
"Logan can't be killed by the bullets we created for monsters; neither can a mere wooden stake kill him too. He's immortal and extremely dangerous and isn't affected by sunlight. Now can you see what you've done Frances?"

I sat there without an inkling of what I could do. I felt my heart racing especially while looking at Mr Greene. He was extremely scary.

"I didn't do any of this intentionally. I didn't even know I could do such," I defended myself.

"But you did it anyway," Mr Greene calmly said while still observing me closely.

"Please…." I pleaded because that's the only reasonable thing I could do.

"Are you aware she brought these creatures into our land?" Mr Greene shifted his attention to Luke and I gulped in fear that he'd throw me under the bus.

"I'm aware that she's innocent," Luke defended me and took my hand in his.

In silence, Mr Greene looked down at our intertwined hands.

"What do you suggest, Mr Greene?" Officer Zillah asked and he looked at my face before parting his lips to say; "She has to undergo…"

Strangely, I gasped loudly as I felt myself being sucked away and the next time I blinked, I was in my room.

Confused, I looked around and slowly got up from my bed as I tried to understand the situation.

Did I teleport myself back home?

No, I couldn't do that.

If I did that then my punishment would be worse than death. It is disrespectful to walk out on someone of authority, most especially the chief officer of the industry of magic.

I quickly got up in fright and that was when my mother opened the door as she screamed my name.


"Yes?" I calmly responded while trying to grasp everything.

"You have a guest."

At her words, I blinked. Could it be Rene?

Did I go back in time again?

Oh no, it couldn't be right?

I hastily got out of bed and was about to rush out the door but stopped midway.

Shock was written over my face as I looked at my mother's appearance and found her wearing the same outfit she wore this morning before I was taken to the industry.

"What's the problem?" She asked on noticing how I behaved.

"Is the guest Officer Zillah?"

At my question, she nodded and smiled before asking, "How did you know?"

Without giving a response, I teleported myself out of the house and appeared right outside the apartment.

I groaned in disappointment because I wanted to teleport myself to Rene's place but ended up here.

I couldn't afford to face Zillah and let her take me to the industry again. With that in mind, I began to run and strangely my surroundings started shifting and I froze in fear because it was weird how a place would suddenly be bright and the next moment dark.

Currently, everywhere was dark and I was the only one standing in the middle of the street.

"What's going on?"

I asked no one in particular and tried running again just for everywhere to go bright once again.


How could I do any of this?

Could it be that I can control day and night? That can't be possible right?

As someone was about to jog past me, I stopped him and asked a quick question.

"What day is it Mr?"


He replied and continued running.

"Tuesday?" I mumbled to myself and looked around.

When I looked down at my outfit, I noticed I was wearing a pair of blue jean trousers on a grey top.

No way!

This was exactly what I wore to Rene's place the night we played the box game which was today!

No way!!

My eyes went wide in disbelief as I remained standing in astonishment.