
He now has a total of 56 Common Fierce Goblin Ears and 4 Uncommon ones. Common Fierce Goblin Gallbladder has a total of 28 Common and 2 Uncommon. Uncommon Fierce Goblin Tooth has a total of 72, and another 5 were of Rare quality.

Fierce Goblin Claw, 123 Uncommon, 3 Rare ones. 44 Uncommon Fierce Goblin Blood, 2 Rare ones. 30 Rare Fierce Goblin Blood Essence and 2 of Epic quality.

Two Epic Fierce Goblin Token, and then there were 3 Uncommon Fierce Goblin Sword Shard, 2 Uncommon Fierce Goblin Staff Shard, and 1 Fierce Goblin Gem.

All of them consumed a total of 26 Inventory slots.

If not for his Collector talent increasing his Inventory slot a hundred times, it would have already become full long ago.

With the increase brought by his Collector talent, Kael would definitely not worry about his Inventory going full for a long time.

And speaking of his talent, Kael recalled that it still has another effect that he had not tried yet.

Grade: SSS

Description: When all may seem gone and extinct, find the Collector, and you shall find what you seek. All is in the Collector's Vault.

Effect 1: The Collector's Eye- You can now see the hints and information of all materials. Droppable items and materials can now be viewed.

Effect 2: The Collector's Hand- Items and materials can be directly stored in your Inventory without having to touch them.

Effect 3: The Collector's Vault- Inventory slot is expanded one hundred times.

Effect 4: The Collector's Collection- Sacrifice one Inventory Slot, Store and Collect valuable items, and obtain a fraction of their stats or special effects(low probability).

Effect 5: [Locked] [Condition: Store and Collect 200 Collector Items]

Flaw: A Mere Collector- A Collector, is just a collector. You can no longer craft items!>

"I already have a lot of materials, it should not hurt if I use one as a Collection, right?"

Among all the effects, only effect number 4 was yet to be used.

In truth, Kael was also curious about what this effect could do.

However, driven by his desire to hoard a lot of material so that he could earn a lot once he met with Vivian, Kael had been holding himself back from exploring this effect.

Now with a lot of materials in possession, though, Kael no longer feels as if he needs to hoard them.

With his talent's effect, he could also easily gather more.

"I'll try one first," Kael decided.

Kael only hesitated for a bit before confirming.

At this moment, he has a total of 30 Fierce Goblin Blood Essence. Losing one doesn't hurt him that much.

After confirming, the holographic screen flashed and changed into a new one.

Seeing that, Kael's eyes lit up in joy.

In all kinds of RPG games, Hp has always been one, if not the most important, stat for a player.

Having higher Hp means that he would have a lot of room to maneuver during a tight scenario where he needs all health points he could get.

According to Vivian, damages dealt in New Infinite vary depending on a lot of factors, mainly revolving around the player's stats.

Aside from that, there was also the enemy's armor, stats, and talent to factor in.

Hitting different locations or body parts and hitting with more force also provides different damages.

Even if one managed to successfully hit the enemy, if it was done in a half-hearted way, the damage dealt would not be the same as a normal attack.

Vivian has specifically reminded him that to kill the enemy swiftly, he must hit them in their vital parts, such as the neck, head, or heart.

Kael has been following her instructions, and it has not failed him up until this point.

According to Vivian, strikes that hit the vital parts deal massive damage, or what she called Critical Hit.

Kael witnessed this rule firsthand. He has killed plenty of Fierce Goblins with just one strike in their head or neck after all.

If he was hit by such a strike, Kael would also succumb to death.

However, it was different if he had a higher hp.

If his enemy's attack power was not up to par, even if they hit him with a Critical Strike, there was still a high chance that he could survive it because of his higher hp limit.

In each level up, Kael had observed that his Hp would increase by just 20 points. A direct increase of 100 meant that he has gained Hp equivalent to five levels.

Elated by the result, Kael decided to Collect another one.


Kael tilted his head to the side upon seeing that information. However, after thinking about it, he actually found it reasonable.

As a Collector, he would not want multiple pieces of the same item in his Collections, right?

"But what if the rarity is not the same? Is it still possible to Collect it?"

He did not waste any time and clicked on the Epic Grade Fierce Goblin Blood Essence.


A/N: Sadly we could not reach 50 Power Stones this week. But let's try to reach this goal next week.

For the sake of those who voted, I will still upload 2 chapters tomorrow. Thank you for reading and for the support!