Present day
It was the biggest award of the year, the talk of the town the Top Ten Actress Awards also known as the TTAA's (🥲). This year's event really outdid it self, so many legendary movie stars and musicians even CEO's.
The buffet was mouth watering, what seemed like a never ending table with never ending food. The waiter's serve's everyone politely giving the guests the best of their services purity (Fēi), was already stuffing her face with snacks when a young man dressed in an impeccable suit, his hair pulled back with some strands in the front.
"Anything without sugar please"
The man said flatly staring at his phone, Fēi looked at the man in confusion but still handed him a glass of lemon juice. Her hands were sticky from the sticky buns she was eating, the feeling of the gooey raisins on the glass and hands made the man's face twitch in disgust.
"Oi what's your problem are you mad?! Why will you give me a drink with your disgusting hand? WAIT why are you eating the food?"
He kept on shouting drawing attention the attention of people nearby. Fēi looked around confused, then at the waitress and then at her outfit her lips made an "O" as she understood the situation, the jacket she had on made her similar to the waitress's. She quickly wiped her hands and offered the man another drink with a smile.
"I'm sorry for my manners let's have a do over"
"Spoiled little rat I can have those short legs fired on the spot if I want and I will"
The man snapped at Fēi causing her to flinch, she placed another sticky bun on her plate before looking into the man's eyes and said in the most serious voice.
"I hope you make it to heaven"
The man disgusted spilled his drink all over Fēi's jacket, Everyone around gasped expecting Fēi to react. But Fēi picked up her sticky bun and ate slowly savoring the flavor, in the process doing a little happy dance. This only made the man more angry his face already piping red.
"Best Sitcom goes to You owe me….. cast by Xioxio, Fu ling, zuchen and Fēi Chen, "
The full auditorium erupted in cheers as the spot light captured Fēi still at the buffet table, she paused mid bite into her cake before looking at the huge screen which displayed her face. She wiped her hands and took of her jacket revealing a sleek, shimmering dress in deep midnight blue, short enough to be daring but not vulgar. The bodice is intricately beaded with tiny crystals that catch the light with every movement pushing up her bust tastefully.
As She walked to the stage time seemed to slow down, as everyone was hypnotized by the swaying of her hips and her prominent hourglass figure. This was surely a compensation from heaven after making her look like duck while there.
She stepped onto the stage, but her bad girl aura was destroyed as a female presenter hands Fēi her award. Fēi was still short a 5"0 feet, the hight difference made the whole scene laughable, the mic stand had to be adjusted for her making the hall burst out laughing.
While her speech was going on, Lian shi-the man from earlier. His face went pale, looking at Fēi he lost grip of his glass cup making it to slip and break. Another actor went to him, nudging him slightly.
"A bold move,Fēi Chen the Wei family's little princess don't let her baby looks fool you she's really smart. The Great Hoa Chen and Fēi are always together strange he didn't show tonigh "
Lian who was already pale, was now sweating as he looked back at the stage at Fēi as she was now giving her own short speech
"It just so happens that tomorrow is actually my birthday thank you for the award"
Fēi bowed before walking Down the stage, Lian immediately ran over helping her down the remaining steps.
" HA! Ambitious man"
The other actor he was talking to shouted, but no one could hear him over the loud music. Lian led Fēi to her table where other celebrities started congratulating her, Lian sat beside her flashing a charming smile. Holding out a drink about to start a conversation
"I'm li-
"Anything without alcohol please"
Fēi said not looking up from the business card she was given. Lian immediately held out a glass of orange juice but Fēi declined with a smile.
"I'm not thirsty anymore please"
Lian nodded sitting down.
"Fēi….Fēi Chen I've heard a lot about you and your grandfather"
"What about him?"
"Oh nothing just- you've heard Star Studios"
He hands her a business card she takes, it looking at with an amused look.
"Many are auditioning for spots at my fathers entertainment studio but we are suffering a few losses and you such a pretty face you'll be able to draw the masses right back to us"
Lian said confidently, crossing his hands looking at her with a smirk.
"So I should sign a new contract with Star Studios?"
"Yes I've heard you've been having a tough time recently especially your new movie eh…what's it called again?"
"My Day Dream"
Fēi said she was already getting annoyed, as she tried to listen to the announcement as this was her category.
"You're a rookie not new to the harsh life of entertainment industry" he took a sip of his drink before continuing
"In your recent interview you said you don't want to rely on your grandfather's wealth and influence but in your current position….you really need a push this pretty face doesn't need stress and-"
"Best upcoming actress goes to….. Fēi Wei!"
Fēi's face lit up as she stood up clapping as well, many came to congratulate her just as she was about to leave she laughed saying
"All that struggling to get someone like me to work for an already crumbling studio full with many controversies only to pay me with a weager salary will make you age faster it'll break my heart"
Fēi left leaving the man in a silent panic as she stood on the stage again her face beaming with all smiles turned to an angry pout. She was now on set looking at her script, she was clearly upset about something she gave the script to Light (Beiye) and walked away.
Beiye sighed handing over the script to the director.
"What's wrong with it? is it the setting please-"
Beiye raised her hand silencing the director before going after Fēi, Fēi opened the car door for Beiye before sitting in the driver's seat.
"They want me to have a kissing scene"
Fēi said, starting the car the engine purred softly before accelerating.
"Happy birthday"
Beiye teased tapping away on her phone and Fēi, trying her best to remain serious
"Someone is trying to sabotage my perfect image who is it?"
"Why are you asking me?"
"You're my assistant"
"Eh! It's the situation we found ourselves do you think I enjoy waddling around following you everywhere"
"I do the same for you I don't see the difference"
"Shut up! I'm your boss you are required to serve me"
"We're going to see Uriel"
Fēi announced, already turning the steering wheel but Beiye's hand was quick to stop her.
"Prestige restaurant and lounge is straight ahead"
Beiye said bluntly looking outside, ignoring Fēi's whining.
"We can't have another blind date not now!"
"Who's the we I'm the assistant remember and you can't avoid it forever your old man is-"
"-Yes I certainly know!"
Fēi cut Beiye off feeling a vibration in her pocket, she picked up her phone and sighed seeing the caller (The Wise one)
"Good morning papa"
"You left before I woke up this morning,why?"
His voiced laced with annoyance, as he looked at the pastries layed out on the doctor's table and a petrified doctor to scared to talk.
"I had a early-"
"-Have you arrived at the restaurant I booked for you?"
I just left my movie set…. But I have to go back a scene was deleted and-
"-So you want to cancel the date?"
Hoa Wei's voiced softened filled with vulnerability, crushing Fēi's heart. This was a trick he used everytime to get Fēi to do things he wanted and it never failed.
"No no not at all let me just reshoot the scene and-"
"It's ok if you don't go I'll just place my physiotherapy on hold and come see you it's your birthday spend time with your old man"
"Alright alright I'll go"
"I understand you don't like blind dates I don't like checkups to and here I am about to do physiotherapy"
"I said no such thing"
"I only set you up on blind dates because you wouldn't go if you knew who the man is I heard young people like that"
Pa I….
But I see you are uncomfortable with my-
"-Pa I like blind dates especially when I don't pay for meals"
"Is that so?"
But before Fēi could respond Hoa Wei ended the call,Fēi made a face at her phone before dropping it at the back seat. Beiye looked at Fēi with a soft expression something she rarely sees
"Why don't you just go through with the old man's plans for once?"
"What do you mean?!"
"He loves you and just wants to see you married"
"I'm an angel! angels don't marry"
"Purity he's he's a dying breed his time will soon be up"
Light held out her hand, a clock with Hoa Wei's face at the bottom showed. The hour hand on 12 and the minute hand at 11, the third hand moved making that tick tock sound.
"And when he dies your relationship with him as Fēi Wei his loving granddaughter will end"
Fēi said slamming the breaks, the tires made a screeching sound, stopping at the center of the road as drivers tried their best to avoid damage the rained curses at the car before driving away.
"Purity will see him not Fēi, purity will take him up to heaven not Fēi"
"He'll never forget me"
Light laughed as she pointed at the clock
"There's something you should know baby you won't remember your family if your family never reaches heaven and Fēi won't be there purity will and purity won't utter a single word about her identity as Fēi to the old hag you're running out of Time"
"He's running out of time"
"He just wants to spend time with you,look one minute already gone one second…"
Purity said before bursting into tears hugging Light tightly, light stroked her hair looking ahead. Up there only one emotion was present -Happiness-
As it is the place of enternal happiness and rest, but being on earth they all experienced different types of emotions uriel, light, even Cassius and now Purity.
"Even if you don't marry play along for his sake"
Light said bluntly as she looked ahead, not wanting to breakdown as well. Light sat up and started the car driving off for 10 whole minutes the car was silent until.
"If I don't like him him how many minutes do stay to avoid being rude?"
"An hour"
Purity, placed her head on the steering wheel causing the car to sway aimlessly, but looked up to Lights screams and hittings. She screamed as well before almost crashing into a fire hydrant but managed to regain stability.
"What if you don't like him too?"
"Shut up"
Light said massaging her temples