The wooden barricade was smashed on the ground, a monument to the overwhelming fury of the undead onslaught headed by Arin Drez, Champion of Nerthazir. The bandit camp, once a thriving hive of thieves, had become a chaotic battlefield. Tents were ripped and dispersed, supplies were abandoned, and the air was heavy with the stink of terror and death. The groans and screams of the living, combined with the snarls of the undead, made an unbelievable cacophony.
The swarm of Undeads burst through the shattered barriers, their skeletal frames and horrific bodies marching with unwavering determination. The bandits, although were panicked, was fighting back with fierce ferocity. Humans, orcs, elves, and lizardmen banded together to defend their camp from the continuous onslaught.