Soo-ah wandered past the aisles of groceries stocked neatly on the gondola shelves around her. Her eyes skimmed through rows and rows of beverages, instant noodles, snacks, and pastries, until finally…
She found what she was looking for at the lowest tier of the shelf where she stopped. Smiling victoriously, she squatted down to make headway for her spoil when a tiny pair of hands grabbed it at the same time as she did.
She snapped her head only to come face-to-face with a little girl with the most ferocious gaze she had ever seen. Her big, dark-brown eyes were narrowed at her, and her long, thin brows and cherry lips scrunched up; she shook her little head until her long, braided, dual ponytails shook as if to say, 'don't touch.'
"That's mine," she finally declared, her shrill voice carrying all the authority and dictatorial tone of an army general. "I'm having it for breakfast."