On 30th September, 2027. My parents were involved in gunshot in armed robbery instigated by rebels on trying to take over the city. Fortunately my parents couldn't make it, it was the toughest moment in my life but I always remember my mom smile and the words she say's to me everyday when was been bullied by peers (son you have to be strong to live in this and also love those who love you and kind and give twenty-fold punishment to those who are scumbag and evil natured peoples). Those keeps me alive when remember them.
As the only child of my parents I inherit 6 storey apartment from my parents and 100 million money as compensation for my parents sacrifice, my parents tried to evacuate the kids in the hall room, the reason they got involved. They were poor but loving parents, I will miss them forever.
A month after inheriting the house, I found a letter in my father hidden cabin.
When I read the letter...
It says someone very powerful is backing his relatives to take over the house and the family land, me and your mother has been poison and incurable one, we will not be able to live long when you see this sell the house and run away far from where their influence cannot reach you by the time you see this, I know we have already gone but do not be sad we are with you in everything you do, your stupid father, Kajil Hesly. l wish ....
Father you are not stupid at all and I love you both you and my mom.
Tears started flowing ....
A week later, I have made the necessary preparations to run away is left with the house sale, let visit property sale management and where did put the house documents.
Oh here ..
A hour later, Hello how may I help you ( standing before me is a very beautiful girl between 23 to 26 of age, she is the receptionist )
Oh I'm here to sell off my property
Okay, please come this way
Hello, I am Mily Zed, the general manager here and you
Emile Hesly, I'm here to sell
Please sit and let me check the house documents
Mm.. everything is authentic and it location is outstanding, what about you sell it to us. We will make sure to satisfy you very much
Okay, how much will you pay
The total value of the house now is 150 million but we will use to do different project so what 950 million, I should have given you at least 1.5 billion because of it location, so
Emile talking to himself or mumbling (that is why someone powerful is eyeing the land,thank I did it secretly my relatives have not got a gist of it now, let us hurry and leave here)
So. Mr. Hesly we will give 950 million now and pay extra 450 million later we short on funds now and be aware that we will cover all the taxes
Say no more Mr.Zed here is bank account and it is a pleasure doing business with you
Thanks Mr.Hesly
Wow.. wow
I didn't think I will hit the jackpot this big , my overall estimate was 70 million not it worth billion and half and now I'm a billionaire.
May be the powerful person my speak of saw the value of the land and my father too.
All is in the past now, I will get my revenge twenty-fold like my mother said when I am powerful enough. Father said I should go far from here, so let me think about it ... far from here... far from here
Oh Greenlake Continent- Forren City .
Greenlake Continent here I come
Farren City welcome your new billionaire, the will take about two to three weeks, it does not matter saving my life now is most important thing.
7 hours later
Everyone make use of your seat belt the plane is about to take of ...