Siege- 'Sortie'

As the midnight moon hung high, Arin set out for the enemy camp with his entourage under the cover of darkness. Half an hour prior, he had dispatched his six Specters to scout the path for possible traps and ambushes. If there were traps, they would trigger them to save the troops following behind. Any hidden enemies preparing to ambush trespassers or inform the base camp of an upcoming invasion would be swiftly dealt with by the Specters. These Specters were invisible to the naked eye and most magical scanners unless the scanners were advanced enough to detect them. They only became visible and physical when attacking, making them perfect assassins for Arin's purposes.

Moments ago, one Specter, dispatched to find the base camp and the best route, had returned. Arin commanded his troops to set out for the camp, confident that the Specters had destroyed all traps on their path.