Marj, a struggling single mother, finds her life turned upside down when a monstrous creature bursts from a portal in her apartment. Her world, once ordinary, is now a battleground for "Awakenings"—humans granted incredible powers to fight the creatures of other dimensions.
Suddenly, two enigmatic figures arrive, their presence as mysterious as the unfolding chaos. But Marj soon discovers that she is no longer an ordinary woman. A hidden power awakens within her, a destiny she never imagined.
As danger escalates and a terrifying new threat emerges, Marj must make a choice: stay in the shadows or embrace her true potential. She must face not only the monstrous creatures but also the secrets of the men who have entered her life, each with their own enigmatic past and a connection to the world's unraveling.
The fate of her son hangs in the balance, and the line between her reality and the unknown becomes dangerously blurred.