Fēi Chen


In the middle Of a forest,a man walked out of a burning building, his dark wings spread wide as he dragged his scythe on the ground creating a flawed line.

He looked back, a sly smirk on his face his golden eyes glowed softly with an unearthly glow his raven dark hair moved softly with the wind. As he continued walking, his scythe burnt away the flames extending to him in a matter of seconds he was covered inflames before it died down. The man now in a dark frock cot with a single breasted closure and a high collared white dress shirt. Trouser's were dark hue's as well, they were loose enough to accommodate a watch chain across the front and reached just below the knees ending in a narrow ankle and dark knee length boots to complete the fit.

- so far I've only observed one thing in humans is self interest-

Then man approached a city he immediately went to the busy marketplace. In the midst of all the chaos, he found a bakery with the baker hold out a tray full of cookies but many Ignored him he sighed sadly

-Vulnerable one

Abaddon thought to himself his signature smirk returning, he walked to the man taking one cookie from the tray.

"No sales yet? You must be hungry and your store is…. Discouraging"

He gestured to the almost empty store, the man glared at him before trying to get more customers which wasn't working at all. The man was on the verge of tears before looking at Abaddon saying

"I don't even have money for flour my family has been starving for days now"

"You wish to be poverty free no more hunger?"

Abaddon says looking at the man dead in the eye, the man feeling uncomfortable went into his store but Abaddon followed.

"I don't even know how who you are just go"

"Your business just needs a little push….. you have a sick daughter I believe money for her treatment is like a pain to the heart"

The man's eyes widened, he grabbed Abaddons collar he forcing words through his teeth.

"How do you know my daughter, who are you?!"

Abaddon sighed pushing the man away slightly adjusting his coat before saying

"Just one push-"

Abaddons deep black eyes glowed turning gold and a woman came in buying the whole tray full of cookies and two loaves of bread. The man looked at the bag of coins in his shaky hands, his face drenched with sweat.

"Y….you! How did you do that?!"

Abaddon smiled thinly, his smile faded away as the man declared.

"You….you're a wizard!"

"How dare you…. Don't compare me to such an insignificant mortal"

"An imp"

"What a disgusting thought! How dare you see me as such disgusting smelly creatures!?"


"I was known before the those things"



Abaddon had an irritated look on his face, taking a few steps back.

"Then…then what are you?!"

The man clearly annoyed dropped the bag of coins on his counter he walked up to Abaddon. Abaddon looked the man in the eye his voice was serious no more fun and games

"I'm Abaddon seventh prince of hell"


Abaddon looked to his left before saying

"You humans refer to me as the morning star that's my elder brother, Unfortunately I'm the fallen of fallen."

The baker burst out laughing, falling on his knees as he hit the floor

"Poverty is driving me into madness! I must be mad or could it be the hunger"

At that moment a noble woman entered the bakery she was dressed in a pink dress which swept the floor, her body was covered in jewelry some jewels almost impossible to find

She went to the baker.

"Thank goodness! Just the man I was looking for I have a party in 2 days I need a 10 tier cake with cupcakes as well"

she took off half of her jewelry, dropping them on the table

"Will this cover it?

The man looked at the jewelry on his table nodding, his face drained of all the blood. The noble woman gave him a paper with her address on it.

"I expect it by 12 midday tomorrow"

The woman left, the baker looked at the jewelry holding it close In a span of 20 minutes 3 more customers also came to order as well the baker looked at Abaddon before jumping for joy, Abaddon jumped with him as they celebrated.

But Abaddon stopped immediately, his hands caught fire before it turned to a contract.

"I don't do charity work we need to make a deal"

"A deal?"

The man looked confused as he took the paper looking at Abaddon.

"Yes it's simple for 20 years you will flourish in your bakery business no poverty but you will die and your soul will be in where I lived for 50 years"

"W…where did you live"

"Hell you fool!"


"Do we have an agreement?"

"Will my family be ok once I die?"

"It's all about strategic planning jake"


"I don't know and I don't care"

Abaddon said his voice laced with amusement as he pulled out his pen, his skull tip pen had a sharp tip, perfect for piercing as well.

"I need your blood"


The baker stepped back his chest heaving, Abaddon took a step to him and he moved back again this happened till he was backed against the wall. Abaddons gold eye glowed his smirk widened as he drew a short line over the baker's left cheek blood oozing out as Abaddon made sure the pen was full of red.

"Your signature here please"

Abaddon pointed at the blank space, jake signed with a smile and Abaddon smiled back he bowed slightly to the baker leaving his shop to sit right opposite his eyes turning back to a normal deep black color.

- I decive people daily this way using this method coming in their most vulnerable moments taking advantage of their desperate hearts or greed I'm sure the morning star is impressed-

The paper faded away slowly as customers come and go the man went out to put a sign before waving at Abaddon

"Thank you!"

Abaddon smiled thinly as he got up and nodded. - at least he knows curtsy demands-

"Remind me about you in 20 years"

.....2002....Shanghai china....

In the dead of night, shadows crept into a quiet home it was small and simple but the love in that house was all the luxury needed.

While the parents placed their daughter down for a nap in her crib she was 10 months old already waddling around. kidnapper's broke in through the window holding couple at gun point. The man knelt down begging, sweat dripping down his whole body.

"Please…..w…we don't have much we're barely scraping by"

The kidnappers ignored him about to take the girl out of her crib and run but the man stood up using a vase to hit the boss on the head killing him instantly and the other 2 hit the couple taking every valuable in their house.

The mother wasn't dead but pretended to be, as soon as the men left the little girl toddled to her mother.


She cooed as she touched her mothers cheek, her mother opened her eyes the joy in her eyes seeing, that her little one was safe was quickly replaced with sorrow as she didn't have much time left. The mother cried softly hugging her daughter desperately trying to keep her eyes open hoping for help.

The room suddenly lit up with a flame, casting an eerie orange glow. From the admits Abaddon emerged towering over the woman not even bothering for a human disguise the upside down cross on his head glowed, his eyes blazed like twin embers as he strolled towards the crying mother


Abaddon sneared he squatted ontop of the woman's husband

"Your lover is dead,your life slips away and your daughter…she can't survive a day in this state. You're powerless can't do anything! I'll make you a deal woman"

The woman held her daughter close to her chest blocking her from the heart stopping sight. Her voice getting weaker as well as her voice get more shallow.

"You the devil has appeared to me for I am about to ascend to heaven be gone you origin of evil!.

Abandon laughed, roughly picking up the girl by the arm making the girl scream and cry, twisting his sycthe his right arm his voice a low rumble like distant thunder.

"You will die any moment from to ease your worries-"

He leaned in closer, his golden eyes burning fixed on hers.

"I'll take away your forever trouble"

Raising his sycthe about to end the girl but stopped, after seeing the woman crawling close her hand stretching towards him. His voice laced with mockery.

"You want your child to live?"

He chuckled

"Who wouldn't?"

Tears streaming down the woman's face as she tried reaching for her daughter, she whispered.

"She's an innocent child please. I'll do anything at all just…just let her live, find her a family."

Abaddons smirk turned into a cruel smile as he reached out, his hand brushing a strand of hair from the woman's face. He whispered something in ancient language the room growing colder the sycthe in his hand burnt turning into a scroll

"Diwie Chen you weren't kidding when you said you have a place in heaven. Diwie Chen give up your place in heaven for your daughter to have home"

Abaddon unrolld the scroll showing her the contract a smirk on his lips

"If I give up my place in heaven will my daughter have a family? A safe family"

Diwie looked at Abaddon with a serious expression her hand shaking as she reached out for the skull pen

"It's in the contract isn't it?"

Abaddon said in amusement he smiled as Diwie dipped the pen in her blood and signed the contract. ln that moment, Diwie took her final breath before closing her eyes all she could see was fire she couldn't even kiss her daughter good bye, but knowing that her daughter would be safe would put her to rest

It was almost and still Abaddon hadn't found a home for the little one she cried since she was taken away, Abaddon felt like burning her away but he made a contract.

6 o'clock in the evening

Abaddon was on top of a building not just any building it was the Wei family estate they're well known for their control i the electronic fields.

"Rich families are safe"

Just as Abaddon dropped the girls infront of the gates a car pulled over an elderly man immediately stepped out it was no other than Hao Wei the owner of TJ electronics and head of the Wei house hold. He was bald and had a short beard he was really intimidating for his age. Seeing the girl his usually cold eyes softened he picked up the girl

"Fēi how on earth did you….."

His words cut short as he went back to his car instructing his driver to go to the Chen residence, as he entered he met the horrible sight both parents dead along with one of the kidnappers. As he left his legs gave out the driver immediately helped the old man up.

Mr.Chen was Hoa Wei's trusted employee he was there during the thought times, but when Mr.Chen asked for a house, Hoa Wei said no. He had visited the house when Fēi was born it was a nice place with the rejection still Mr. Chen didn't push it.

As The car drove away Hoa Wei couldn't help but blame himself as that the same day he awarded another employee a new house.

From the window of the house the soul of Diewi watched as the car drove off.

"Time to go"

Abaddon said casually, with a slash from his sycthe a portal appeared, taking Diewi's hand he led through the portal. Just as the portal closed Light the angel of mercy came to check up on purity (Fēi Chen) but saw the scene she immediately ran to the crib but didn't see Purity, she looked at the couple wanting to take them away but only saw Mr. Chen.

"No no no no no"

She looked around not in panic but in utter confusion.