As the man talked. Anderson frantically dragged Len to a closet opposite from the TV, where they closed the door and hid.
The man started walking into the room, looking around for any intruders.
"Hiding now are we? I just want to know why you came to my home."
Anderson's face suddenly lit up, and he hesitantly stepped out of the closet after hearing the man was the owner of the apartment.
"You're the owner of this apartment?" he asked, looking at the man who wore a black suit, with black sunglasses covering his eyes.
The man turned to his right, seeing Anderson, who stood there cautiously just outside the closet. He noticed who Anderson was, a member of the NPA.
"Ahh, Anderson, what brings you to my apartment?" He asked.
Noticing the man knew his name, Anderson loosened his body up, relieved that the man knew him.
"Sorry, about breaking in. We were asked to find you since you didn't submit your report yesterday."
The man pondered for a second.
"Yes, the report, that one is my fault. A man in a blue suit approached me after my shift and we ended up talking for a while. When I got home last night I forgot about it since I was so exhausted." He responded.
Anderson's eyes suddenly grew, he looked towards Len, still in the closet. He realized that what he said was false, someone else checked his home the night before, but nobody was there. He looked back towards the man, thinking of a way to get out of this situation.
"Well, we still need that report, so If you can go down to the office today, and submit it, that would be great!" Anderson said with a smile plastered on his face.
"I will get to it." He responded.
Anderson examined every inch of the man.
"You can come with us, we took the company car, so you don't have to take the bus."
The man smiled.
"That sounds great! Just give me a second to get ready, and I'll head on out."
Anderson nodded. He brought Len out of the closet, and walked towards the entrance to the apartment…
Suddenly, the man began rushing towards Anderson's back, lifting his leg up, sending it straight for him, but it was blocked. Anderson stood there with his arm out, holding the man's shoe. Tears slowly rolled down his eyes from the pain of getting hit in a wounded area.
"As I thought, you are not the owner of this place." He said, with a serious expression on his face.
The man suddenly began laughing.
"Haha! So you knew, Anderson Brighton. I am not the owner of this place, neither am I the owner of this body." He said, laughing hysterically.
Anderson looked disoriented.
"What do you me-."
The man slipped off his shoe, and pushing against Anderson, his body started to twist, he extended one leg, striking Anderson in the face, knocking him against the wall.
"My, you have such an incredible body, would you mind if I take it?" He asked, laughing.
A black figure suddenly appeared around the man's body, not looking towards Anderson, but towards Len. The figure smiled at him, and Len's eyes opened wide, he realized who it was, he realized that the man in front of him was Jame, the man who was beside Doc when he died.
The man looked over at Len, who was on the ground.
"It's you kid! How was destroying my other host, was it fun?" He asked, smiling.
Len didn't answer, he froze in fear.
"You're still as quiet as ever. It really is a shame you met me, since soon your powers will belong to me." He exclaimed.
Anderson suddenly batted in, slowly moving his arm.
"Y-you stay away from him." He said slowly.
Jame quickly turned towards Anderson, throwing his right hand towards his face, clinching his mouth.
"Listen, shut the hell up, look at the state you're currently in, you can't do shit to me."
He slowly turned back towards Len with an angry expression on his face. He began slowly approaching Len, who was still on the ground.
The dark figure began gliding towards Len, phasing through his body. Both Jame and Len fainted. Anderson looked at the two of them on the ground.
"W-what happened?"
Stars began falling, the galaxy glistened in the distance. The dark figure appeared in the realm of Len's mind where his "Star Palace" resided. The blue star appeared before the figure.
You are not the owner of this palace…
You do not belong…
Leave now…
The figure suddenly lunged at the star, but was stopped in its place.
This presence…
You are Black's successor…
The star disappeared, the figure began examining the palace, looking for where the star went. He turned around and the star appeared behind it. The star became… a man. The man looked towards the figure, he wore an angry expression, suddenly speaking.
"Black, come out of that ants mind." He demanded.
Suddenly a small black star shot out of the figure's head, causing it to fade to a white shade. A voice came from the star.
"What do you want?" the star asked.
The man appeared annoyed.
"Face me, not in your ethereal form, but in your human form."
The black star began to fade, and suddenly a slim woman with black hair appeared before the two.
"Geez Aqua, why are you always so serious about things?" She asked in a high pitched voice.
Aqua approached Black, and out of spite, he slapped the woman's face.
"You realize that our lives will soon end, right? We need to pass down our powers."
"Yeah I know, I know." She responded quietly.
Aqua looked towards the figure, then back at Black.
"Why the hell is your successor in my Palace!?" He asked.
She looked over towards the figure.
"Why are you here?" She asked
The figure didn't respond, he just stood there, switching his gaze between the two infront of him.
Aqua's face suddenly lit up.
"That's my bad, I forgot, you are not allowed to speak in this palace, let me change that for you." He said.
Aqua raised his right hand, and put his middle finger and thumb together, snapping. A blue light appeared around the man.
"You should speak now." Aqua said.
"C-can you hear me?" The figure asked, in a shriveled voice
Aqua and black both nodded.
"I wanted his powers…" It said.
Black looked directly at the figure.
"You believe that my powers can do that?" She asked.
"Can they?"
Black looked down, covering her face with her left hand.
"Listen, there has only been one star that I met throughout my life that I've been able to overpower, but the rest of them including Aqua here, are stronger than me. Therefore, there is only one star you can actually steal powers from, and that is Citrine." She explained.
"So I can only get more power from Citrine?" The figure asked.
"Correct, but you won't be able to find his successor."
"Why not?"
"Citrine's successor died not too long ago, so Citrine is still attempting to recover the power he lost, until then, he won't be able to name anyone his successor."
Suddenly Black's body began to shake.
"Looks like my time here is up." she said.
The figure reached out its hand towards Black, but she faded into her star form, flying towards its head, turning the figure dark again.
Aqua looked down at the figure.
"It's time you leave now."