After living six lives filled with betrayal, tragedy, and unfulfilled potential, a weary soul finds himself standing before the Gate of Judgment. Each of his past lives- ranging from a street-running criminal to a poisoned businessman, a selfless doctor to a betrayed gangster, has ended in a bitter twist, leaving him with memories of a fate that never quite aligned. But this time, things are different. In the afterlife, the balance of his deeds-good and bad-leaves the gods and devils in a bind: neither Heaven nor Hell can claim him.
With no clear destination, the god and devil offer him a gamble: a new life in a world where both magic and technology thrive, with a certain amount of wishes to guide his path. But there’s a catch- should his deeds remain balanced, his soul will be erased forever. With stakes high and a chance at redemption, he accepts the challenge, stepping into a new universe where he will rise again- this time in a world of power, politics, and supernatural intrigue.
With his past lives as both a guide and a curse, he sets off on a journey to carve his own destiny in this new world- where every decision may tip the scales of fate forever.