Chapter 11 The mysterious Trinity beast

It was a quiet day with a beautiful sunshine, Kevin and Takehiko were busy continuing their training with Maki.

But trouble was about to erupt, at sector 1 Trinity beasts had emerged.

Huff huff huff huff, a Trinity beast panted while running away from three other Trinity beasts.

"You won't get away from us you traitor!" one of the Trinity beasts yelled. The Trinity beast being chased continued to run away and it opened up a portal and jumped in before they could catch it.

"Damn it he used his spacial powers to get away from us." another Trinity beast said.

Kevin and Takehiko finished their training for the day and left.

The next day Kevin and Jack met up and went to school together. They quickly reached school before the bell rang and they chatted for a while until the school bell rang.

In break time Kevin went to train volleyball with his teammates they needed to prepare for the volleyball tournament that will take place in about six weeks later, Takehiko sat under the trees like how he always did but Jack and Elaine meet up in secret.

"Good you made it," Elaine said to Jack.

"Yeah it was easy but enough with the chatting, tell me why did you call me?" Jack asked.

"I've thought of a plan to find out what Kevin's hiding and the sooner we find out the less I can worry. Anyway enough of that, on to business, the plan is simple if the monsters are after Kevin that they must want something from him and he might also have what they want since he has been able to survive two attacks, the plan is we should disguise ourselves as a monster and go to him so he'll volunteerilly tell us everything." Elaine said explaining her plan.

Jack started having his doubts and saif, "I think we should let it go cause if it wasn't anything serious he would have told me plus look we're meeting up in secret and ain't telling him so we also have a secret we're not telling him, so that means that he also has a right to keep secrets plus that idea is stupid."

Elaine responded to Jack by saying, "Are you just seriously going to let it go, what if this secret is something too serious that maybe put his life on the line , don't you wanna save your friend, what will the future you say when your friend is dead and maybe you could've helped him."

Jack finally got convinced and agreed to do her plan and Elaine tells him that he should go and by a monstrous outfit at the Halloween shop so that they can use it and Jack ordered it online.

After a couple of hours learning the school bells rang. Kevin and Takehiko made their way to Maki's house to continue training. When Kevin and Takehiko entered at Maki's house, Maki threw Kevin his sword 'booster' and told them to hurry at sector 1 cause the news reported that four new Trinity beasts had emerged.

Without wasting time Kevin and Takehiko rushed from sector 10 all the way to sector 1 within 20 minutes and when they arrived Kevin started looking for clues but Takehiko tracked the Trinity beasts by their Trinergy. Both Kevin and Takehiko rushed to the direction of the Trinity beasts and they spotted an old warehouse and headed towards it.

Inside the warehouse was the Trinity beast who was being chased by the three Trinity beasts sensed both Kevin and Takehiko approaching.

It had blue fur surrounding it's body, pointy ears, a nose fine looking nose, his mouth had a tooth coming out and it's hands were like that of a human but with fur.

"Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap, those two powerful Trinergy's are heading this way, wait that Trinergy there could be no doubt about it that's the FSM and a Trinity human, Craaaapppppp!" The Trinity beast yelled inside the warehouse.

When Kevin and Takehiko entered the warehouse they found the Trinity beast standing on top of crates and it said, "Crap I was right, quickly I should RUN FOR MY LIFE!"

The moment the Trinity beast ran away both Kevin and Takehiko immediately chased after him but then a spacial portal opened up and the Trinity beast jumped inside and it closed.

Takehiko got mad due to the fact that the Trinity beast ran away and so they decide to go back to Maki's house to continue their training and on their way there Kevin said "Hey uhm Takehiko why do you think that Trinity beast ran away from us, I mean it's actually pretty odd plus the power it used was space and oldman Maki said that you can't use space."

"Idiot space is also another cause of chaos, it's his ability and remember Maki said that you can't use space when you're doing a Trinergy control unless it's your ability kind of like my abilities, wind and earth, anything can be a cause of destruction even the most unnoticeable, also no matter how much that Trinity beast runs away I will find it and I'll kill it." Takehiko said.

The next day at school Kevin and Takehiko heard screams for help and went to check it out, when they reached there they saw a janky looking monster that people were running away from.

"Hey Uhm is it me or that Trinity beast looks janky?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah I also see it and it doesn't have any Trinergy."

One everybody had fled Kevin quickly attacked and punched the janky looking Trinity beast.

AAAAHHHHHHHHH! The beast screamed in a familiar voice.

"Wait I know that voice, " Kevin said as he went to the janky looking Trinity beast and ripped it off, it turned out that there was no Trinity beast but rather Jack dressed up like one, he was bleeding in his forehead cause of Kevin's punch.

"I knew it Jack what are you doing?" Kevin asked.

"I was Uhm playing a prank." He answered.

"A prank well how about you come to my office so that I can prank you as well." The school principal said behind him.

After school Kevin decided not to go and train at Maki's place cause he needed a little break and time to think about that Trinity beast, on his way home he saw a little girl trying to cross the road but then a truck appeared going fast and it looked like the truck was going to accidently hit the girl but before the truck could hit the girl a portal opened and the Trinity beast that escaped from them appeared from the portal and pushed the girl out of danger the sent her across the road thereby saving her life.

But instead of the people cheering for Loyd and thanking him they all grabbed rocks and throwed them at the Trinity beast and they insulted him, this scene hurt the Trinity beast and he left by using his portal.

Kevin who saw everything noticed that something was wrong and so he telepathically pulled his sword 'booster' from his house and ran to the warehouse where they found Loyd the first time.

When Kevin reached the warehouse he got inside and found Loyd sitting on top of crates crying and so Kevin decided to talk to him.