The warehouse was a crappy place full of crates Inside, Kevin found Loyd crying and decided to talk to him.
"You what are you doing here?" Loyd asked.
"Hey Uhm are you crying because of what the people said about you, don't mind them they're going to speak because they don't understand you," Kevin said ignoring Loyd's question.
Loyd replied, "what does it matter to you anyway, you're obviously here to try and kill me again aren't you ."
Kevin took out his sword and Loyd did his fighting stance but to his shock Kevin threw the sword away but Loyd said "Huh I'm not an idiot, you can just telepathically grab your sword."
"Can I have your name?" Kevin asked.
"It's Loyd." He answered.
"It's Loyd right, Loyd please trust me cause I'm also trying to trust you, I mean if you were evil like the rest you could have used your powers and grabbed my sword and you would be three swords away from freeing your king," Kevin said.
Loyd smiled then said, "It's been a long long time since a human ever told me that he trusted me, so talk to me what did you want."
"I'm offering you a chance to change yourself cause I can obviously see that you want to help the world so let's form an alliance, what do you say?" Kevin smiled happily as he brought his hand forward in other to shake hands with Loyd.
Deception? No I can't sense any space of deception coming from him, everything he said he means it so should I trust him? Yes I should, Loyd thought to himself.
"Kevin is your name right, what if I'm evil and I'm just tricking you what will you do then?" Loyd questioned.
Kevin responded in a smiling murderous form "Well if that were to happen I'll gladly kill you without having a second thought about it."
Loyd started smiling and crying a little then he said, "sorry for being so emotional but it's been a really long time since a person trusted me so I'll form an allia...", but before Loyd could finish his sentence a powerful stone attacked Loyd.
"Thanks for keeping him busy so that he can't run away again Kevin." Takehiko said as he appeared.
"What! So you were working with him, I should have known that you were too good to be true." Loyd said.
"What no you guys got it all wrong now all of you stop fighting so we can talk this whole thing out." Kevin said.
"Huh Kevin you're such a fool for thinking that you can trust a Trinity beast, you even want to form an alliance with this monster, this piece of trash and junk will just end up betraying you idiot." Takehiko disrespectfully said.
"I can sense that you're hurting but that doesn't give you the right to talk to me like that bro." Loyd said.
"Huh what do you know about hurting you monster."
Loyd got really angry at Takehiko for insulting him but Takehiko continued to mock Loyd and prepared to attack him. Kevin quickly tried to stop them from fighting each other but both of them angrily advised Kevin to Back off and he got intimidated.
Takehiko quickly used his earth powers, summoned a lot of rocks and attacked Loyd using them but Loyd opened a portal and the stones entered and they reappeared behind Takehiko and hit him.
Takehiko got angry and decided to use his technique 'wind blow', a massive amount of wind hit Loyd and he crashed into the walls and he got even angrier than he was so he quickly got up but before he could do anything Takehiko used another technique 'Trinergy control+ability:stone and wind bow and arrow'.
The technique created a bow made of stone with compressed wind acting as both the string and the arrows.
He shot an arrow at Loyd but his attack was dodged and the arrow blew a hole in the walls.
Without wasting any time Takehiko continued blasting Loyd with rapid arrow shots but Loyd kept on managing to dodge the arrows and ran towards Takehiko but then Takehiko shot another arrow at Loyd but then Loyd opened up a portal, got inside and appeared behind Takehiko and attacks him with a strong punch that sends him flying.
Takehiko got up and shot another arrow at Loyd while his guard was down and it hit him and blew him away, he took the full force of the arrow and received damage and started bleeding from his nose.
Loyd stood up and used his technique 'space punches' and rapidly punched Takehiko through his portals. The situation left Takehiko totally vulnerable to all of Loyd's attacks since he had no idea where the attacks would appear from.
Takehiko quickly adapted and blew wind everywhere which stopped all of Loyd's punches.
Both Takehiko and Loyd ran towards each other with the total intentions of killing each other and attempted it with full power but then Kevin appeared in the middle of both of them and grabs their fists and said, "stop it the both of you, that's enough you two were so busy fighting each other that you didn't even notice that we have uninvited guests."
Both Takehiko and Loyd looked up and saw three Trinity beasts and then one of the Trinity beasts said," uhh why did you stop if you two had killed each other that would have made things way more easier for us."