Chapter 10 Who's the saviour?

"Yo guys I'm back," Kevin said while reentering the house.

Takehiko looked at Kevin and said, "so you're already back, how strong was that Trinity beast."

"Yeah here's the thing when I got there I saw that Trinity beast lying down on the road and it was decapitated so I returned I think that the military crew killed it." Kevin answered.

"What but I just saw you wearing a mask and fighting that Trinity beast in the news." Takehiko said.

"What! Me do I have a twin can I see?" Kevin asked.

Maki showed Kevin a video of the saviour defeating the Trinity beast, "This isn't you?" Maki asked.

"What guys I'm fast but not that fast I'm not fast enough to change my clothes within this amount of time." Kevin responded.

"Yeah you might be right but that person is carrying a sword that looks exactly like yours and you body is similar to his so what exactly is going on here?" Takehiko asked.

"Yeah I also don't understand is somebody cloning me, do I have any secret relatives what's going on here?" Kevin asked himself. "Anyway there's one more thing troubling me, why did that Trinity beast not erode away or maybe it's still alive and also why do they erode away in the first place."

"You see that wasn't a Trinity beast that was a form of Trinity beast that is created by Koroshi, it's called a Trinity monster it's comprised of Koroshi's Trinergy and so after its been killed it does not erode away " Maki explained.

"Ok I understand that but why do they erode away in the first place?" Kevin continued to question.

"I knew that one day you'll ask me this and all though you may not like the answer you have every right to know about. You see lord Trinity placed a curse on the evil rebellious Trinity humans and turned them into the Trinity beasts, but that wasn't the only thing he did, the curse he placed to them does this effect to them as well, you see whenever a Trinity beast dies their souls erode away into nothingness." Maki explained.

Kevin was shocked to learn about this but it explained everything.

Meanwhile the military army's research HQ have obtained the monster and have begun their research but after the research they find out that none of their weapons can hurt, injure or kill these creatures.

Kevin told Maki that he and Jack made plans but before he left he asked for Maki's permission to join the school's volleyball team and surprisingly Maki allowed him because he thought that it was his right to play volleyball.

Before Kevin could leave Takehiko insisted on coming with him and he kept refusing, saying that it's only him and Jack, but after Takehiko kept on insisting Kevin eventually agreed and they went to hang out with Jack.

Three hours passed, Kevin, Jack and Takehiko went to their homes and surprisingly the three of them bonded well and had fun together.

Once Kevin reached to his house he found his mother busy watching news. Kevin was shocked to see that his mother was watching the news cause his mother did not like watching the news.

The next day the schools were open and Kevin went to school. When Kevin got to school he was shocked and surprised by the fact that everyone was busy talking about the 'saviour'.

Who is this saviour? Is he an ally or not? Kevin thought to himself as all of these questions rolled in his head.

Kevin then stopped thinking too much, relaxed and he went with Takehiko towards Jack. When they reached to where Jack was the three of them started chatting but then Kevin saw Elaine standing and talking to her friend Kanao.

Kevin decided to waste no time and he quickly headed towards Elaine and asked to speak with her for two minutes. Elaine agreed and Kanao left and they started talking.

"Hi Elaine it's so great to see that you're doing well you know I was really worried about you," Kevin said.

"Yeah I'm fine, so if that's all you wanted to say than I'm leaving." Elaine rudely said as she started walking away. But then Kevin grabbed her by her hand and pulled her closer to him, she started blushing and Kevin said, "the thing is I actually wanted to check if whether or not you're still mad at me and I want to make it up to you somehow, so how about we go on a date since our last one was distracted."

Uhh what do I do he's so charming and cute and no matter how much I try I can't resist his charms, No! I have to resist, She thought as she managed to control herself and quickly refused Kevin's invite then she immediately left.

Two weeks passed with no attacks from the Trinity beasts and Kevin had been training his destruction form, and also been practising volleyball ball, within the same time the military army also trained to strengthen their strength and to be able to stop the next attack and Takehiko had been training to become stronger.