There were twelve towering, black monoliths and the furthest three bore human figures, enshrouded in the fading red glow of Harry's failing revealing charm, upon them.
Viktor Krum had already arrived, his head and neck transfigured into that of a shark. His self-transfiguration had not gifted him particularly good vision, however, something Harry felt a slight sympathy for, and he was struggling to sever the ropes that bound Hermione to her stone.
Harry weighed up his options. He could take Katie and leave, but that risked turning his back on Durmstrangs' champion and Fleur was still behind him too. If they let him pass, something Harry thought unlikely, Krum had reached here first and was likely the better swimmer of the two of them.
Sorry, Harry mentally apologised to the surly Bulgarian. The surly seeker wasn't so bad once you spoke to him a little, but he was competitive. Neither attribute was going to save him from Harry's conjured ropes, however.
The thick, black bindings shot from the tip of his wand, but, slowed by the water, they failed to wrap around the Bulgarian and only loosely entangled his legs and arms.
He was free in seconds of a well applied cutting charm and Krum swiftly retaliated with what looked like the blasting curse.
The jets of water sped towards Harry at far greater speed than his ropes had managed to travel and though they appeared to be weak enough not to harm him too badly Harry had no plans to wait around and find out. He dived down beneath them, taking cover behind one of the monoliths.
Viktor abandoned his attempts to free Hermione and swam up above Harry to render his cover useless, casting several more hexes as he did so. They impacted harmlessly on the other side of the monolith or drifted off into the lake behind Harry.
Taking advantage of the moment Harry discretely used the Cutting Charm to free Katie from the rock; it would speed things up later.
Viktor turned and unleashed another trio of reductos down at Harry. They hammered into the monolith, chipping pieces off the top and filling Harry's view with dust-clouded water.
Harry was forced to abandon his cover to take offensive action, there was no way to effectively defend himself and Katie from Krum with so much open water to cross to the finish and he couldn't duel blinded by rock dust.
With a slight smirk he cast every single one of the childish, school corridor jinxes that he knew in a swift barrage and watched with some amusement as the jelly legs jinx and the dancing jinx struck him on the side.
For a moment Krum's limbs swayed bonelessly, then he ended both jinxes and raised his wand in reply.
The retaliation shattered the monolith completely. Evidently Krum did not find the result quite as funny as Harry did and had stopped pulling his punches.
A slight shiver traced its way down Harry's spine. Things were much more serious now.
He didn't recognise half the spells that Krum was casting at him, so he dodged as many as he could manage and was grateful to see his shield charm deflect the rest. He swept his wand across the pebbles underneath Krum's position, transfiguring snake-like fish.
Viktor vanished into the shoal for a moment and Harry grinned triumphantly. His arsenal of spells and abilities were quite limited underwater, but he was still giving as good as he got.
His grin was wiped off his face when he was suddenly grabbed from behind by a giant stone hand.
Transfiguration was Krum's solution too, he reminded himself, shattering the stone arm and sending the pieces flying towards his opponent. The moment Krum deflected them away he cast a handful more spells and then, in their shadow, followed up with a disarming charm.
Viktor was not deceived. He deflected the curses away and shot several angry yellow looking jets of water in Harry's direction. One of them grazed his shoulder, drawing blood, and he hissed in pain.
The other two drilled foot deep holes into the ground behind him and he looked incredulous up at the Bulgarian. Those spells were easily capable of killing.
The surly wizard stared back, a silent warning in his eyes that if this duel continued Harry might not survive.
He takes winning very seriously.
Harry grinned up at the Durmstrang student.
It's no fun beating someone who doesn't want to win.
Evidently Krum took his grin as defiance because he launched four more of the same curse at Harry in quick succession. His spells missed, carving another set of depressions into the ground.
Harry raised his wand in preparation to retaliate in kind, only to watch it fly from his hand across the lake bed. Viktor Krum looked confused for a second, then his eyes widened and he shield himself just in time to deflect another disarming charm.
Fleur, Harry realised.
Krum whirled around to throw spells off to Harry's right, so Harry launched himself after his wand, keeping an eye over his shoulder to where Durmstrang's champion was dodging colourless jets of water that came with surprising speed.
Grabbing his wand from where it lay Harry kicked round the edge of the monolith to give himself a clear view of the duel.
Fleur and Viktor were engaged in a dispute just as violent as Harry and Krum's had been. Watching it was almost comical, the spells seemed to travel very slowly, with the exception of whatever the clear curse was that Fleur would occasionally use, and their movements were exaggerated in the water.
Harry smiled at the hilarity of it all, then transfigured the lake bed beneath them both into towering spines of stone. The piece of transfiguration cost him a great deal of energy, but it caught both Fleur and Viktor by surprise.
Fleur shattered the spires beneath her and Krum with a very powerful blasting curse of her own, but using the spell so powerfully at close range threw her off balance and she was struck by one of Viktor's yellow curses directly in the face.
Harry froze, horrified.
Fleur drifted backwards through the water, her silver hair shrouding her face and what Harry knew must be a horrific and fatal injury. Both he and Krum were as still as the stones around them, neither had really wanted one of their rivals dead, even when throwing around potentially lethal spells.
Harry's chest tightened and the pinprick of ice he felt at watching her glide suddenly spread across his chest. The creature within the cold twisted violently, baring its teeth and demanding revenge. Harry's wand tip flicked up, a slight, but vivid, green spark visible there.
For some other reason this novel will only be published 3 times a week.
[Advanced chapters on my ko-fi page]