time to move

The chapel was built on the other side of the academy, so Raze had to take a few minutes' walk to get there. When he arrived, he looked at the massive business church-style building that stood there.

Built with well-refined marble, the chapel stood tall. On the front wall were the seven symbols of the seven gods made into a round formation, and at the center was a crystal-powered clock that told the time.

He paused for a moment and looked at the symbols. They seemed to be made out of metal or something, gleaming under the sunlight.

He made his way toward the chapel, reaching the massive double doors that were there. He pushed them open, and the doors made a low creaking sound as they opened.

He walked into the chapel, and the doors closed by themselves behind him. Raze looked around—the inside of the chapel was much more magnificent than the outside.

Long wooden chairs that could fit ten or more people were set in columns, allowing small gaps between each column for people to walk. At the front of the chapel was the altar. Seven statues stood there in a semicircle formation, each one signifying a god.

The one at the center held a golden tree in his hands, and Raze could easily tell that he was Astraeus, the first god, the god of creation and light.

Above each god's statue was a properly made window that allowed light, day and night, to shine on the statues, giving off a holy and grand feeling.

There were quite a number of students seated amongst the pews, praying and whatnot, but that was not why Raze was here. He got to a seat and sat down, then he placed his journal on the small table platform that all the pews had.

He took out his pen and, as usual, flipped it around his finger before tapping it on the clear paper. He immediately started trying to sketch the layout of the chapel in as simple detail as he could. He marked out where all the statues were, and then he looked around carefully, noticing that some windows were spoiled or broken.

Those were escape and entry points for him. If he tried to use the normal door tonight, the person that Alex spoke to might be watching, and even if he used the veil, he would need to push the door open. So the best course of action would be to pick one of these openings to get in.

He looked at all of them, trying to see which would be the safest for him. But for him to completely know which would be the best, he would have to know where the assassin might attack from.

Assassins normally hid in the dark and at an angle that would ensure their kill. The assassin, though, was expecting Raze to use the door. He had no idea Raze knew about their plan, so the assassin would be in a place that would give him good hiding and a perfect angle.

Raze's eyes traced to the statues, specifically the one of Astraeus. The Astraeus statue could possibly have a place to hide behind, but Raze was not sure.

Each of the statues was at least 20 feet tall and had to be secured well to avoid falling over or theft, so Raze wanted to see what means they were secured by.

He got up and walked to the altar like he wanted to pray. He went to the statue on the far left, the statue of the goddess Nythera. Raze was sure she would be a totally beautiful woman from her body, but her head was wrapped with a cloak hoodie that didn't allow him to see.

He chose this angle because it would allow him to take a peek at what was behind the god of creation. And just as he expected, a few ridges were set in the back to secure it, and that was a good platform to stand by.

The light coming down from the top would touch the assassin as well, but the shadow of the statue would overshadow that of the assassin.

With all this in place, Raze was certain that this would be the perfect place for hiding. So now it was his time to find a place where he could come in and stay away from the line of sight of the statue.

There was a window close to the altar that had space for someone to easily crawl in, and from that angle, it would be difficult for someone at the statue to see him there.

Raze immediately marked that as his spot. There was no other place good enough for him, so that would have to do. After he was done, he got up, walked to where he dropped his journal, picked it up, and left the chapel.

Everything was laid out now. All he had to do was wait for the night to come. He made it back into his dorm building and into his room. He shut the door, took off his uniform, and stood there in his underwear.

He opened up the cupboard, searched through his clothes, and found something he could use tonight—a simple black asymmetrical shirt and pants. There was also a scarf inside, so he could use that to cover his face.

He picked his most beat-up shoes, ones that he could dispose of after everything. Since tracks could be traced through magic, he needed to be careful.

He laid everything on the table and then got on his bed to sleep early. He didn't eat because he was betting on the biting hunger to wake him at night early so that he could do what he needed to do.

After a while, he fell asleep, drifting slowly into the dream world.

It didn't take long before Raze's stomach gnawed at him. His eyes darted open, and like a machine, he dressed up at a crazy speed. He went to his window and looked outside. The two moons were in the sky—it was time to move.