my Superhero life that didn't end well," Prila mumbled reluctantly.

Gdark sighed and asked sternly, "However, you still provide money to your parent by becoming a Triumph Maker member and model too right?"

The Hair Magician giggled, " Yes, it's part of my responsibility."

"Maybe. I wished I had your mindset," Prila whimpered. "Where I can easily ignore everything and move on as if nothing happened."

"Sometimes all of those thoughts bugged me, but not trembling my spirit of course," Prila clarified.

"Why do you need it if you are still active in Triumph Makers? You still maintain your Superhero identity for 10 years too, so what's the point?" Gdark argued, rotating his observative to the right. "I never like the idea of someone trying to copy my mindset too."

At first, Prila gave a confused glare toward The Inventor who sipped his drink until it became empty. Eventually, the brimming realization snapped into The Twintail-Haired Girl's thought as she formed a cheering smile toward Gdark. Hence, she raised her head from her balmy palm, preparing to resume the relieving conversation.

"If I think about it again, you are not wrong," Prila stated. "But thanks for the advice.

