Something patted her none too gently on the cheek. Fleur shifted away from it, turning onto her side.
'Wake up Fleur!'
Fleur turned back and eyed her baby sister with some distaste. 'You know I hate it when you do this. How did you even get in here?'
'The carriage lets in all Beauxbatons students,' Gabrielle beamed.
'My room does not,' Fleur told her.
'You warded it?' Gabby eyed the doorframe speculatively from beneath her blonde hair.
'Like my room at Beauxbatons,' Fleur explained. Her room at the chateaux was warded rather specifically. It had taken the entirety of her first year and a lot of help from Madame Maxime for her to be able to successfully create and cast the wards. Gabrielle had not been able to simply walk in to her room before Fleur had altered the enchantments to grant her access.
'Well I'm almost like you now, Fleur,' her sister grinned, poking her in the side, 'so I just walked in and nothing happened.'
Fleur considered that. Gabrielle was her sister, they had both inherited the veela magic, and it was likely their magic was of similar nature. It did, of course, mean that her wards were not quite as perfect as she had considered, they were only meant to allow her to pass, but Gabby was probably the only one who could exploit her error.
'I shall have to lock you out again,' Fleur teased, throwing back the covers and moving in search of her uniform. Gabrielle's face fell slightly at the sight of her sister. Fleur had seen that look before.
'It takes time,' she reassured her baby sister gently.
'But it's already been so long,' Gabby pouted, in slightly better humour than before. 'I want to be like you, Fleur, you're so much prettier than me. It's not fair.'
'You'll be just as beautiful as me, Gabby,' she told her baby sister, rummaging through her drawers for a clean bra. 'And then you'll come to realise it's not as good as it seems.'
'Only people who are already pretty don't care about being pretty,' Gabby sulked, then her eyes lit up with mischief. 'I bet Harry wouldn't be so fond of you if you weren't pretty.' 'Harry doesn't seem very fond of me anyway,' she remarked lightly. 'He's not important.' She was quite proud she managed to say it with a straight face.
Gabby giggled. 'Nuh uh, Fleur,' she wagged her finger, 'I know you better than that. I'm your sister, and even if I wasn't, I still have a letter you sent me that says otherwise.'
No you don't,' Fleur smiled deviously. Gabrielle looked puzzled, and patted down her pockets. 'I stole it back,' she smirked, tucking her wand into her waistband.
'Oh,' Gabby pouted. 'I was going to have so much fun showing that maman, and papa, and then,' her eyes gleamed with silent laughter, 'I was going to show it to Harry .'
'And that, Gabrielle, is why I took it back,' Fleur sighed. 'I love you, but sometimes you're just too much trouble.'
'Spoilsport,' her sister grinned, her eyes flicking furtively around Fleur's room.
'You won't find it,' Fleur told her, amused. 'It's gone now.'
'You destroyed it?' Gabby gasped. 'But if the letter is gone, how is Harry going to know you love him and come to find you?'
Fleur laughed a little bitterly at her sister's naivety. 'Yes, I burned it. I think you've been reading too many books from maman's romance collection again, Gabby. That isn't how things work.'
'They're good books,' Gabrielle grinned, unrepentant. 'You changed your mind about him, then?'
'He changed,' Fleur answered vaguely. Her sister was prying. They didn't have many, if any, secrets between them, but sometimes Gabrielle took it upon herself to find things out that Fleur was quite ready to tell her. 'I'll change my mind in time too,' she finished morosely.
'Or you could go find him and tell him everything you wrote to me?' Gabby suggested, with hearts in her eyes. No doubt her younger sister expected the heavens to open along with Harry's heart, before they walked off into an early sunset. This being Britain she would at least be right about the rain, if none of the rest.
'I am not chasing after someone who doesn't even want to touch or look at me,' Fleur declared proudly. 'Even in maman's books it is the wizard who runs after the witch.' She neglected to mention that she would be standing out in the rain with him without hesitation if she had any hope he would be anything but cruel to her. 'So you don't want him?' Gabby grinned. 'Can I have him instead? He's my age anyway, that's too young for you.'
'No,' Fleur retorted angrily. 'You haven't even met him, Gabby.'
'He saved me from the lake,' she sighed melodramatically and collapsed on Fleur's bed, 'like a true hero.'
Fleur snorted. 'You know you weren't in any danger.'
'He didn't,' Gabby pointed out, 'and he still saved me, so either he's a hero, or,' she looked up at Fleur whimsically from under her lashes, 'he had some other reason for saving your darling, baby sister.'
She would like to hope that Harry had saved Gabby for her for that reason, it made her heart leap, but he'd seemed so angry with her afterwards that she just couldn't believe it.
'That's enough, Gabrielle,' Fleur said a little more sternly. Gabby pouted, but she knew when Fleur was serious and dropped the matter.
'Do you think you're going to win?' she asked instead.
'I'm going to win,' Fleur smiled. 'I always win, remember. Where's maman? There's no way she would have let her little chick wander off on her own, and you aren't sneaky enough to get away yet.'
'You don't win when we play cards, I'm luckier than you,' Gabby grinned. 'Maman is speaking with Madame Maxime, she has to go back to Carcassonne soon, but I'm almost as far ahead of everyone in my year as you were and I want to stay to watch.' 'All the way to the end?' Fleur asked, more than a little excited by the idea.
'All the way until the third task,' Gabby smiled. 'It's not so much fun at the chateaux without you, and I know you must miss me.' She fluttered her eyelashes and kicked her feet against Fleur's pillow.
Not so much fun was Gabrielle's understated way of saying that she was lonely and would rather spend four months with her sister in a different country than stay at school.
'I hope Madame Maxime lets you stay,' Fleur smiled. Gabby was not her, her baby sister was a little more like her father than Fleur was, a touch softer. She let everything get to her in a way that Fleur never had. More than once in the last couple of years her little sister had come to her crying, about the taunts of the girls in her year, or the dismissal of the boys who chose her more mature friends over her. Both groups would be left behind when Gabby grew up over the next few months, but she wold find herself just as lonely once she was like Fleur as she was now. She had never had the heart to do more than hint at that, crushing Gabrielle's hope was too cruel.
'She will,' Gabby grinned. 'I got the highest marks in my classes since you took them.'
'Still trying to beat me,' Fleur smiled.
'I'll beat you next year in the real exams,' Gabrielle declared fiercely. There was enough of their mother in both of them to make their rivalry strong, but it was never bitter. Gabby wanted nothing but the best for her, and Fleur would gladly sacrifice anything she had for her sister's success.
give anything, she thought to herself.
Gabrielle was in danger of surpassing her elder sibling without any help from anyone else. The only thing she seemed to struggle with was surviving without her family at school. She was certainly better at controlling her veela magic than Fleur was, even at her age.
'Let's go somewhere?' Gabby pleaded, 'your room is boring without all the little things you made.'
'I can make you something if you want?' Fleur offered. 'It's probably best to stay around here so maman knows where you are and doesn't have to worry about you getting into trouble.'
'I never get into trouble,' Gabrielle grinned. 'And maman won't worry about me when I'm with you.' She looked up at Fleur imploringly, all big blue eyes, white teeth and silver hair. If she did not know that the allure could not be used against another veela she would be suspicious of her sister's begging look. She could draw tears from a stone if she wanted to.
'Fine,' Fleur caved. 'Where would you like to go?'
'Somewhere exciting,' Gabby cried.
For some other reason this novel will only be published 3 times a week.
[Advanced chapters on my ko-fi page]