CH 118

'Just like there's nothing I can do to bring my parents back. You should be strong for yourself, your own reasons and your own goals. I'd be proud of you for that and I'm sure your parents would be proud of you for doing so, your gran too, and if they aren't, then they should be.'

'They'd be so disappointed if they could recognise me now,' Neville said hollowly, 'sometimes I'm glad they can't, just so they don't have to be let down by me like my Gran is. I'll never be as good as either of them.'

Harry was beginning to lose patience with Neville's pessimism. He'd seen enough to know Neville could be a strong wizard if he just believed he could.

'You won't be as good as them if you give up,' Harry agreed, abandoning subtlety completely, 'but if you believe in yourself, why can't you be better? That anger you have, it used your magic and burnt every shred of cloth off the walls for ten feet, use it to make yourself stronger. I know you can!'

Harry wracked his brain for a way to prove it to him.

'I want you to open that door, Neville, and I want to see what you think you need.'

Neville walked up and down the corridor, his face twisted somewhere between determination and doubt.

The door appeared.

'What will I find?' Harry asked.

Neville smiled slightly nervously, but the anxiety faded away almost immediately. 'Nothing,' he said calmly. 'What I need, who I need, is already outside with me.' Something warm flooded across Harry's chest. 'If you believe I can do it, then I must be able to, because when you believe something can happen, even if it's against the odds, it always happens. I'll trust you.'

'Then you'll make yourself strong,' Harry told him, 'and just to prove it to yourself beyond all doubt.' He moved to open the door of the Room of Requirement, knowing the moment he did so what he would have to face, to display, to help his friend. It seemed his most recent moment of brainless Godric-like nobility had come.

Neville isn't the only who needs to be brave, he reminded himself when his fingers paused on the handle. There was no way he would be able to help Neville if he was acting so hypocritically.

A hundred different reflections of Fleur Delacour looked down at him, smiling warmly and leaning forward, only a memory away from kissing him.

'Harry?' Neville asked uncertainly from behind him, gazing up at Beauxbatons' champion.

He turned to smile a little ruefully at his friend, knowing that in this moment Neville would see far more of Harry than he really wanted anyone to. 'Something you should know about the Room of Requirement, Nev. If there's more than one person within it and they want different things, whichever is wanted most appears.' He gestured around the room at the images of the beautiful french witch. 'Now show me how much you want to be strong.'

The bright blue eyes and silver hair of Fleur Delacour faded from the walls of the room to be replaced by shelves of spell books. Harry watched them go with some relief, listening to his anger and keeping his distance from the girl wasn't changing anything in the slightest. She still only seemed to speak to him when she needed him, and, despite the occasional moment in which he manage to delude himself that she might actually care, he feared she never would.

'Well done, Nev,' he congratulated his friend, burying his thoughts about the attractive french witch.

Neville gaped about him at the walls of the room, realising in that moment that his will to get what he wanted most must be at least as strong as Harry's if the room had come under his control.

Harry flashed him a smile to hide his guilt. He had lied to Neville. The room was still under his control to an extent. He'd spent longer here, mastering how to use it, than Neville could have, and he knew that if he wanted to help Neville as much or more than Neville wanted to be strong, then his friend would not be able to tell the difference in the resulting appearance of the room.

Now he'll believe that he can be strong, let's just hope he doesn't ask any questions about the room's initial appearance.

Harry didn't need to talk about Fleur Delacour. He was already anticipating having to answer Katie's questions next time they met. 'I did it,' Neville gasped.

'Here's a test,' Harry suggested. 'The Blasting Curse, the incantation is reducto,' he demonstrated the wand motion with his hand. He conjured a statue of Barty Crouch, then tucked his wand away. 'Destroy it.'

Neville's eyes burnt hot with hate. 'Reducto,' he spat, sweeping his wand sharply and violently. The spell hissed across the room and blew the upper half of the statue into dust.

'Not bad for a first try,' Harry smiled. 'Your wand motion was over exaggerated, though.'

'Reducto,' Neville cried again. The remaining half of the statue exploded into shining grey dust and Neville grinned triumphantly.

'Well done,' Harry told him. 'It's no worse than my first few attempts. When you have a better grasp of the spell you'll be able to control the power put into it, and cast it silently.'

He drew two sharp, horizontal fees in the air with his wand, silently unleashing two Blasting Curses at one of the empty walls. The first sparked out quite pathetically, he had put as little power as possible into it, but the second rippled across the wall and they both felt the wave of hot air the curse's detonation reflected back at them.

'I should practice,' Neville decided, looking at Harry with open admiration.

'Practice everything you think you need to,' Harry told him, 'but don't forget how successful you were here when you're doing it on your own.'

'I won't,' Neville stared furiously at the dust that had once been the statue of Barty Crouch Senior. 'I only wish that I could have shown Barty Crouch he wasn't anything more than the father of a monster.' His friend looked up at him in furious regret. 'He's disappeared. I heard Professor Sprout talking to Professor McGonagall about it this morning by the greenhouses.'

'Has he,' Harry murmured, a small, cold smile spreading over his lips. 'What a shame.'


For some other reason this novel will only be published 3 times a week.

[Advanced chapters on my ko-fi page]