Inside the warehouse Takehiko and Loyd were battling each other until a trio of Trinity beasts appeared.
"Kazu, Nake and Mash, you three are back and I thought that I had escaped you guys what do you want now?" Loyd asked acting as if he was curious.
"Do you know these three?" Kevin asked.
Loyd answered Kevin's question and said, "yeah they were the Trinity beasts assigned to capture me after I escaped from their prison, if you want to hear the details I'll tell you about it later".
"Enough with the chit chatting now then shall we get on with the fight."said Nake.
The battle began, Kevin,Takehiko and Loyd's attacks collided with Kazu,Nake and Mash's attacks and the warehouse is destroyed.
Whew good thing we're in a deserted part of sector 1, Kevin thought.After the explosion they all got separated and each of them are faced off with an opponent. Kevin was faced with Kazu, Loyd was faced with Nake and Takehiko was faced with Mash.
Kevin and Kazu's fight began and without wasting time Kazu used his power 'water bubble blast' and he shot Kevin with many water bubbles but Kevin continuously dodged them, climbed up a fallen building and stood on top of it.
He then jumped with high speed towards Kazu but Kazu used his technique 'Trinergy control creation+ability: bubble barrier' and a barrier made up of a water bubble surrounded Kazu and deflected Kevin's attack which pushed him Kevin back but he landed on his feet on top of the building.
Kevin attempted to attack Kazu once more but then Kazu trapped Kevin inside a bubble barrier, he made many attempts to slash through the barrier but all failed.
"Hah it's indestructible there's no way you can escape it, hahahahaha." Kazu said as he laughed.
"No way to escape it, don't make me laugh!" Kevin shouted, then he charged up his Trinergy and then he used an ability he learnt to use during training 'Trinergy release' and all of his Trinergy was released with an extraordinary amount that shattered the barrier then he jumped towards Kazu.
Crap I forgot it was a Trinergy control but there's no way he can break this one cause I have concentrated all of my Trinergy into this barrier so there's no way he's breaking through, Kazu thought as he surrounded himself with his bubble barrier.
But then as Kazu had surrounded himself Kevin used his power boost and boosted the amount of Trinergy he had and from a distance he used 'Trinergy release' and the bubble barrier started cracking and then it shatters also.
"You're mine!" Kevin yelled as he began charging up all of his Trinergy into his sword then a yellow aura surrounded the blade and Kevin revealed his newest technique 'Trinergy control destruction: Yellow divine slash' and a giant colossal slash appeared and covered the whole sky leaving Kazu with no escape.
BOOOOMMMM! The attack landed and Kazu was killed.
Meanwhile after Kevin won his fight Loyd continued his fight against Nake and it seems like Nake was winning against Loyd.
"Hahahahaha how can you beat me when you're so pathetic?" Nake asked as he laughed out loud.
Loyd got mad and used his technique 'multiple space punches' and tried to punch Nake rapidly through portals but failed since all his punches were dodged, then Nake used his own powers 'blast' and blasted Loyd but Loyd used a portal and Nake's blast got inside and another portal opened behind Nake and his blast came out but before the blast hit Nake he quickly absorbed it and blasted Loyd again but this time Loyd couldn't react and gets hit.
He quickly got up but then before he did anything a lot of blasts appeared and they all hit him until he crashed into a fallen building.
Nake walked towards Loyd in and stood in front of him then he laughed at Loyd for being weak. Loyd also started laughing then he got up and without wasting time he quickly grabbed Nake by his head and jumped in a portal with him and they both appeared in the sky falling with Nake below Loyd then Loyd said, "you're strong but I doubt that your endurance is so let's see if you can survive this fall."
Nake and Loyd continued to fall at sonic speed and before reaching the ground Loyd got inside a portal and Nake crashed on the land.
Loyd quickly rushed to the direction where Nake crashed to check on him and when he reached there he saw Nake standing on his feet but really bleeding.
Without wasting time Nake blasted Loyd with his strongest technique called 'Blast of destruction' and blasted Loyd.
The attack dealt massive damage on Loyd but then he laughed and said, "you think you're so strong, well I've been holding back my self I have been using transporting space but now it is time I use destruction space."
'Trinergy control destruction+ability:space destroying blast' he raised his hand up then down then the space in Nake was totally disintegrated.
" 'Space destroying blast' is a power that ignores the strength,defence, durability and endurance and anything else but all it does is to disintegrate anything I aim ta within the space." Loyd said as he left.
Takehiko continued to fight Mash the strongest Trinity beast of the three. Crap this guy is really strong he's actually the strongest person I've ever fought, Takehiko thought while blasting Mash with wind arrows but it seemed like Mash was avoiding them easily.
While Takehiko was busy shooting Mash he dropped his guard in defence, then Mash saw an opportunity and teleported behind Takehiko and punched him rapidly then Takehiko got thrown into a fallen building and but he got up.
Before Takehiko could do anything Mash quickly teleported to him and kicked him away. Without wasting time Takehiko quickly waked up and used his technique 'Trinergy control creation: stone barrier' and a barrier made up of stones appeared.
In the stones Takehiko tried to rest but Mash teleported inside Takehiko's barrier and smashes him out of it. Damn it, so I was right his power is teleportation, now what should I do? Takehiko thought.
As Takehiko was thinking Mash used his technique 'Trinergy control destruction: teleporting blasts' and many blasts appeared but then they all teleported.
Confused Takehiko decided to use his technique 'Wind force' and a lot of wind bursted out and destroyed everything but then the blasts reappeared in front of him and they all exploded.
After the explosion Takehiko got thrown into a fallen building and crashed, then he fell into the ground. When Takehiko had fallen Mash used his technique 'energy beam' and shot out a beam of energy towards Takehiko.
Uhh it's all over there's no use to try anything cause I'm dead, Takehiko thought as he lost all hope.
But before the blast hit him Kevin and Loyd appeared in front of him and Loyd used his power 'Different space' and sent the three of them to his own pocket space.
"You look like you've seen a ghost Takehiko." Loyd said while laughing lightly.
"Yeah I told you that Loyd was different then the others, this guy is stronger than anything we've ever faced but I'm sure if we team up we can defeat him," Kevin said while both him Loyd and took out their hands to reach to Takehiko.
Takehiko smiled lightly and took his hands out then grabbed Kevin and Loyd's hands then they helped him to stand up and after he stood up he said, "Hahahahaha you're right the three of us together we will defeat him".