In a world of rival kingdoms and ancient mysteries, this webnovel tells the story of Ikaru, a seemingly ordinary young man hiding unfathomable power and a shadowy agenda. Hailing from the Kingdom of Ethril, Ikaru gathers a group of extraordinary companions: Ellie, a demon exile; Rura, a spider-elf hybrid; Xyser, a cursed outcast; Qunsil, a half-beast survivor; and Aariea, an enigmatic being of immense power. Together, they navigate tournaments, internal wars, and a dangerous new continent, manipulating events to serve Ikaru’s cryptic goals.
As kingdoms collapse and demons return, Ikaru’s association grows unstoppable, reshaping the world from the shadows. Yet, as his power rises, so does the mystery surrounding his true motives. In a climactic final arc, Ikaru’s ultimate plan is revealed, forcing allies and enemies alike to confront the cost of their choices in a battle that will define their world forever.