Fleur's hair floated away from her face and Harry was treated to a full view of where the curse had struck her.
There was nothing.
Harry couldn't even see a drop or wisp of blood in the water around her and although the french witch's lips were swelling, her chin was red and bruised, and she seemed furious, Fleur was unharmed. Her veil, however, hung in tatters around her neck, a small plume of bubbles rising from the edges of the fragments of cloth.
Fleur made ten metres towards the hostages before the bubbles stopped completely, then she shot Harry a look somewhere between utter hatred and desperate pleading, jabbed her wand upwards, and ascended out of sight.
When Harry looked back he found Krum was already disappearing out of sight, Hermione cradled underneath his transfigured maw.
He dived back down towards the monoliths, grabbing Katie's arm and pulling her into his chest. Cedric and Fleur would probably still have decent scores, since both reached the Merpeople, but if he finished outside of the time limit he might get nothing. Barty Crouch did not strike him as a lenient man.
Gabrielle Delacour bobbed against the final monolith.
She was Fleur's sister, the beloved younger sibling who he knew meant more to the french witch than almost anything. He understood the look she had given him, now he was looking at Gabrielle. It wasn't part of the tournament, but Fleur had asked anyway. She wanted him to save her sister as well as Katie and she knew, just like before, that he wouldn't be able to leave her behind, because Harry wasn't capable of it.
Damn her.
He wished that he was heartless enough to abandon the girl, but she looked too innocent, too pure for him to even want to do so. He couldn't be responsible for her death, if indeed the hostages were lost once the task ended, he couldn't live with that, Harry certainly couldn't do something so cruel to Fleur. He would, if he left Gabrielle, be ripping away the one person who meant most to her, and he simply couldn't.
Fleur knew that. Fleur knew that he knew that. She used it against him to make sure that her sister came back to her. The worst part was that Harry could understand. He could hardly blame her. If there was someone so much more important than anyone else in his life there would not be much he would not do to keep them safe.
Resignedly he severed Gabrielle's bonds too.
The Merpeople appeared from nowhere, swarming around him in a shoal that bristled with tridents.
Harry narrowed his eyes and raised his wand, pulling the silver-haired girl into his embrace next to Katie.
The nearest of the Merpeople jabbed his trident at the girl and shook his head, raising a single finger.
'Only one,' it told him threateningly. Harry brought out his coldest smile, and calmly transfigured the trident into another serpent -like fish. If they stood in his way then he would force them from it. Gabrielle Delacour was worth more to him than a few Merpeople, he wished it was not so, because he knew that her only value to him lay in how much she meant to Fleur, but it was. The french veela had somehow entranced him, with or without her allure, and now he could do nothing to stop her using it against him.
'You can try and stop me,' he warned them. The water twisted his words into something unintelligible, but his intent was clear. The Merpeople scattered back to the edges of their standing circle, eyeing the glowing tip of Harry's wand with fear.
Harry eyed it in surprise himself. He had not realised he was broadcasting his intent so strongly. The tip was growing with bright green light.
AN: Please read and review, thanks to those of you who have.
I'm also announcing the end of my experiment with differing contractions between Harry and everyone, though I'm not going back to change things now. While it has seemed to create the feeling of distance I intended between Harry and his former friends, everyone seems more concerned with how unnatural it feels for a fourteen year old to speak formally rather than why he might be speaking with such distance to most people and then informally with the few he's close to.
Additionally I bothered to go and see if the review on DLP had been updated so that it was a bit more relevant. It hasn't, which is annoying since half of the points are either wrong or now irrelevant because I went back and rewrote the first 15 chapters to iron out a few of the misconceptions and errors. My main gripe is simply that it seems to notice less than half of the things I do, but when it does notice one, such as my experiment with contractions, it never considers why and just jumps to the conclusion it's a mistake. I'd be very interested to know what logic suggested I had accidentally reworked Harry's entire speech pattern from about chapter 8 onwards. A few other things that I found a bit odd were the tendency to abandon ship at the first sign of a cliché when I'm sure I've pointed out that I'm trying to use and make something new of them. It's hard to do that without them appearing in the first place. There was also the assumption that anything implied must immediately be true, no matter how weakly or strongly, and the complete skipping over of the fact that anything Ron and Hermione do is often seen through Harry's eyes, despite my writing style, and he is obviously going to have some bias.
I personally, and somewhat unsurprisingly, disagree with several points, for example Hermione is a girl who is very loyal to her friends, but why anyone expects her to remain so loyal to someone who has literally told her that they aren't friends confuses me. My main hate, however, is the idea that I somehow created a new 'super' wand for Harry in a day. Not only are there no hints in canon, which this is not regardless, of how wands are made, but it isn't even super, something I went out of my way to point out because I wasn't fond of giving him the Elder Wand Mark II. The whole purpose of the new wand was to convey with some not so subtle symbolism the change in Harry's direction, it's a bit vexing to see all that effort interpreted as 'super wand.' Some of that blame has to lie with me since I'm meant to be creating the impression, but if you're going to do a review I feel you should really consider things in more depth than just reading it through without analysis.
There are few points that were right, the key word in that phrase being were, but after I rewrote it so long ago to remove the very errors that were pointed you could at least do me the courtesy of updating your review, which is the whole point of this not so little note. I'd rather people weren't put off from reading this because your review is inaccurate, and it has become increasingly so. The summary is now quite obviously relevant, it is a summary of the fic, not the first handful of chapters, after all.
So, basically, update the damn thing because it's old and frustratingly obtuse in places, even if it is meant to be one-sided, and please try and think why something is there before dismissing it. I can personally guarantee that while this fic will include a lot of the clichés, they'll all be given a new twist, so don't see a portrait and assume basilisk eggs and neo-Slytherin or anything quite so ridiculous as that.
I'm not sure that's quite a rant, but it's now reached its end. Apologies to anyone who bothered to read that and discovered it's only really relevant to three people whose usernames aren't very hard to guess.
For some other reason this novel will only be published 3 times a week.
[Advanced chapters on my ko-fi page]