I and my mom

I got back from school ,and when I got home my mom was busy preparing lunch,I walked in straight to my room,for the first time my mom acted like she didn't notice i was back from school.

I took of my school uniform ,shoes and my legs were really sweaty I just had to take my bathe ,then I came out of room ,for the first time my mom didnt even act like she knew I came back from school it was at that moment ,I realised how pained she was.

I just wanted to get her attention ,so I hit my leg and pretended that I sprained my ankles I began to cry and shout,

"Oh my God!I just sprained my ankle it really hurts ,what should I do "?

I cried out more ,but she acted like she didn't even hear my voice at this point I just had to stand up wipe my tears and save my self the strength.

I went to the kitchen stood by her for some minutes ,every where is so quite she was busy chopping the carrot then I hug her from behind ,I felt very warm and at that moment I felt all my worries were all gone ,my mom froze l knew she felt the comfort also but she washed her hands and removed mine.

I had to speak now so I cleared my throat first then I said,

"Mom please can we talk?"

She stared at me for some seconds and headed to the dinning table,I already understood what that meant so I followed her then we both sat down ,after few minutes of silence I then started the conversation .

"Hey mom,I kind of seems like it been up to a year we spoke last ,I am really sorry for the way I spoke to you previously,i didn't mean for it to get to this extent all i wanted was for the both of us to have a mutual understanding,i never intended for this sincerely speaking mom".

My mom smiled,deep down I knew that was a smile of disappointment then she replied me.

"Oh really! tell me more,do you know your problem?I guess you don't,that why I will tell you,you think growing is about your looks but what you fail to know is that it way beyond that,growing means becoming matured, responsibilities , achievement,success and all this have stages , growing is more than your personal looks it more of your personalities,how you handle issues,how you behave towards a problem,what you have achieved ,and more.

I responded back ,

"Mom you fail to understand that I am not you,is not because you made a mistake about my age means I would make the same mistake,mom just give me a chance to prove you wrong please mom,I want to show you that i can handle alot without you mom please",

"Irene I don't hate you just know I want the best for you and I also want you to know that I will very happy if i am confident that you can now take your of self without me so am ready to give you a chance to prove me wrong "

"Really mom,I am so happy ,mom there is a school excursion that we would be going for soon we would be there for about two weeks and I want to use this opportunity to prove to you that I can take care of myself without you only if you allow me to take part mom",

"Fine , prepare yourself then because you are going ",

"Really!thank you so much mom I love you ,you are definitely the best it is time to show you what I am made of mom,you are the best"

I was so excited I even hugged my mom,and peck her on her lips .

My mom stood up to complete her cooking again,I assisted her this time then we both ate together when we were done I thanked my mom for such an amazing food .

I took the plates to the kitchen and washed ,then straight to my room ,I picked up my phone called my best friend Rina.

"Hey bestie"

"Irene what good ?"

I smiled then continued

"Guess what my Rina "'

"Oh no! You know I am not good at guessing so tell me"'

"Ok you win,I and my mom finally spoke and she permits me to go for the excursion ",

"Hmm,so how did you convince her to let you go for the excursion?"

"Oh she said she wants me to prove her wrong that I am now old enough to take care of myself "

"Okk,as for me my mom permits me and my dad don't give a F**k "

"Come on Rina don't bring that mood changer into our conversation again please,this is not time for that",

"That is true sorry about that baby*,

"It fine girl,just make sure you prepare for this trip"

"Lol,you called it a trip,that cracks me up"

"What is a better name to call an excursion that would last for more than a week if not a trip or should I say a vacation"

We both were laughing until I heard a very scary sound in Rina's background that looks like smashing of things ,I was more convinced that something was going wrong when I had Rina begging,

"Dad please stop ,dad please stop , would you just die",

I then asked Rina

" Hello,hello,Rina speak to me what is going on there?"

The call began cracking and suddenly the phone call got cut,I tried calling again but it was not going ,I was so annoyed I began questioning my self ,why is this man such a dick ,why ?.

I didn't know what to do at that point because it was late ,I only called the 911 and directed them to Rina house,I told the police that there is something wrong going on there.

I only hoped nothing wrong will happen before the police gets there ,I could hardly sleep that night I prayed for the next day as soon as possible.