Hello everyone, I usually dont write stuff in the actuall chapter itself, but I wanted to make sure everyone saw this.
I have made a Patreon.
I know this was asked about like a dozen times, and that I said multiple times I would make one 'soon', so sorry it took so long.
I overestimated my ability to write fast, but now I have 9 Chapters ready to go.
For the people that can't or won't subscribe to the Patreon, don't worry, it's just early access, all my stories will be publically published eventually, so you won't miss out on anything besides maybe a snipped or two, but if those weren't good enough to be turned into full stories then you woudn't be missing much.
Anyways, that was everything, please leave comments, vote with power stones, yadda yadda yadda, you heard it all before.
Also dont ask why this chapter is 4k words, I don't really know myself.
Sasuke was walking down the street, he had decided that Ayumu had some good advice, every plan was made and discarded after he thought about them for more than a minute.
He was feeling lost, so he took the advice and went to the capital of Wave.
The people in the city were extremely helpful when he mentioned the Shrine, and he was greeted with kindness when he arrived there.
He got a bed and some food for free, no one asked any questions or pried into his business, he understood once he saw some of his fellow 'guests'.
All of them had a weight on their shoulders, from the young to the ancient, they were all people who had nowhere else to go.
But Sasuke decided he didn't want to take too much advantage of the Priest's kindness, so now he was looking for a job, something temporary he could do for a few weeks until he made up his mind.
And so, he found himself standing in front of an unusual restaurant, it looked high quality, with glass windows and high-quality wood, in any other situation he would have thought this place was a fancy establishment, only fit for nobles and rich merchants alike.
But why was it so damaged? Almost every window was cracked and patched back together, the door was missing a chunk and even the building itself looked like someone took a hammer to it.
And there was a paper glued to the wall, looking slightly wrinkled after being rained on more than once. It read: 'Looking for an assistant cook! No experience needed! 50000 Ryō per week!'
That was an absurdly high pay for non-Shinobi work, what was going on?
He glanced around, and spotted an old man sweeping the entrance to a store in front of the restaurant. He walked over to him.
"Excuse me." The man turned to him, before giving him a look of scrutiny.
"What do ya want?" The man asked gruffly.
Sasuke gestured towards the restaurant.
"What is up with that place? Why is it damaged and why is the pay so high?"
The old man's face twisted into one of barely restrained annoyance, then he sighed.
"Because the owners are crazy."
Sasuke waited for the man to explain.
"That place has been open since last year, they pick fights with anybody who looks at them funny, every day something happens there." The man grumbled. "They even pick fights with the Order, the Order!"
That was... not what Sasuke expected. Were the owners S-rank ninja or something? If that masked woman could crush 2 squads worth of Oto Shinobi like nothing, then surely some restaurant owners were no match for The Order's fighters.
"I don't believe you." He told the old man honestly.
The old man sighed, before waving his hand in dismissal.
"I guess it's a bit more complicated than that, just know that I wouldn't work there if I were you."
Sasuke still didn't understand why the quality of the building or the pay was so high if the owners were troublemakers.
"If they cause so much trouble, why do they have enough money to offer such high pay?"
The old man stared blankly at the sky.
His expression shifted into happiness, like he was remembering a particularly good moment. Then his face scrunched up as he tried holding in tears and he let out a small sob.
"Because," He started saying, voice choked with emotion. "The food is just so damn good."
He threw his broom on the ground, letting out a frustrated scream.
"Why?! Why is the food so good! Watcher damn them both!"
Sasuke slowly backed away from the crazy old man, deciding that maybe this old man was not the most sane person to get information from.
But... the pay was too good to pass up, and he was curious about this place.
Sasuke walked into the restaurant, pushing the damaged door open, revealing an interior that would have looked impressive if it weren't for the fact that most things were damaged.
Sitting behind the counter was a young-looking boy, white haired with pale skin and teal eyes.
"Ah, we are not currently open for service." The boy said, noticing Sasuke entering. "Please come back in 3 hours."
Sasuke examined the boy, he wasn't a sensor, but his instincts said this boy was strong, stronger than him.
"I'm here because of the job posting."
The boy brightened up.
"Wonderful, sometimes it is overwhelming helping Gōzu and Meizu with the food and serving customers at the same time."
The boy jumped over the counter, landing near him. He extended his hand for a handshake.
"I'm Saiken. Nice to meet you."
"Sasuke." He greeted back, shaking Saiken's hand. His hands were a bit... weird. Soft, but also slightly rubbery?
Sasuke filled that away in his mind, another strange detail about this place.
As they were greeting each other, a man came from the back room, contrary to Saiken, this one was built like a brick wall, muscles on top of muscles, he also gave the feeling of being a threat, but weirdly less than Saiken.
The most interesting thing was the weights around this person's limbs, he recognized them as Chakra Weights, weights that turned heavier if Chakra was channeled into them, meant for training.
Why would a cook be wearing Chakra weights?
"Oi. Kid. You here for the job?" The man questioned.
He nodded his head yes, and the man grunted, looking him up and down.
"Rules are simple." He started listing. "Do the boring parts of cooking that me or my brother don't feel like doing, don't ruin the food, listen to us."
The man paused.
"Also, I don't care what village you were or are part of, but no Shinobi bullshit in here, understood?"
Sasuke nodded again. That leaned in the direction that these two were Ex-Shinobi if they could tell at a glance that he was from a Shinobi Village, even if he wasn't exactly hiding it.
"I had some questions..." Sasuke trailed off awkwardly, realizing that he did not know the man's name.
"You can call me Gōzu, my brother is Meizu. What do you want to know?" Gōzu asked bluntly.
"Who are you? You're clearly strong, so why run a restaurant?"
Gōzu raised an eyebrow at the question.
"My brother wanted to get stronger, I wanted to retire from killing and settle down with a simple job, we both like food, so here we are."
Sasuke was confused, how is running a restaurant training?
Gōzu noticed his confusion, he gestured for Sasuke to follow him into the back of the restaurant, where they walked into the kitchen.
In there stood another man, similar in build and appearance to Gōzu, also wearing Chakra Weights.
The kitchen was big, and clearly saw a lot of use, but what caught Sasuke's attention immediately was that all the utensils were covered in seals.
Gōzu picked up a nearby frying pan and tossed it towards Sasuke. He grabbed it, only to let out a grunt, feeling his knees buckle under the sudden weight.
He gritted his teeth, using all his strength to barely keep himself upright.
What the in the gods name is this? These two were crazy, was every object in here weighed?
The other man noticed them and let out a loud laugh.
"HAH! Kid looks like he's about to topple over!"
Gōzu walked over and took the frying pan out of his arms, Sasuke staggered when he did that, finally able to stand without straining every muscle in his body.
"Ignore my brother, for looking like a dainty noble, you're pretty strong kid. Just gotta work harder." Gōzu advised simply. "Don't worry too much, we have normal stuff for the assistants."
Sasuke nodded numbly, still trying to wrap his head around this situation.
But the more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea of training and working at the same time.
"Actually, could I use the weighted tools?" He asked Gōzu.
Both brothers stared at him for a moment, before the other man let out another laugh, while Gōzu had a small smile.
"Ha! I like the look on your face kid!" The other man said loudly. "The name's Meizu, I guess you'll be working with us now."
Sasuke was sweating profusely. His breathing was ragged, and his body trembled with exhaustion.
He had spent the last few hours in the kitchen of the restaurant, undergoing what Meizu and Gōzu called 'basic training.'
But Sasuke knew better—it was torture.
"Come on, kid, those tomatoes won't chop themselves!" Meizu barked from his spot by the stove, where he was tending to a large pot of simmering soup.
Gōzu, meanwhile, was busy kneading dough for the bread they would be serving later that evening. Both men seemed to move effortlessly around the kitchen, despite the heavy weights on them and all the kitchen equipment.
Sasuke, on the other hand, was struggling just to keep up with the pace they set.
These two really were crazy, he forced himself to lift the knife, it weighed about 100 times more than normal, every time he chopped another vegetable, it sent a spike of pain through his muscles.
"Stop." Gōzu suddenly said. "Your cuts are becoming uneven, we are opening soon anyway, for today you will help Saiken with the serving, tomorrow we will continue this."
Sasuke resisted the urge to sigh in relief, he was at his limit, and he wasn't sure how much longer he could have kept going at this pace.
He stumbled out of the kitchen, only to find that Saiken had finished getting ready, wearing a waiter's uniform with the sleeves rolled up past his elbows. The tables were set, and everything was cleaned up and ready for customers.
"Ah, Sasuke-san." Saiken greeted politely. "Here is the restaurant's Bingo book."
A book was shoved into his hands, he looked at Saiken with confusion.
Bingo book? Why did a restaurant need a Bingo book? Why did he need a Bingo book?
"Why?" He asked plainly.
"For identifying customers that are banned." Saiken explained simply. "If you recognize anyone from the book, tell the brothers, they will handle it."
Sasuke didn't know what to say, he opened up the bounty book and found himself baffled at the content inside.
Reason for banning: Said Meizu was the weaker brother. Banned by Meizu.
List of know Jutsu and Skills:...'
This continued on for almost a full page, detailing every piece of information about the person's fighting style.
He flipped through the pages, seeing each of them having a similar amount of information. All of them banned for such mundane reasons.
'Called Saiken short, insulted Gōzu's fashion sense, complained about the prices, called Saiken a good boy...'
He looked up from the Bingo book with a dead expression, Saiken innocently stared back.
Sasuke was honestly speechless.
After using his Sharingan to memorize the Bingo book, the restaurant had opened its doors, and customers began to pour in.
The atmosphere was lively and energetic, with people chatting and laughing as they waited for their food. Sasuke noticed that many of the customers seemed to be regulars, greeting Gōzu, Meizu and Saiken by name and asking how business had been lately.
But despite the festive mood, there was also an undercurrent of tension in the air. He watched as Gōzu and Meizu moved around the kitchen, their movements precise and efficient, but he could see the tension in their shoulders and the way their eyes scanned the room, as if they were expecting trouble at any moment.
And it didn't take long for that trouble to arrive.
Saiken loudly spoke up.
"One at the counter."
His voice echoed around the restaurant, everyones eyes turned to the counter, half of them expectantly, the other exasperated.
A old dark-skinned woman jumped away from the counter and bolted towards the food trays Sasuke was carrying.
She reached out a wrinkled hand, aiming to grab a plate. But before she could touch anything, a blur rushed past Sasuke and suddenly, a hand was grabbing the woman's face, Meizu spun around and threw her through the window.
The moment the old woman hit the glass, she exploded into smoke, revealing that she was actually a short blonde woman with glasses.
"Damn it! Let me eat some of your food!" She shouted angrily from the street.
Meizu laughed loudly at the woman's anger, not affected by her fury.
"Never! Not after you insulted my muscles and hit on Saiken!"
Saiken quietly whispered to Sasuke as Meizu and the woman rushed at each other.
"She never actually hit me." He informed Sasuke politely. "I don't know why he says that."
Sasuke stared at Saiken in bewilderment, was he serious?
"That's not what hitting on someone means." He told Saiken flatly.
He blinked innocently, confusion evident in his eyes.
"It isn't?"
The days blurred together, the work at the restaurant leaving Sasuke exhausted, but his strength was increasing by leaps and bounds, he had never quite focused so much on the physical side of training, or at least not like this.
Once he got a bit more used to the strain, he had started training his Chakra Control and Elemental manipulation in evening.
He was no closer to uncovering the background of the brothers or Saiken, but honestly? He didn't really want to.
For one reason or another, none of them brought up their past, and he liked it that way.
He had been told by the Brothers that he was allowed to ban people from the shop today, and that he was now a full time cook, not just an assistant, he still served tables sometimes, he did not have the insane stamina of the other 3.
But he liked it, it was nice, when they cooked, there was just the constant rhythm of a moving kitchen, everything blending together in a chorus of chopping and sizzling food. When he served tables, he was constantly vigilant, trying to spot someone from the Bingo book, sometimes he was even the one who incapacitated them, he realized pretty early on that most of the fights were just sparring with a weird setup.
When there was nothing to do, all four of them sat around a table, talking about the latest news, talking about the stuff that happened that day in the restaurant, none of the three minded Sasuke staying quiet most of the time.
Sasuke had forgotten his troubles, only for a moment, but he forgot.
He had even rented a small apartment.
But today, he heard something from one of the tables he was serving.
Orochimaru was dead, Otokagure was wiped out, The Order had razed it to the ground in the span of 2 days.
That snapped him out of his peace, he felt the familiar old feeling of restlessness growing again, he was wasting his time, he needed to be stronger, to be better, he was wasting his time at the restaurant, he could improve faster if he didn't waste half his day serving tables and cooking food.
But the once pure hatred he felt was tainted, every time he imagined himself getting stronger, he remembered Ayumu's words.
He was tired.
So very tired.
He still hated Itachi, reasons or not, he had still killed his entire family, he put Konoha above his family.
He now hated Danzo, the person most responsible for setting up the Uchiha's slaughter.
He hated Obito, Madara, Black Zetsu, and all those involved in the machinations of the world that led to the Uchiha Massacre.
And a small part of himself hated Konoha, for being complicit in it, maybe if they weren't so paranoid about the Uchiha, the massacre wouldn't have happened.
But before it was simple, train to kill Itachi, that was it, then... something else, Sasuke hadn't really thought that far ahead.
Now? Now he had no idea what he wanted to do. Did he wage a one-man war on Danzo? Try and overthrow Konoha? Find a way to kill Obito? Force the Shinobi to make peace with each other?
He knew his hatred would overwhelm him if he just stayed and tried to live peacefully, so he compromised.
"Hello." He said to the Priestess at the Shrine. He felt slightly awkward, he didn't really know how to contact Ayumu.
"Ahhh, Sasuke, right? You look so much better than when you first arrived here!" The woman complimented with a smile. "Did you find a place to live?"
She remembered him? He had barely talked to anyone at the Shrine, just showed up randomly for food and sleep until he got a job and a place to stay.
"I'm fine now. I came here because I need to speak to Ayumu."
The woman's face shifted into one of confusion, before realization set in.
"Oh! There are prayer rooms free right now, come in and take a seat."
He followed her into the Shrine, entering a small room with cushions on the ground and some prayer beads in the middle.
The priestess excused herself to give him privacy. Sasuke was confused, how was this supposed to contact Ayumu? He stood there for a solid minute, then realized that Ayumu was considered a Saint, a dead Saint.
She probably thought he wanted to pray for guidance or something. He awkwardly stared at the prayer beads, he wasn't quite sure what to do now.
He would needed to reevaluate his approach, but he hesitated before he left.
The Order and Ayumu had done much for him, maybe he should give a simple prayer of thanks?
He sat down, not really knowing how to do this properly. He put the beads around his wrist, clasped his hands together and bowed his head.
'Thank you for your help.' He said silently. 'For helping me gain perspective and giving me shelter when I was lost.'
He took off the prayer beads, unsure if that was enough, he had never really done the whole praying thing.
"You seek guidance, young one?"
He jumped out of his skin, spinning around, hand reaching for a sword he wasn't carrying. The familiar figure of Ayumu was standing behind him, facing away, hands clasped behind his back.
"I will lend you my wisdom."
Maybe if they were on a cliff facing the sea it would be more dramatic, but they were in a small room, and Ayumu was in a corner, facing a wall.
Sasuke calmed down, letting out a breath.
"Hello Ayumu." He greeted the other man.
Ayumu didn't look at him, he kept staring forward.
Sasuke felt his eye twitch.
"You look ridiculous."
The man spun around quickly, grandly sweeping his arm outward, and accidentally hit the wall, not having enough room for his dramatic movement.
There was an awkward silence as Ayumu stared at his hand, still stuck against the wall.
"Damn it." Ayumu said quietly. "Why is this room so small?"
Sasuke rolled his eyes, but if anyone commented on the fact that their lips were slightly raised into a smile, he would stab them.
Ayumu simply sat down, and gestured for Sasuke to do the same.
"So what's up?" He asked, all the fake formality from earlier disappearing.
Sasuke wanted to ask many questions, like how long had Ayumu been watching him, did praying to the Watcher actually work? How did Ayumu enter the room without Sasuke noticing?
But he knew that he would probably get very unhelpful answers, he had only met this man twice before this and Sasuke was sure he delighted in frustrating people.
"You said that the Cursed Seal contained a fragment of Orochimaru's Soul." Sasuke stated instead.
Ayumu nodded his head.
"That's right."
He put his hand over where the seal was placed on his neck, it pulsed slightly, it always did, he had just learned to ignore it.
"Does the soul fragment have a consciousness? Can it think?"
The man stared at him, cocking his head slightly in thought.
"Well, first it's no longer a fragment, after Orochimaru died, his whole soul went into your seal."
That... was disturbing. Orochimaru's entire soul was inside his body? But it didn't change his plan much.
"And second, yes. It is conscious." Ayumu revealed casually. "But as I said, you have the whole package now, which means that the smaller, dumber Orochimaru has been swallowed by the bigger, more cunning and intelligent Orochimaru."
Sasuke felt his eye twitch again, could Ayumu not describe it like Orochimaru's were a species of wild animal?
He moved on, deciding not to reward Ayumu for his antics with a response.
"Would that interfere with your offer? Of removing the seal?" He questioned instead.
Ayumu shook his head in denial.
"Nope, Orochimaru might be a legendary Shinobi, but The Watcher is a God."
That was a relief, so if he really wanted too, he could be free from Orochimaru in an instant. That was actually comforting to know, that there was a way out if he ever wanted it.
But Sasuke did want something else.
"Would it be possible to let Orochimaru talk? Without giving him control over my body?"
Ayumu blinked, staring at Sasuke for a moment.
A vicious smile spread across Ayumu's face, his eyes dancing with amusement. His mouth opened.
"Sasuke." He drawled out slowly. "That sounds like an absolutely wonderful idea."
Sasuke rolled his eyes, he should have expected this.
"What do you need me to do?" He asked instead.
The man hummed, closing his eyes for a second before opening them again.
"I have a request." Ayumu stated simply. "If I do this for you."
There was little Ayumu could ask for that Sasuke wouldn't do, so he nodded his head yes without hesitating.
"Anything." He said confidently.
Ayumu gave him a serious look.
"Be a kind person." Ayumu started saying. "You should be well aware of the pain that comes from loneliness, hate, and anger. So please, leave this world a better place than when you found it. There are already so many people in this world that will seek to cause misery, do not become one of them."
Sasuke stared at the man, behind the lighthearted demeanor and slight insanity, Ayumu actually cared about people.
Sasuke could see why he was considered a Saint.
"I agree."
Ayumu gave a soft smile, nodding his head in acceptance.
"Now then, you need to meet God."
What the hell did tha-
The world around disappeared and shifted into a dark void, filled with millions of stars scattered throughout. There was no ground beneath his feet, and gravity ceased to exist in this strange place.
And floating above him was a god.
It was a thing of impossible size, towering over Sasuke like a colossal mountain. Its form was stars and darkness.
Sasuke's body moved on his own, his arm exposing the seal beneath his shirt.
A single hand moved, a single finger hovered over Sasuke, he could not move even if he wanted to, the presence before him was too great.
A drop of starlight and void fell from The Watcher's finger, it landed on Orochimaru's seal.
There was no pain or sensation.
And then Sasuke found himself back in the prayer room, Ayumu gone.
The only new addition was a note on the table.
It read. 'Just channel Chakra into the seal, if you do it normally you will tranform, if you do it while thinking about talking to Orochimaru, he will appear.'
"What the fuck." He whispered under his breath.
Sasuke was standing alone in the middle of his apartment, facing nothing but empty space. He let out a deep exhale, steeling himself for what was to come.
He channeled Chakra into his Cursed Seal, all the while making sure he didn't think about transforming, instead trying to focus on speaking to Orochimaru.
Like magic, Orochimaru appeared in front of him, standing there.
But almost on his face was an expression Sasuke had never seen on Orochimaru before, he was used to the hungry looks, to the sly smirk. But this man just looked...
"I suppose this is my fate." The man said quietly, looking up at the ceiling. "All my years of research, only for me to be trapped within a prison I created."
Sasuke didn't know what to say in response, this was... not how he expected it to go.
"I suppose you wouldn't be willing to hand over your body, Sasuke-kun?" Orochimaru asked lightly.
Was Orochimaru making a joke? This day was the weirdest he had ever had.
He shook off the thoughts, focusing back onto Orochimaru.
"Teach me all you know, no more of the games where you feed me scraps to maintain control." Sasuke said, eyes hardening.
Orochimaru raised an eyebrow.
"That would quite literally, take years."
Sasuke's expression did not change.
"If you do so, once I've learned everything you can teach me, I will find a new body for you."
Orochimaru laughed loudly, not the creepy chuckle he did so often, but a true laugh.
"Sure. Why not?" He said easily. "Not like I have anything else to lose."
"And you aren't allowed to take revenge on the Order for killing you."
The Snake Sannin rolled his eyes.
"Yes, yes." He drawled out slowly. "Anything else?"
Sasuke thought about it, but in the end shook his head no.
"Not yet, we'll see how long this lasts."
Orochimaru smiled again.
"Yes. We shall see indeed."