2 weeks and 4 four days later,
So this is Forren City
Wow.. everything look astonishing here, let me look for a guide and buy a house first.
Forren City it lives to it name Free City,so many varieties of food,clothes,cultures and other races like green tribe, blue tribe, red tribe, yellow tribe and so many more (they are all human races but different colors and culture)
Jin (is the guide, who is assisting me. I caught him about to steal a purse then chose to assist me in return to buy him food. He is known as street rat,he has been living here since he was born doing petty thief to survive everyday, he does not know about his parents. He was with an old man as long he remembered,the old died when he was eleven and he has been living like this since )
Jin where can I buy a sturdy and quality house with nice view
Jin how much will it cost and also how old are you?
Mm..let me think .. 17 years now
Oh I'm the big brother here I was 19 years old some months ago, call me big brother from now on and you will be living withme from now on.
Really... like seriously..(In shock state and about )
Yes, junior brother, Let's go and buy our house and then the things we will need later okay.
Okay big bro, thank you very much and I be with you till my life end.
I promise with my life before almighty God
Sure.. sure hurry up let's go
40 minutes later ...
Big bro it here they sell the houses
Okay let go in Jin
Sir how may I help you
I'm looking for a sturdy house with gym to buy and don't mind the cost
Okay sir, here is the list choose the one you prefer and I will be at counter if you need something contact sir .
Jin come here and let choose the one suited us
Oi!! oi! Look at the prices the least one is 55 million money (money is the currency I'm using )
Mm.. I prefer this one Jin what do you say about it, it has pool and fitness center and very cozy.
It nice but the price 134 million money, it too expensive and I have not seen that kind of money before .
Do not fret, I got the money here
Your big brother is cool right
(Jin show face of disdain)
Mrs we are done where can I make the payment.
Please here Mr.
Moments later
Pleasure doing business with you Mr.
Our guide will take you tour the and here is the documents and keys
Thank you Mrs
You are welcome
Wow it is super nicer than when it was in the picture, Jin now this is our house now and we will go shopping next week let prepare what we will need.
Meanwhile at Hesly family mansion, the elders at meeting
So that foolish brat sell the house and it land and ran away without anybody noticing, I give him mark for his courage I didn't think much of him says elder one
Or did he got a gist that we poison his parents before their death says elder five
Poisoned them, how come I did not hear about this says elder seven
Enough!, that kid is too clever I contact my underground team but they couldn't find his traces, they only know where he sells the property and we cannot fight the management agency, even if we pull all our resources together we cannot do a scratch darn .. sigh - The backer
He ruined our only chance to be billionaires says elder 3
We did not get the land that will earns us hundreds of billions, let think way of sustaining our businesses and maybe opportunity may come later.
The is close for now says elder two
Two months later at Emile Hesly villa ..
Jin I want to find somewhere safe and reliable that I can invest my money, do you have any suggestions.
Big bro why not do the investment you did last that yielded over 2050% and you are worth 20.05 billion money and you reserve 350 million money for ourselves.
Now you are among the richest young guys in the world.
Hey that thing is not investment we got lucky, my father taught it to me and it is only one time use only.
So suggest something else, you are the smart one here
We are both school drop out though, let me see what about the new game that will launch on 2nd February, 2028. It is gaining popularity as the day goes and it stocks are skyrocketing day by day, though we do not know who the founder is but year to come I think it will worth 15 trillion money maybe more I do not know.
Nice suggestion smart boy, so how do we invest
Unless we do research since we got no one to ask..
Some moments later
It says, first buy the game pod and register, it will show buy gold coins or invest that is all.
So Jin check the prices of the game pod.
Okay big bro, regular 20,000 money, regular premium 100,000 money, elite premium 500,000 money and the last finest and unique product 1.5 million money, wow so expensive and when you make payment they will deliver it to you.
Order two of the unique set, I hope you will play.
Let try our luck on the game ...
Few hours later...
At the front door beep .. beep
"Delivery complete, wish you success in your gaming"
So robots makes the delivery wow, that has really changed.
Oh it is fixed together already, let plug it and start investing.
Is only you who will invest why me plug in, by the way goodluck on your first entry .
[Congratulations players on your first entry]
[Do you wish to create account yes or no]
[Choose your name ]
[Reminder nickname will chosen after talent awakening ]
Name what do I choose mm.. Ok
Emile Hesly
[Player has chosen Emile Hesly as his primary name]
[Notice; the game has not open yet]
[Notice; do you wish to buy gold or invest and wait until the game opens ]
[Investment option is open]
[Type the amount ]
I have already linked my bank account, okay
20 billion money
[Congratulations player for investing two trillion gold coins ]
Two trillion like how...(pondering )
Oh remember 1 money equals to 100 golds, so 20 billion money equals to two trillion .
Wow I am trillionaire in the game and millionaire in real life.
[Notice; as the first to ever invest two trillion gold coins, you have 300% chance to get hidden or specialised role in the talent awakening below S grade and 50% to get God class and 200% chance mythical class when you get S grade or above ]
[5% on your investment will be pay to you every month ]
[Specialised full set equipment will be given on your role. Goodluck ]
[Reminder: is not pay to win but you are our big helper]
Hahaha! This system funny