Away We GO!!!!

"Toothbrush and toothpaste?"


"Two weeks worth of different outfits."


"The facility stated they had Laundry services for all the kids. Soooo, that should be enough clothes. Still what if it gets cold down there. Maybe you should pack a couple jackets."

"Mom, it's the middle of summer. They'll also most likely have fire type Pokémon around even if some freak weather changes occurred."

"Your right mommy's little angel. Still when did you get so smart. Recently it just seems like your growing up so fast~~~~ Haaaaa... Ok well anyways. Is that everything dear?"

"I think so?"

"Not good enough. Let's go over our list again."

"It's fine MOM!!! Really!!!"

"You know your mommy's favorite right?"

"I love you too mom." Hugging the woman who gave birth to me in this life I grew tense in anticipation.

"You know though. I remember just a couple months ago when you were absolutely against the idea of this trip. What changed Serena?"

The question caught me off guard. I thought I had been doing a great job pretending to be the original especially with the memories I had, but I guess it's true when you think about it. Not all your actions are cognizant ones. No matter if you have someone's memories. Even if they were mine. The other memories are there, and they affect any unconscious actions I could make. Still, nobody would just suddenly doubt their daughter was someone else. That wouldn't make sense. Unless ghost Pokémon possession was a thing. Meowth could talk. Why wouldn't a Pokémon possessing someone gain the ability too. Still, it's unlikely as even I could tell my new memories affect how I acted at times. It's not like I acted differently per say, but I would say I was more childish in certain things I did. Like when I stuck my tongue out at myself.

"Earth to Serena. Astronaut, I repeat... are you there?"

"SOrry MOM!!!" Whew, completely lost my composure there. Still, I needed an excuse, and by golly like the grinch I know that likely exists in my heart somewhere I'd think it up quick. "You see, I've just been thinking recently on what I wanted to be when I grow up. I like Rhydon and you're a really cooler racer, but I wonder. What other jobs exist. How do Pokémon interact with them in their jobs. Are jobs likely based around what Pokémon you get?"

The question paused the older woman making her think on the answer. " I see. I hope you get the answer you're looking for then. Still why are you worrying about that now. YOUR 6 Serena!" The last park seemed to make the woman go into full blown laughter. 'Why was a 6-year-old thinking deeply about their future? This was so funny.' Still, she was curious. What would her daughter's answer be. It seemed her daughter would likely be someone worth admiring in the future. No matter what path she chose. She'd believe in her daughter.

Having made the excuse quick, I felt my heart grow three times over with pride. Finally, after this trip, I wouldn't have to act as much. When I came back home later, I could even act slightly different, and nobody would be the wiser on why my personality changed. Mom would likely think it was based on my decision or something. Likely something along the lines of trying to appear grown up. With the hug and moment over we set off for the airport were a few interesting things happened.

--------------5 hours later--------------------------------------------------------


The voice of some two-step goblin in Team Rocket society was asking us to give him all of our Pokémon. Honestly, I felt they could have done so much better if they had stolen them secretly. I'm pretty sure the airport security wouldn't let someone carry Pokéballs with various extremely heavy Pokémon on them. Wouldn't want to cause an accident or something of that nature. Typically heavy Pokémon were strong Pokémon. Need I say anymore. Looking at the big red "R" on the men's shirt I just felt pity for Giovanni having to deal with these kinds of idiots in his... Mafia? Gang? PokéMafia. Yeah, that sounds better for Giovanni's style after all.

"YOU THINK I'M JOKING?" The men also didn't get the memo that fire breathing, ghost walking, psychic making creatures were a little more threatening than a gun... I honestly feel so much pity for Giovanni...

With a loud shout of ice beam... The man was completely encased in ice. My mother seemed to be upset about the whole ordeal though. "No matter what you decide to be Serena. Promise me you don't end up like those Jobless excuses for human beings. Stealing Pokémon from people is the absolute worst. Imagine if that was your child. Is it so hard for people to just be a little more sympathetic towards others."

It seems she indeed did not like Team Rocket at all. Honestly though their better than any of the other Gangs. Seriously, people thinking of raising the ocean. We're they trying to reenact One Piece, or that one gang Team Magma. Wanting to create more land. Were the trying to kickstart a land war between different regions trying to get a bit more land under their territory. Everything being in large enough islands as it was, was good enough for any purposes needed. Especially with magical berry trees creating enough food for all people and Pokémon to eat. So, wars over hunger are never a thing.

"Let's go Serena."

With the command from mom, I set out across seas on a plane.