

I quietly watched her as she relived everything that happened that day. She was in great shock and terribly frightened.

Some things didn't change. She hadn't fully overcome fear and it made me smile at the fond memory of us.

When I felt it was enough, I took hold of her hand and teleported us somewhere else.

She gasped loudly as she quickly looked around before bringing her focus to me. She was breathing heavily while staring at me with so much dread like I was the greatest monster she ever came in contact with. It was heart wrenching.

For a while I just stared at her, taking in her appearance and the way her lips parted as she breathed heavily. In silence my eyes trailed down her neck and I gulped when the urge to bite her came.

Strangely, as a vampire I should've gone on a rampage, sucking people dry but here I was. I was able to control the urge. Initially I wanted to take a bite from Frances but I had decided to bite her friend instead.

"Don't you miss me?" I asked the question I've been longing to receive an answer for.

When she didn't speak but kept staring at me with so much fright, I decided to let go of her hand and take a step away from her.

Well, who wouldn't be scared of me? I was a monster and deep down I knew it. And as expected she tried to run but couldn't because I had controlled her body to stay put. After all I was a grey cell, I could control anyone…. but I couldn't fully control Frances because I never dared to do it because of the love I had for her.

"Y…you ... .I…" she tried to make a sentence but couldn't.

Tears filled the brim of her eyes as her breathing deepened.

"You nearly killed my friend….you-"

"You didn't answer my question," I interrupted her and she gave me an incredulous look.

She had matured so much and was insanely beautiful. All I wanted to do was kiss and hold her but I couldn't because she saw me like an alien.

She quickly wiped the tears off her face and glared at me.

"Why? Why do you have to frighten me all the time! Why! Why do you have to torture me? Why are you here now? Why are you doing all this to me? Why!!! Why am I being tortured, Logan? I didn't mean for you to die, I really didn't…." And she burst into tears.

At least there was progress today. She was willing to listen even though I had forced her to be in my presence.

"Screw it!"

I cursed as I cupped her face and leaned in to kiss her.

The moment my lips made contact with hers, she stopped crying and in that moment I closed my eyes and just let myself feel her after so long.

The more she didn't react, the more I knew she was in shock.

When I was about to deepen the kiss she pushed me away and my countenance fell when I found her looking at me like I was a complete stranger.

"Why?" She boldly whispered that question but instead of answering, tears came to my eyes when I noticed a flicker of irritation.

"What's the point asking those questions?"

Saying that, I turned around and walked away with a heavy heart.



I couldn't even call after him as I watched him walk away. It still felt surreal that he actually kissed me. He kissed me!

"Go back," he said while walking away with his back facing me and I blinked in confusion until I was suddenly sucked into nothingness and the next time I blinked my eyes, I found myself back in Mr Greene's office.

Everyone was looking at me but I was still in shock as I tried to comprehend what just happened.


If Logan could send me back then this meant I was nothing compared to him.

How powerful was he?

He couldn't time travel but how is it that he appeared in the past with me?

Could it be that he has three cells?

My eyes widened in disbelief and my lips parted as my heart began to race wildly.

"What do you suggest, Mr Greene?" Officer Zillah asked and I looked at Mr Greene's face in dread as he parted his lips to say; "She has to undergo isolation and will be confined until we get to the root of this nightmare she created. However, when we do get to the root of it, a judgement will be declared on you, Frances," Mr Greene announced and my senses came back as I blinked at him in horror.

Without saying another word he went back to his seat.

"Frances, we'll get you out by all means okay?" Luke assured me and I slowly looked at him with fear evident on my face.

"Stay with me… please," I pleaded and he nodded in understanding before kissing me on the forehead and rubbing my back. He was so calm.

"As for the rest of you, we'll keep a close eye on you," Mr Greene said before giving Zillah a signal.

"Frances, follow me," she ordered but I couldn't get up.

"Ogan will come fér her," the goblin declared and I quickly looked at it in horror only for it to smile eerily at me as two authorities took him and the Fae out while Zillah waited for me to get up.

"Let him come. It'll be to our advantage," Mr Greene agreed and I shifted my gaze back to him. I still couldn't understand how he was ok with harming his son. At the same time I understood his decision.

When Zillah placed her hand on my shoulder, I jerked a little as my attention instantly shifted to her.

"Let's go," she said.

"I'll be with you," Luke said and I nodded while holding his hand tight.

Getting up, my legs wobbled but Luke's hand quickly came around me.

"I got you," he said and helped me outside.

As we walked with officer Zillah along the industry's large hallways, I began to shiver in fear.

Mr Greene wasn't bluffing about declaring judgement on me and that judgement is none other than being burnt. Why I say so is because there were people who were burnt alive. I was unfortunate to witness one and it was horrible.

I could still hear the woman's screams of anguish in my ears as she kept screaming; "I'm innocent."

She was a yellow cell.

Come to think of it, most people burnt by fire possessed yellow cells.

At that realization, I stopped and it caught Zillah's attention.


I looked at her and continued walking.

"Nothing's going to happen." Luke assured me but at this point that was a lie.

What if I just run away?

At that thought, I remembered Logan telling me many times to stop running when I wanted to avoid something.

He had constantly told me to face things head on and that was how I was able to survive my secondary level in school.

"What would you like to study in college, Frances?" Logan once asked.


"Why?" he had asked.

"Because I want to travel around the world and learn new things. I want to explore." I had told him only for him to nod and say, "You already have that potential buried inside of you."

My steps faltered as realization dawned on me. What did he mean by that?

Did he know I would one day travel back and forth in time?

That's strange.

"Frances." Luke called my name and I quickly snapped back to reality.

"Are you sure you're alright?" He worriedly asked and I nodded and the more I stared at Luke, the more I got reminded of Logan.

And my eyes subconsciously lowered to his lips and my mind was pushed back to when Logan kissed me.

I quickly blinked that thought away and kept walking until we got to the room I would be confined in.

It was like a bedroom but it was ordinary.

"Hopefully, you'll be here for only some days if we're able to get to the root of this on time," Zillah reassured me and I nodded.

But before I stepped into the room, I embraced Luke tightly and so did he.

When it was time to let go, I couldn't but I had to.

His friends and Rene weren't allowed to follow so I had just him to bid farewell to… for the time being.

"I'll be back," he promised and I nodded before stepping into the room.

Zillah exchanged her final look with me before closing the door and it locked automatically.

In silence I looked around.

It was a white room with a bed, chair, table and books to study as well as a closet with some clothes to change into. And there was a door leading to the bathroom and toilet if I'm not mistaken.

This is where they put individuals who were still being investigated, so I still had hope.

But how long will my hope last when everything pointed to me?

"Why did you have to come back now, Logan?" I whispered in frustration as I lowered myself on the floor in exhaustion.