Nullborne Manifestation

Oris and Dren, Kael's bodyguards into his mother's ship and it took of after a few discrete orders from his mother.

Kael's mother led him to a hidden underground training room within the mansion itself, a location Kael hadn't been informed about and that was where his training begun.

His mother began by training him on how to access his inner energy source. Because she didn't know which category he belonged in yet, she taught him a few general ways to draw out his power.

An entire week passed with no real progress and Eventually his mother gave up on him. She determined that it was a hoax that was concocted to force a visit from her. She made contact with a few of her distant subordinates and was ready to leave the planet when she received a report.

It was a progress report showing the results of Oris and Dren's tests. The report stated that both bodyguards had improved physically by ten percent which wasn't a lot but considering all they'd been doing was shadowing her son around for days with no time for training, it was unique.

Kael's mother knew she was missing something but couldn't figure out what, so in the end she decided on a final gamble.

"Gather 100 of the weakest members from our main base and ship them over to my current location along with a few basic tier spires." She said to her distant subordinates.

"Yes miss Murion, they'll be there as soon as possible." A female voice said over the comms before Kael's mother disconnected.

She returned back to the mansion and sat down while deciding on what to do until the ship arrived. After a while of thinking, she lifted her right hand as a small black orb formed within. She then had the orb float just below the ceiling, high enough that no one would notice unless they were looking for it.

"Kael! Am not going to leave for a few more days darling!" She said while amplifying her voice with energy.

The young boy rushed into the room his mother was in unaware of the floating orb. Opening the door he started running to his mother, only for something to drop from the ceiling at an incredible speed crushing into the ground as a very small explosion resounded with just enough force to cause a small breeze.

Kael was shocked by the sudden turn of events and couldn't react as the explosion occurred directly under his feet. He looked up only to see an extremely wide smile on his mother's face as absolutely nothing happened to him.

Kael's mother achieved exactly what she had been hoping to achieve this entire week with but a single drastic decision.

While she sat down alone thinking of how to reawaken her child's power again, she remembered that in the report made by the bodyguards it stated that the child hadn't been able to activate his ability consciously other than when he accidentally affected both of them. So she came up with a pretty harmless plan to see if her son's instincts would naturally reactivate his power to protect himself.

The child stood at the center of what was essentially a sudden wind burst with not so much as a single strand of hair moving. Kael had become slightly transparent with a blue energy outline around him. Everything from the attack to its effects passed right through him.

"Oh my sweet boy, you didn't lie to your mother." Miss Murion said with every bit of excitement in her being as she opened her arms to embrace her child.

The ten year old Kael seeing this gesture forgot about everything that transpired in the past few seconds and tried to ran forward only to be flung of the ground by the force of his own legs. It wasn't much but he was slowly levitated of the ground and suspended in the air with no way to get down. His mother smiled even brighter when she saw this.

"Mom, help me." He screamed not really knowing how to turn off his powers as he floated in the air just above his mother's reach.

Pushing lightly of the ground, Miss Murion was able to grab onto Kael's semi transparent arms and pulled him into a tight embrace as his powers shut down immediately.

Eventually, the ship she called for arrived with the 100 members along with more than 50 Basic tier spires.

Kael's little display was enough for his mother to conclude that he had developed an Axionis, which greatly disappointed the young boy because he was really praying to have developed a Legion ability.

And thus the training began. Armed with the information about her child's category, Miss Murion was able to teach her child properly on how to access his innate energy source, Null Matter, in order to use his powers.

As the years went by, Miss Murion was able to narrow down Kael's capabilities and Axionis effects into a singular compact description which she allowed a now 13 year old Kael to name. The name of it was Nullborne Manifestation.

Her research and experimentation with her child allowed her to narrow down Nullborne Manifestation as the ability to generate and manipulate an extradimensional force known as Nullborne Matter, an intangible yet omnipresent energy that exists in the space between dimensions. This for can be influenced by Kael to take on various properties based on how it is shaped.

During training, it was discovered that Kael was too weak to bring out Nullborne Manifestation's full power. This revelation was received extremely positively as it meant that it was one of the few Axionis traits in the Galaxy that was actually powerful.

Through training, Kael was able to master two distinct uses of Nullborne Manifestation. One was to grant a portion of his power to others, this use would boost the physical capabilities of anyone affected for a period of time. The second was to fuse with Nullborne Matter. This places him in a constant state of shift, allowing him to temporarily reject the laws of all dimensions although his mother never explained in detail what that meant because she didn't want her child messing around with that too much.