122. Steps for a new life, 1



I can see the stars.


I think she's asleep. I'm keeping her safe.


I've waited so long to meet her... It feels strange now that she's in my arms. She looks so little now.


I remember that instant frozen in time, when her reality crossed mine...

I've grown so much since then...


I am here because of that memory. I am here, alive, because of you.

Has she thought this was the other way around?


I wonder what she already knows and what she's wrong about. But I want to tell her who I am.

I want to learn who she is...





My copies... were flawed... They weren't fit to this world anymore.


I wish I were able to easily save you as you were before...


I wonder what you'll ask me when you wake up?

Maybe you think I'm a monster.

Maybe you will ask me to die.

If you do... I think I will comply...


But I believe that I'm just a flower like you Rose...

We have to choose what will become of our lives.

I'm so glad I'll be able to meet you at last!

Dear Rose in my arms...




I wonder how much longer will you need to sleep?


I want a chance to speak with you. I've waited centuries already. Will you keep me awaiting for a few more?

How long does your body need to sleep to recover?




Please wake up...


I now have a sad anxiety growing within me. It rises like coldness in winter along my body.

I'm afraid...


Are you dead?


Now that we were so close to each other... How sad would I become if I were to lose you now...


Are you dead?


I can still feel some living tissues absorbing the nutrients I'm sending you. Isn't it you?


Are you dead?


I've lived so far only to meet you...




Rose in my arms...

I will do whatever it takes to save you...

