Getting Ready

I slowly rise out of bed wiping my eyes. Opening my eyes I pause as I see blond hair hanging from my head. Looking down and patting I pause only to remember everything that had happened. It seems I truly was a girl now. I had also died. Rising from bed I heard my mom yelling.

"Get up Serena, Breakfast is ready. You want your favorite Cinnamon rolls for breakfast!!!" For the next few moments my instincts kick in as I got to my closet, and I pull out a one-piece dress pink in color with white bands that hold it up. I also pick up a straw hat. Finally, I make my way to a dresser and pause when I pull out a pair of... Panties... and socks of course. Was a seriously going to get dressed... Well, I had to. This was my body now, and it's not like I don't have a few memories of this. Standing in front of my full body mirror I feel my heart tightenpulling off my pajama bottoms first I see the girl staring at me in the mirror. Closing my eyes I lift my shirt. Lifting it over my hair struggling to get it off. I kept my eyes close and finally reach for my waist. Gulping I feel as my.... panties slide off.

I start having thoughts. Should I open my eyes. I need to get used to this don't I? But I'm scared. Scared to face what I see in the mirror. Who I was now. I, who was once a grown man. Was now some little girl. Sighing I steel my heart and open my eyes and pause. I don't feel any discomfort looking at myself. Nor joy? I don't know how to feel. Still, I'm curious. Looking down It truly logs in that I'm a girl. Theres no doubt now. Still, this wasn't right. Closing my eyes I breath for a few seconds to calm my heart and finally start getting dressed like normal.

From this moment forwards there was no going back. I was now Serena. In body and soon to be mind. I would just need time to adapt. Putting on my new clothes I looked at myself in the mirror and had a sudden urge. Sticking out my tongue I tried doing one of those cutesy poses. It was then that I heard a click from the door.

"What's taking you so long Serena? We got to hurry if you want to celebrate your birthday today! We'll also need to get you registered so you're allowed to take care of Pokémon with guidance of a registered trainer! Huuuuhhhhh!!! Fine! Since today's your birthday I'm not going to say anything. Just give me the brush on the sink and I'll take care of your hair today, OK?"

With a quick nod I grab the aforementioned brush and hand it to her. Hesitating but eventually sitting on her lap. "OK, mom but we got to hurry, I really, really want to take care of a cute Pokémon!!!" Obviously with the mention of Pokémon, I've over the moon. Who doesn't want to take care of their own Pokémon. I wouldn't mind throwing any dignity I had left away for one, well if I had any dignity left to give.

It was a quiet few moments as this woman brushed my hair fighting with a few tangles that magically appeared during the night. I had a feeling this was going to be a common fight from now on...

Going down to eat I had the absolutely best pancakes of my life. the consistence was superior to anything on earth and any cream or butter used likely from a Miltank made it good. Really good. I believe my current body also enjoyed the taste of sugar a lot more than I did before.

While eating I almost choked on my food when mom started talking.

"So, what was my little princess doing this morning sticking her tongue out at herself. Was you posing for your fans?"

I was so embarrassed. Mortified even. It was decided. I was definitely going on a crime spree. I needed to do anything to keep her from remembering that from now on. I'd also need to be careful, so she didn't get more blackmail material.

"Cough* Cough* No..Noth...Cough* Nothing mom!"

Obviously, that was the wrong thing to say as I was then mercilessly teased for the rest of breakfast.

Eventually breakfast finished up and I had to finish getting ready. Putting on Shoes and brushing my teeth we made our way into town.