Arin fell to the ground, huffing and panting ferociously. "Brother!" The kids rushed towards him, "You won!" Arin smiled back at them, "WE won!"
Zulkarnash levitated towards Arin as well. "You are indeed worthy to be the Champion of The Dark Father!" Arin grabbed the kids' hands and slowly sat up. "Did you doubt me?" he teased the lich.
"Of course not, my lord," Zulkarnash replied. "I would never. Doubting you would be doubting the judgment of The Great Reaper of Souls! I would never commit such blasphemy!"
Arin smiled. "Don't worry! I know your loyalty is unflinching!"
"My Sire!" Zulkarnash bowed. "If I may suggest, summon your Staff. As it has been bound to you, you can summon it at will!"