Tsunade was a little apprehensive, the Order had requested another meeting, she had a good idea of what topic they wanted to talk about.
She had received no reports about any army moving into the Land of Sound, so she assumed the Order had either decided not to attack Otogakure or something was preventing them from moving out.
Either way, she hoped that things didn't go too far, she really didn't want Kumo or Iwa to get involved.
Or gods forbid, Kiri.
That would be a disaster.
"Tsunade-sama!" She heard Shizune call out as the doors to her office opened. "The Order is here."
Tsunade nodded in acknowledgement, gesturing for her to let them in, Shizune quickly followed the order, letting in Yamada.
He entered with a bow and sat down across from Tsunade, smiling at her.
"It's nice to see you again, Hokage-sama." He greeted her.
"Same to you," She answered. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"The war has ended, Orochimaru is dead, Otokagure destroyed."
She blinked away her disbelief, no way that is true, it's been less than two weeks.
Not even getting into the fact that she had not received any word about any conflict, she did not for a second believe that they could kill Orochimaru so quickly, the man was... resilient.
She quickly put on a calm face before replying.
"That is good news, congratulations." She congratulated him halfheartedly.
His smile became amused, as if he knew what she was thinking.
His hands slowly reached into his robes and pulled out two scrolls.
He made sure to show them to Tsunade, letting her get a look at the seal on them, she recognized it as a storage seal.
He placed both of them down on her desk.
"The body of Yakushi Kabuto." He pushed one scroll forward. "And the heads of Orochimaru."
He pushed the second scroll forward.
Tsunade stared at them, baffled, there was no way this was true, right?
She quickly snatched up the second scroll, getting up and moving to the center of the room.
"Ah, I wouldn't do that inside, he wasn't quite human when he died." Yamada warned.
"Is this room big enough?" She snapped at him, if this was a trick, she would crush his legs, she didn't care about how the Order reacted.
"A-ah, yes." He quickly got up from his chair and moved to a corner.
She unfurled the scroll and paused, there were 8 seals on the paper, each one labelled with a number.
"Which one?"
"The first one is the most intact."
She ignored the implications of that for now and activated the first seal.
A massive white snake's head plopped down, its eyes were lifeless, and it was clearly dead. Tsunade still stared at it for a long moment.
She put her hand on its skin, it was cold, she sent her Chakra into it, probing it and comparing it to what she knew about Orochimaru.
Years she had spent healing Orochimaru, both on and off the battlefield, even mutated, she recognized it immediately.
She... didn't know what to think.
She would have to get it to a lab to confirm it for sure, but there was a good chance this actually was Orochimaru's head.
The man that she had grown up with, her fellow student under the Third Hokage, someone who once was a dear friend, someone she thought unkillable, was dead.
She pushed down the slight feeling of sadness.
Good riddance.
"Konoha will verify your claim," She told Yamada coldly. "But if true, you will receive the bounty payments."
"Of course, I understand." He agreed politely. "The Order would be willing to waive the half the bounty for a request, the details are on this scroll."
Yamada took out another scroll and put it on the table, then owed and left.
Tsunade looked at it, but ignored it for now.
"Shizune!" She called out. "Cancel all my appointments today and tomorrow, I need to verify something."
"Yes, Tsunade-sama!"
She grabbed both scrolls and sealed the snake head again, before heading for the lab.
She would confirm it herself.
Jiraya walked through the halls of T&I, he was currently headed to the incinerator, the biggest one they had, technically he was not supposed to be in Konoha currently, but after he got a message express delivered from Tsunade about Orochimaru's death, well, he decided to make an exception.
The brat would enjoy seeing his friends again anyway.
He opened the door and stepped into the observation room, through the reinforced glass he saw multiple massive heads of Orochimaru's Eight-Branches Technique body.
Tsunade and Anko were already here, staring at the remains of their former teacher and teammate.
He stood by Tsunade's side as they stared for a while.
"Are we sure this is him?" Jiraya asked, breaking the silence. "It could be some kind of decoy."
"As certain as can be," She replied, still staring straight ahead. "I did the autopsy myself, the genetic markers are almost completely identical with Orochimaru's samples we have on file, the remnants of his chakra signature were also a match."
Jiraya didn't reply, looking at the burnt remains of his former friend.
What kind of monster had he turned himself into?
They stood there for a few minutes before Tsunade pressed a button and flames poured into the room, engulfing the remains.
The only thing left would be ashes.
They watched as the flesh slowly burned, after everything biological was incinerated, the bones would be ground down and disposed of.
Tsunade took out a bottle and a few cups she had prepared, passing them around to Jiraya and Anko.
She filled each of their cups with sake and raised it in a toast, silently tipping her head in respect.
Jiraya glanced at Anko, who also had a complicated expression on her face, but they both followed Tsunade's example.
They drank, Tsunade poured a little on the ground.
"To Orochimaru." She said quietly. "May he find peace in death."
Anko felt a twinge in her Cursed Seal and didn't react, simply ignoring it with years of practice.
She was the least conflicted about his death, only feeling sad she could not do the deed herself.
Tsunade and Jiraya were having a more private get-together in Tsunade's home, this time drinking less sombrely.
But there was still a little bit of business to talk about.
"The Order has requested for me to go to the Land of Waves to heal some survivors of Orochimaru's experiments." Tsunade told him, taking a sip of her drink.
"Will you?" Jiraya asked curiously. "It could be a trap."
She shrugged.
It could be, but she was confident in escaping, especially since Jiraya was now here.
"I want you to come with me, I think they found something related to Konoha and want to be very sure that it doesn't leak out."
"Oh?" Jiraya sounded curious. "Why do you think that?"
"They are willing to waive half of Orochimaru's bounty for it, over 100 million ryō."
Jiraya blinked.
He whistled, that was a pretty good amount of money to just throw away for some healing, especially for people that weren't even part of the Order.
"That's... Interesting." He thought about it for a moment. "It could still be a trap, but that does make me more curious. Yeah, I'm in."
They both spend the rest of the night reminiscing about their younger days as Team Hiruzen, mostly before Orochimaru started going off the deep end.
Those days were so much simpler.