Just as Anita had guessed, there was another group of humans inside the aircraft, totaling 12 more adults and 4 more children. As soon as the leader of the aircraft got close to the others, he asked for the person in charge of the Aqua Tribe's territory, and everyone pointed to Anita. The man simply asked for asylum for the people on the plane and handed her the last Relic.
Accepting her role as the Aqua Tribe's representative in this place, she accepted the third Relic. When she looked inside the box, she saw a diamond-shaped jewel with a bright green hue; this was the Relic of the Wind. After that, everyone boarded the boat that would take them to the "safe place" that had been promised to everyone.
While they were traveling along a sea route near the coast, the werewolves were very attentive to the water. The injured woman who was supposed to have the last Relic, the one from the Earth Nation, tried to calm them down:
"Don't worry, it will take a few months for the entire sea to be contaminated by the Plague of the Abyss."
The werewolves finally relaxed a bit and less than an hour later they all arrived at the caves where there should have been a safe haven. Outside there were easily 30 more humans camped and at least 50 more werewolves. The humans here were not important figures of the Aqua Tribe and were just civilians who somehow knew about the safe place, or who worked on the construction of the caves. Knowing how to open the safe place, Anita invited all the refugees and allowed them to enter.
As they took a long walk through the tunnels that at that time were already illuminated by the phosphorescent moss, Anita began to explain about the place.
"This cave system is huge, it has enough space for thousands of people, but we have a limited source of food, maybe for 1000 people at most. The lakes were isolated from the sea, but they need constant maintenance. Few places have sunlight, so growing anything is extremely limited as well. They say the rocks were reinforced to withstand even the most powerful attacks from the Fire Empire and powerful earthquakes, but I don't know how they did it…"
"I know that, it was made using the Earth Relic, no, to be more specific it was made by people who obtained the power of the Relic. This place was created to protect us from the Alliance of Mages when our four countries united to create the Relics." Answered the injured woman who was being carried by one of the werewolves.
"But I heard that the Alliance of Mages was also attacked, they say that the tremors and sounds of the battle happening there could be heard even from the other side of the Celestial Sea." Said a frightened old man.
"Maybe it was a new emerging country, which mastered magic in an even greater way than the Alliance of Mages." Said another middle-aged man.
And so a group of unlikely survivors formed by the lucky few who escaped alive, carried the last flame of hope of the four countries. Anita was recognized by everyone as the leader of the humans in this refuge, and the woman from the Earth Nation taught her how to use the power of the Relics. Soon a terrible winter began, isolating them completely inside the shelter and making them accept their fate that they would always live there.
Anita divided the relics, giving the Fire Relic to the human men, the Wind Relic to the Lunaria Hunters pack. The Earth Relic stayed with the group of human craftsmen and builders, and the last Relic, the Water Relic, stayed with her and was used only by the women of the Tribe, creating the current myth of the Priestesses that was used to this day. Years passed, until one day Anita chose a new successor for the position that would later come to be called High Priestess. As soon as the young woman made the connection with the Relic, Natasha, who had observed this entire part of Anita's life, now began to see the life of the new High Priestess and her years leading the Aqua Tribe.
She was a teacher and even after assuming the leadership of the Tribe she continued to tutor the children, the young priestess always told the story of how powerful the four countries were and their glory throughout the world... The Fire Empire had powerful cannons and many types of firearms, the Aqua Tribe ruled the entire Sky Sea with its powerful and numerous ships, the Earth Nation had the best steel, the largest cavalry and the largest number of soldiers, with the Sky Country being the lord of the sky with its airships, balloons and aircrafts. But with the emergence of magic in this world, it was actually a poor and populous Country on the other side of the sea that benefited the most from this new miracle, having the largest population and consequently the largest number of people awakened to magic, they then formed the powerful Alliance of Mages...
As the Alliance of Mages grew and became the most powerful country... The other countries in the world became weaker and weaker, just as their glorious machines and inventions became outdated. It was only after the four countries united, creating the four Relics, that they were able to grant the mysterious gift of magic to anyone they wanted, that a trace of hope was rekindled among the people of the four nations. But in the end, a catastrophe changed everything, rendering all these plans in vain and the dream of glory of the newly formed Elemental Alliance lost forever…
After the first and second High Priestesses, Natasha continued to watch all the High Priestesses who came after and after, she also saw a bit of the past being slowly forgotten by the inhabitants of the tribe, all the problems that her people faced in those caves, the loss of the other 3 Relics, the terrible earthquake 100 years ago and even the arrival of the current affairs involving the current Great Elder and High Priestess.
Only then did Natasha wake up again…