

A phone began ringing, Anderson walked towards his phone which lay beside the old mattress. He picked up the phone.


The Team Leader's voice appeared from the other side.

"Anderson it's me Marko," 

Anderson suddenly became confused, wondering why the Team Leader was calling.

"I need you to come into the office today, and also, bring Len."

Anderson's face froze, shocked at the fact that he had to go to work on a weekend.

"Huh? Why do I have to come on a weekend sir?" He asked quickly.

He heard a sigh from the other side of the phone.

"We both know this business operates seven days a week, so why are you asking that!?" He asked angrily.

"R-really?" Anderson hesitantly applied, not knowing they actually worked during the weekends.

"How stupid can you b-" He suddenly paused. "You know what, I'm not talking with you anymore. Just come down to the office, and make sure to bring the kid."

The phone flashed dark, and Anderson put the phone down, slipping it into his pocket. He looked down and slouched over, sighing. 


Anderson and Len appeared before the office, and slowly entered, Anderson was shaking. Over by the front desk stood Marko, looking over the counter, talking to Luci who was seated just behind the frost desk. Anderson entered the building, then so did Len slowly behind. They approached the front desk where Marko was. He turned around and began waiting for them to reach him, smirking at Anderson as he looked at him. 

"Well, well, well, you actually showed up!" He announced loudly trying to get a reaction out of Anderson.

He only sighed, looking heavily disappointed. 

"Well cheer up Anderson I got news for you and Len, want to hear it?" He said, still smirking.

Anderson sighed again.

"Sure, sure, give it to us." he said looking disheartened.

Marko's face suddenly turned serious, ready to announce something to the two. He cleared his throat.

"Ahem, I'm sending you guys on a mission."

Anderson's eyes widened and his mouth dropped.

"A-a mission? Today? I'm still injured. What about Len? He is still getting used to his new life." He frantically asked.

Marko darted his gaze towards the side.

"Geez, that's a lot of questions. Don't worry too much, it's just a light mission to ease him into things." 

Andersons face didn't change, he was still worried about the fact that Len was going on his first mission. 

"What's the mission!?" He asked.

Marko began laughing at Andersons worried face.

"Haha look at your face man, I told you to stop worrying!"

Andersons face turned bright red, and wrinkles appeared on his forehead.

"Just tell me what the damn mission is!" He exclaimed, angrily showing his teeth.

Marko began looking hesitant while staring at his face.

"Well, one of the guards who was on duty yesterday, went missing."

Anderson's face turned into a confused mess.

"How do you know he's not temporarily gone?"

Marko began thinking deeply.

"Well, he hasn't reached out to share his report regarding the surveillance of the academy yesterday. And according to the other guards, the man headed straight to the office to turn in his report." He explained.

Anderson quickly pondered.

"That's very odd, so what do you want us to do?"

"Yesterday one of the guards went to the man's apartment yesterday but he wasn't there. I want you two to go there and investigate one more time, looking for any clues that could help us find him."

Anderson looked down towards Len, then began thinking.

"That sounds easy enough, so that's it? Just investigate the apartment?" Anderson asked.

"Correct, it seemed like it's an easy job, so that's why I contacted you this morning, so Len could work his way into getting used to how we do things." Marko responded. "If you guys can, it would be best to head out as soon as possible."

Andersons seemed puzzled, confused as to why he said that.

"I guess."

He looked down towards Len, asking him his thoughts.

"How about we get it over with now so we can relax at home all weekend?"

Len nodded.


He looked back up at Marko, and his hand was just in front of him, holding a small piece of paper.

"Go here."


"234… 235… and 236."

Anderson stopped in front of a dark gray door, looking up and down continuously, making sure it was the correct place.

"Looks like this is the apartment," He said.

Anderson walked up to the door, and knocked. He waited a few seconds, and nobody answered the door. He knocked, again. Still, nothing happened.

"Seems like the Team Leader was right." He exclaimed

He grabbed the door handle, pushing it down, but the door didn't budge one bit.

"Well, it looks like the doors are locked."

He reached into his back packet, and pulled out a small black pouch with a zipper across the middle. He opened the bag revealing a silver locksmiths kit. He carried it everywhere he went, just in case something like this happened.

He bent down on one knee, directly in front of the handle, and took out a small pin, inserting it into the keyhole. He began playing around with the pin, moving it in all directions before a clicking noise popped, unlocking the door. 

"And, we are in." He exclaimed with a prideful face.

He slowly opened the door, revealing a small dark room.

To the right of the door was a small light switch, which Anderson flicked. The light revealed a well kept room, with bright yellow wallpaper covering the interior of the room. They slowly walked inside searching for clues, but most importantly searching for the man. 

They approached the middle of the room where a small couch sat, facing a flat screen TV on the wall. Anderson seemed impressed.

"Looks like this guy had a lot of money if he could afford a TV like that." He joked around.

He approached the TV, admiring it, even touching it. He felt something was off, the TV was still warm. 

Suddenly loud footsteps appeared outside the room down the hall. Each step grew louder as they slowly approached the room. They continued down the hall, and the steps appeared directly outside the door, then suddenly stopped. A man's voice suddenly emerged from the doorway. He began to laugh quietly…

"It seems I have guests, it would be quite rude for me not to welcome them."