Divine gods

The teacher for their Rune class was still Miss Sevana. She walked into the class when it was time, and since they had already seen her today, she saw no need to greet any of them. However, she still looked in the direction where Alex was seated.

She scoffed at the same thing again. She was a teacher acting like some teenage girl in love, but that was not his problem. Right now, all he wanted to do was learn about rune-making.

He was already really far behind when it came to everything. Every small piece of information he could gather was a big help.

She picked up a piece of chalk and walked to the board. (Runes)

It was after she wrote it that Raze came to a sudden realization—he could understand the language here, and no, it was not English.

When he had read the story, the author didn't dig deep into the context of the language used. He only introduced this language and gave some details to make readers know that it wasn't English being used in the story.

But now, Silva was able to read this language easily, like it was embedded in him. On the other hand, he still had the ability to use English to his liking—or so he thought. He had subconsciously been using their language all day.

He stopped listening to what the woman was saying and opened his book. He took his pen and then consciously tried to use English.

His pen reached the paper, and then he wrote a sentence in English.

(I am writing in English.)

The words came out as he wanted, in English. It looked different from what he had been using since he came here, but he still understood it easily.

'I don't need to worry about anyone finding my journal and what's inside anymore. I just have to write everything in English, and that will safely keep my information.'

He flipped over to the pages he had written on and started copying their information onto another page in English. His focus was no longer on the class. He kept rewriting until he was done—he had transcribed all the information into English.

He closed the journal, planning to rip out all the pages that didn't have English and destroy them.

After a while, the last class came to an end, and Raze could finally kick his plan into action. He headed out of the class as soon as the teacher left. He tried to walk at a normal pace to not draw attention. If he walked too fast, someone might notice something—you never know.

He made it out of the academic building and walked toward the dorm building. He got in and went up the stairs, straight to his room.

He unlocked the door and walked in, then shut the door behind him. He walked to his chair and sat down, placing his book and pen on the table. He leaned back into the chair until the front legs lifted off the ground, tilting back and forth slowly.

'The Chapel of the Seven Divine Gods… that's where we meet.'

The Seven Divine Gods were the beings that everyone in this world served—great and powerful gods that overlooked everything.

The first was Astraeus, God of Creation & Light. He possessed the power to create life, shape reality, and manipulate holy light. He was believed to be the god that set the creation of the world into motion—the First God.

He was symbolized by a golden tree. It was said that in the very beginning, he created the world with his golden hands. But he alone was not enough to make the world function, so he split his essence into six other forms, creating the other divine gods.

The second god was Nythera, Goddess of Death & Shadow. She possessed the power to control souls and govern the afterlife. She was symbolized by a crescent moon and a dark flame.

After her came Ignis, God of War & Destruction. He possessed the power to wield unstoppable divine weapons, enhance warriors, and incite endless flames of war. He was symbolized by a burning sword.

Zephiron was the next god—the God of Knowledge & Wisdom. He had the power of omniscient insight, could manipulate fate, predict the future, and grant divine wisdom. He was symbolized by a glowing eye.

Tydis was the God of Oceans & Storms, possessing the power to control the seas, command the weather, and wield thunder and tidal destruction. He was a god more threatening than Ignis and was commonly seen as the most dangerous god. His symbol was a trident surrounded by lightning.

Gaelora was the Goddess of Nature & Life. She possessed the power of immortality, could heal any wound, and control plants, animals, and the cycle of seasons. She was also seen as the goddess of kindness. She was symbolized by a blooming tree.

Erebos, the God of Time & Space, could manipulate time, teleport between realms, and bend space itself. His symbol was an hourglass with swirling galaxies inside.

Raze knew of the gods and their part in the story because Alex rose to become a human as well. He was accepted by the gods into their ranks, making him the god between man and gods.

"The story never dived into the aspect of the gods too deep. I feel like there is something more to them… something else beyond what was told in the story."

Raze pushed the thought of the gods away and got into planning. He needed to map the chapel, and to do that, he had to go there. Luckily, there were always students inside praying to the gods, so there was no way he would stick out.

He closed his book and carried it, along with a pen. He needed to note some things down to remember the layout of the church. This was a one-time mission. He could not fail—or else, he would probably die.

He walked out of the room and shut his door, heading out of the dorm room to the chapel.