Kael opened his eyes only to be greeted by a nice bright ceiling. He sat up and looked around the room which to his dismay wasn't the medbay. At least he healed properly from the splitting headache.
At the center of the room was a holographic command table with a glowing interface connected directly to the ship's core systems. He was not expected to be out and about on the bridge which was why this was installed. It acted as his own personal command center allowing him to do his job from the comfort of his room.
To one side was his own personal workstation nestled against the wall. The reinforced desk was supposed to house mission logs, strategic archives and personal notes. It was currently empty apart from the built in AI assistant which was connected to the entire ship but possessed its own separate system to make the Captain's job easier.
Opposite the workstation desk was an empty weapons locker which he didn't think would be filled anytime soon. He was currently sitting on a reinforced bed which was resting against the wall at the far end of the room with a small kitchen module built in a corner next to the bed to allow for private meals and a compact hygiene module at the other corner which contained a sonic shower and a water efficient wash station.
He got down from his bed and walked to the command table where it showed he was three days into his journey.
"Well, three days to regain 6 years worth of memories is a good trade off. To think that my memories of everything including my own power was locked away for an entire two months. How important were those last two months of training mom?" Kael asked himself as he moved to the hygiene module and splashed a little water on his face before freshining up, changing into his captain's robe.
Kael's robe is a pure pristine white made of woven nanofiber that appears weightless yet drapes with elegance. Deep royal purple lines weave through the fabric in an intricate, almost arcane pattern forming sharp and geometric designs that symbolize control and structure. A tall rigid white collar frames the neck subtly lined with purple etchings that glowed slightly. The sleeves are white and layered with inner silk-like lining that subtly shifted in dark purple gradients as Kael moved his arms to admire himself. A deep purple sash fastened by a silver sigil of the Murion family cinches the robe at the waist. The sigil, a stylized eye surrounded by interlocking lines which represents foresight and the unbreakable bonds between each member of the family. The lower half of the robe is designed for both elegance and mobility, with split panels allowing ease of movement.
Kael was stunned after putting the robe on because it was so well designed and elegant. He decided against staying in his room because he wanted to reconnect with his 100 training partners of 6 whole years.
He walked out of his room only to see Oris and Dren to the left and right side of his door respectively.
"You're finally awake young master. Some of the crew members were beginning to worry about you. If you had stayed out any longer they would have barged in to rush you to the medbay." Oris said as he did a double take on Kael's appearance.
It was at this moment that Kael realized that the other two were out of their robes and were rather wearing sleek purple combat suits with the Murion family insignia on the left side of the chest and regal white lines moving around in a beautiful rhythmic fashion.
Kael looked at his two guards for a while, a few thoughts flashing through his mind before he eventually gave up and tapped onto the Murion family insignia on his sash as his robe tightened around his body with a few components moving around like multiple tiny insects. In only a few seconds, his robe had turned into a pristine white combat suit with all the highlights of the robe. The material left behind from the switch to combat suit was enough to form a pure white overcoat with deep purple edges over the combat suit. His family's insignia could now be seen both on his belt buckle and the front pocket of his overcoat which was currently neatly buttoned close. The purple outline of his family's insignia could also be see boldly on the back of his overcoat.
"It seems your's was designed to be a formal cover no matter what state it is in." Oris said with a slight chuckle while looking at the smile on Kael's face.
Kael didn't want to lose the pristine piece of artistic fashion that was his captain's robe but had ended up gaining something ten times better. This reminded him of a show he loved to watch as a child.
"Well then, let's take a stroll shall we." Kael said as he went around the entire ship for the third time since entering it and gaining every crew members attention once again with a by name greeting which actually took some of them by surprise since they thought they would need to keep up this strangers act for far longer. They were relieved to not have to keep up the act anymore. They were all Kael's loyal subordinates, not a bunch of strangers with nothing better to do than transport others.
Kael eventually found his way back to the command center where he could see that they were rapidly approaching an a planet near the center of their solar system. After three days, they were finally approaching their destination, although it still looked like they had two more days of this journey left to live out.