New Characters:
LG Benjamin Probe | 3-Star Air Ranger | 44 Years Old
Mr. Jonathan Brown | Earth Ranger | 31 Years Old | Guard
Ren replies with "Fair enough", and the butler starts the engine. Ren shifts his thinking from getting the backseat because he's the less important one to sitting in the backseat because he's taller than Kepler and is being rewarded with a bigger space.
As they are driving, Mr. Onzai tells them that they will be going to the Canadian Supreme Air Force Headquarters and that there is a residential building that they will stay in.
"Since you are a Special Force Team, the three of you will stay on one of the penthouses of the Robin Tower," Mr. Onzai says.
"We're staying in a penthouse?!", Ren blurts out.
"Three of us?", Kepler curiously asks.
"Well, you were not the first ones to be hired for the job. An American was hired first and he currently lives in New York City," Mr. Onzai says while driving.
"Whoa, we were supposed to go there today," Ren utters.
"He's also the same age as you guys," Mr. Onzai adds.
"What's with fifteen-year-olds being hired by the Canadian government nowadays," Mr. Onzai sighs.
"If I was hired because of my speed, Ren because of his shrouding ability, then what's special about this guy that he was hired first?", Kepler asks.
"You'll figure it out when you meet him," Mr. Onzai replies.
When they reach Downtown Ottawa, the two boys, especially Ren, watch the buildings and the people walking. The city was covered in snow. Ren compares Taipei and Ottawa and says that this is the first time he has ever been to a city outside of Taiwan while Kepler silently observes. Mr. Onzai compares Tokyo and Ottawa and says that Tokyo has better buildings but he prefers the people here and he feels more at home in this city.
"What about you Kepler, what comparison can you make about Ottawa and the country you came from?", Mr. Onzai asks.
"You won't get any information from me," Kepler coldly responds.
"Damn, you figure me out," Mr. Onzai sighs.
In just a few minutes, their car makes it to the CSAF Headquarters. Mr. Onzai parks the car and tells the boys that they have arrived.
"Welcome to the CSAF Headquarters, please feel free at home," Mr. Onzai smiles.
"Thank you, Mr. Onzai," the boys thank the war butler.
Before the boys leave the car, Mr. Onzai stops them.
"Wait, before you go, I just want to say that I could've teleported you back in Rhode Island to the headquarters earlier but I wanted you to have the full experience of moving to a different country, the same way I came here," Mr. Onzai smiles at them.
"You can teleport that long?" Ren is surprised.
"I wouldn't be a 5-Star ranger if I couldn't," Mr. Onzai proudly says.
"So that's how powerful a 5-Star ranger really is," Kepler is amazed.
"We spent enough time together, you may now go," Mr. Onzai tells them.
Kepler and Ren walk out of the car, Ren immediately notices the significantly lower temperature of the city. Ren asks his friend if he also feels cold and Kepler replies by saying he can generate heat with his aura so he has a strong resistance to cold. The two are greeted by the guard who lets them inside the building.
Character Introduction: Mr. Jonathan Brown | Earth Ranger | 31 Years Old | Guard
He instructs them to use the elevator and go to the 37th floor. They locate the elevator and wait for it to open. As soon as the elevator door opens, a familiar face appears.
"Hey, it's been a long time," Mr. Onzai jokingly tells them.
"Yeah, it's been a LONG time," Ren says.
Mr. Onzai waves at them and tells them that has already parked the car and will now escort them to the lieutenant general. He presses the 37th floor and the elevator moves up.
"Why can't you just teleport us there?", Kepler asks.
"Shhh, it will ruin our entrance, plus the elevator smells nice," Mr. Onzai replies.
The three reach the designated floor and go to the Office of the Lieutenant General, Mr. Onzai makes Ren knock on the door. The door opens and the lieutenant general of Canada greets them.
Character Introduction: Lieutenant General Benjamin Probe | 44 Years Old | 3-Star Air Ranger
Lieutenant General Benjamin Probe smiles at them and tells them to have a seat. Mr. Onzai teleports to his favorite seat while the two boys sit next to each other.
"Good afternoon, my name is Lieutenant General Benjamin Probe. I am the head of the Air Force of Canada," the lieutenant general greets them.
"Good afternoon Mr. Lieutenant General Benjamin Probe Sir, my name is Ren and I am the uh-" Ren nervously greets back and stares at Kepler asking for help.
"You can just call me LG Probe, and I already know your names don't worry," LG Probe says.
"So what's the deal of us here, Mr. LG Probe?", Kepler directly asks.
He explains that he watches over atmospheric anomalies in his office alone and that he has been tracking down the UFOs. He says that he is unsure whether there's only one or multiple of them since they move very quickly. He speculates that the circular aircraft can fly at the speeds of Mach 8 to Mach 12 and that Kepler is the only one who can match its speed.
"I track atmospheric anomalies using this," LG Probe's left eye suddenly glows blue and a small cloud with an eye on it appears above him.
"The eye that has been stalking us for a while," Kepler whispers.
"Whoa, what a cool ability for an air ranger!", Ren exclaims.
"My ability is called cloud seeding, I can seed my senses on any cloud anywhere in the world. If there is no cloud I can generate a small one and then transfer my senses to it, a very useful ability for my job," LG Probe explains.
"Now Ren you can generate shrouding clouds which is useful for secret missions but you Kepler, how fast exactly can you fly?", LG Probe asks.
"I was told I could fly at ten times the speed of sound," Kepler responds.
"We speculate that the flying saucers can fly at eight to twelve times the speed of sound so you are our best candidate for this job," LG Probe thinks.