The return of the followers

Being the first to leave the subway, Javier with Yami struggling to free herself from the hand that grabbed her neck.

"I'll let you go but don't destroy anything, got it!

"GHijniojono onono.

"Javier Onii-chan, it is not correct to treat a woman like that.

"... In the end it's the same, he abuses his power.

Rinka having no problems expressing herself freely and Sayaka who whispered about Javier's behavior, as if they had forgotten what they had seen in the subway.

Letting go of Yami who continued to struggle, Javier looks at Sayaka who remained upright and did not lower her head.

"First, this girl has a high rate of violence, if you think any of you can keep her under control with flowery words, step forward and face the beast.

"Kugh, b-but.

"No buts! Sasa-chan, I know your past completely, apart from the small phobia of men that you have developed with recent events. But let me tell you that you are not alone, here you can live as you like, but at the same time this place has rules.

[First: here nobody is indispensable for anything, maybe in the future I will hire someone to clean, tidy and cook, but that will not give them freedom, so that they can be spoiled brats, each one will have their tasks to complete, even if it is minimal.

Second: As long as you live in this house, I will give you an allowance of two thousand yen each month. You can save up for anything you want to buy in the future.

Third: I took the liberty of registering them, starting on Monday they will begin attending classes.

Fourth: Every morning at 5:30 am, I want you up to exercise and that is not up for discussion.]

Imposing the logical rules where Rinka and Sayaka couldn't object. Javier turned back to Yami who repeatedly knocked on the door in an attempt to leave the room. Letting out a deep sigh, Javier walked over and turned the doorknob from the side.

"Okay, remember that this is how doors open in the future.


Without answering, Yami runs to the next door excitedly, closing and opening the door multiple times, having fun in her own way.

"Rinka-chan, Sasa-chan come out.

"We're coming.

"I understand.

Rinka had nothing to worry about, since her body was still growing, the shirt of an adult man was too big for her like a robe, to the point that it leaned to one side, allowing her shoulder and armpit to be seen.

On the other hand, there was Sayaka with an explosive body from every angle; an adult man's shirt could not suppress the feminine charm that radiated naturally, especially the glamorous breasts that stretched the fabric forward, not being able to see her narrow waist but her wide hips with a pair of buttocks, which were hugged by the fabric.

"What an incredible house you bought, Javier onii-chan, but don't you think it's big enough for four people to live in?

"Too extravagant, what did you think when buying a mansion, you know how difficult it will be for anyone to clean it.

"Everything smells new, I never expected to live in such a big and beautiful house.

"Hm, it is annoying, but I have to say that all these decorations give it its unique style… How much did you spend on it?"

"How many rooms are there?♫.

Admiring and scolding in equal measure at the sight of the almond-colored wallpaper, with patterns of trees in full bloom in the upper corners; moldings with bird designs, plus moldings around the door that fit in with the Victorian style.

"The amount was high, but it was worth it. They still need to see the whole house and the exterior. There are about 300 rooms on the second floor alone, we also have a terrace where you can have barbecues and enjoy the solitude and the landscape. The first floor is divided into three areas, now we are in the left wing, a recreational area; saunas, jacuzzi, thermal bath, indoor pool, movie theater, bowling alley, music room, rest areas, there are 15 bathrooms in total in this wing.

Connecting the two wings and the second floor is the great hall, hehe, stop being impressed until you see it with your own eyes.

Moving to the right wing we have; dining room, living room, library, kitchen, bar, industrial refrigerator and more rooms that are unoccupied. In total there are 25 rooms and 20 individual bathrooms.



"What's wrong with suddenly going silent?"

"It's not that, it's a useless expense!!

"How could you buy a huge mansion for just four people? It's stupid.

"Let's not talk about the cleanliness, the size and the route through the house is crazy.

"Even if we ran to see the whole mansion, it would be impossible for us to finish it without ending up dead from exhaustion. You're a fool, Javier Onii-chan!"

"They finished…

Not giving importance to the words that stabbed him from all sides, as the reality was true. He turned his gaze to Sayako's long, bare legs that were a feast for the eyes, to forget that he was scolded, Rinka with her hands on her waist stood in the way.

"How much are you looking at Sasa Nee-chan's legs? Mmm Javier Onii-chan.

"Hehehe, nothing, just enjoying the views, nothing more.

"And don't you have someone else to watch, nyaaa!? Let me go.

Rinka demanded as she was grabbed by the armpits and lifted to Javier's eye level.

"Now I have some beautiful pearls that I will never tire of looking at.

"!.... y-you fool, let me go.

I murmur embarrassed by the serious and at the same time playful behavior when looking directly into his eyes.

"No, hehehe, you have to hold on tight.

"Mm, don't make fun of me, and stop teasing Sasa Nee-chan!♫♫.


"Hahahaha♫♫, gee♫, horsey gee♫♫♫.

Rinka not being someone easy to annoy when Javier wanted to carry her as a kangaroo, Rinka wrapped her arms around Javier's neck and turned around, ending up on his back.

"Be more careful, if it were a normal person, not only you but I would end up hurt.

"You are the hentai god, who bothers you, playing with your little sister. Now lead the way Javier Onii-chan♫.

"Ahhh, Yami stop playing and let's go!" Sasa-chan stops grabbing the hem of my shirt that is stretching it out.

"Then give me clothes to cover myself!"

"That, that give us clothes♫. It's unfair that Yami-san is the only one who prepared clothes for her and we got nothing.

"Calm down, I'll give you clothes soon.

He said leading the way as Sayaka let out a deep sigh and started walking without worrying about her shirt riding up and Yami opening every door she passed.

Arriving in the living room, Rinka and Sayaka were stunned by the level of wealth on display. The polished floor reflected everything like a mirror, a large imperial crystal chandelier illuminating the room. At the same time, the craftsmanship in the wood and the wallpapered walls maintained the superior quality wherever the eye looked.

"Stop wasting time and let's go before it gets too late.

"I-I'm coming.

"How beautiful.

Amazed and at the same time enchanted by the artistic beauty that was like a dream palace, Rinka playfully ran up to Javier in an attempt to attack him, but he turned around and hugged her.

"Hehehehehe♫♫♫, it looks like Princess Javie onii-chan's castle, we'll really live here.

"Of course.

"I won't ask how much tea it cost, but it must have been very expensive. Wow! The place is bigger than my school!"

"Hahaha, it's 400 hectares, the house is located very close to the entrance, if you see from above you will realize how immense everything is.


"It is certainly incredible, but what do you plan to do with so much space, especially since a huge purchase if the four of us are going to live here is not a waste of money.

Grimacing as she rubbed the truth in his face, Javier said without looking at her.

"I'll think about it in the future, and who says there will only be four of us? In the future I plan to fill this house with my children and wives, as well as the servants.

"Ehehehehe as expected, a piece of trash that thinks with the lower half of its body.

"Aaaaah, you're not the hentai god for nothing.

"Hmph, any praise from you two will get you nowhere, now let's go.

"By the way, Javier Onii-chan, is there that crystal lamp in the whole house?"

"To a lesser extent, but yes.

"Is the car that Sasa Nee-chan got in yours?"

"I bought it two days ago, since we are a bit far from the city, we need transportation because there are no buses nearby.


Without saying anything else, he entered the white family van. With only one other person missing, Javier saw Yami at the door, not daring to go out, as if a wall had risen and he couldn't move.

"What are you doing Yami?.... come we have to go.


"Yes, yes, ouch! Why are you biting me?!"

Pushing Yami away, Javier looks at his hand with the bite mark and the blood dripping to the ground.

"... Can't I be cured?

Frowning, he takes out a handkerchief and wraps it around the bite and grabs Yami's arm, dragging him along.


"Bite me again and I'll never get you out again in my life.


Sitting her down while helping her put on her seat belt, accentuating her prominent breasts, he closes the door.

-Tch, this chick's bite is more painful than I thought, damn it must have something to do with her miasma-.

Javier thought as he sat in the driver's seat.

"...This place is not very empty.

"Sasa Nee-chan is right, it's all a vacant lot, not even a flower can be seen… Why does the first floor only have large windows?"

"The house only has three exits, and as you can see, it has a lot of natural light, which is why I put in large windows.

"Mmm, can I put on some music?"


Rinka approached from the back, turning on the radio.

Stepping out as the iron gate opened automatically, Akimiya and Rinka only saw trees until they reached the road.

"Hey, be careful and don't stick your head out the window, it's dangerous.

She warned Yami that everything was new to her. Javier, with a hand on her shoulder in case she came loose from her seat belt, hit the road heading towards Azumi City.

"When you said it was a different world I thought of seeing flying cars and more futuristic things… but everything is normal.

"I thought I would see something different too. How many minutes are we from the city?"

"I think I saw a gas station recently.

"Jo, look Rinrin-chan, don't you think that dress is pretty?

"Ehehehe, it wouldn't look good on me, it would be more Sasa Nee-chan's style.

"My style?"

"Yes, after all Sasa Nee-chan you have these huge breasts and an ass that brings the gaze of men. How envious, I wish I had at least a little of that in me.

"!... h-how can you say that?!, you know how men stare at you when you pass by.

"Of course I know. When I went shopping with Otome-nee, men were enthralled by her figure, my Kasu-ni was the same. I don't know what they see in a pile of fat."



Covering with her hands the breasts that were impossible to cover, being the object of Rinka's mockery, since each time she found an area where Sayaka's hands could not cover what overflowed the bust that she tried to push back and be punctured.

"Javier onii-chan do you think I can grow to have a body like Otome-ne and Sasa Nee-chan!

"Mmm, I don't think you can achieve it with your genes, you should know that by looking at your mother or aunts.

"Gu… I read on the internet that if your partner gives you massages, your breasts grow.

"Stop doing that! You're on the street."


"You just clicked your tongue at me.

"I didn't do it.

"Look at me and answer.

"I didn't do it, nyaaaaa!!!.

Watching in the rearview mirror how Rinka and Sayaka were having fun as if they were really sisters, Javier continued driving while listening to the laughter from behind.

"We arrived.

He said parking outside the clothing store.

"... What are you waiting for to come out?"

Javier asked when he saw that neither Rinka nor Sayaka had any intention of getting off.

"Y-you perverted God.

"I never thought that, ahhh, Javier onii-chan would have the fetish of humiliating his little sister, I'm disappointed in you!

"You planned it all right, that's why you gave us some of your t-shirts.

"Sa, I wonder what you're talking about.

"Stop hiding it! And with that smile of yours, who would believe you, you idiot.

"Cough, fine, fine I'll do this then.


Hearing the crunch of something breaking, Javier looks at Yami where he sees that the seat belt had torn, rendering it useless.

".... Ahhhh, let's leave yours for later.

He said massaging the space between his eyebrows.

"What do you think of this {snap}.



Equally shocked, the man's shirt had been exchanged for a sleeveless blouse, a short skirt that reached mid-thigh, and white thigh-high stockings, creating the definitive zone.

In the same way, Sayaka obtained a short-sleeved shirt, a pair of shorts that fit the silhouette of the waist, highlighting the buttocks.

"Now you can go out.

"How did you do it?!"

"Hehehe, if you could do something like that you should have done it from the beginning Javier onii-chan.

"Better late than never, get out now.

Innocent in their way of thinking, since they had never encountered a being with such characteristics as Javier, they left safely without worrying, it was not until they heard the door close by Sayaka that Javier said.

"They knew.

"What's up, Javier onii-chan?"

"A powerful illusion can fool the sense of touch, sight, smell and taste.

"What are you trying to say?"

"Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!.

"I will kill you!!.

"Hahahaha! What good reactions I saw today♫♫.

Having fun like a pervert would by embarrassing two teenagers, Javier opened the passenger door, taking Yami out while enjoying the wind of a blizzard afternoon.

Entering the clothing store, taking Yami by the arm so that she doesn't leave when she sees her reacting to the new environment she found herself in.

"Hi, where did the two girls who ran in go?"

"Welcome to the Ercado store," her friends went to the back.

"Thank you.

Saying goodbye to the nice lady behind the cash register, Javier and Yami made their way to the fitting rooms, sitting in front of them.

"Don't forget to buy Yami some new clothes.


Rinka responded coldly and Sayaka did not wait.

"You will pay for this humiliation.

"Don't say that, if you didn't suffer anything, I didn't tell you that a powerful illusion deceives the five senses.

"So what, you're saying that even cameras can be fooled.


Javier replied when he saw Rinka's head emerge from the changing room.

"That doesn't change the fact that you deceived us.

"Cheating sounds bad Rinka-chan, let's call it prank.

"Kug, it's the same.

"As you wish. I'll wait for you here, don't forget to buy some clothes for Yami."

-The day after tomorrow classes start, I have Rinka and Sayaka's uniform ready in my dimensional pocket as well as the books. Now that the dark entity has a body and is a beauty, I need to teach him to write and read as well as the customs of modern society-.

Snapping out of his thoughts at Yami's incessant movement, Javier watches as she moves her head from side to side and when she stops most of those strands of pure gold cover Yami's face making her grunt and shake once again.

"Wait, stay still… I'm going to comb your hair and tie it up so it doesn't get in the way.

Javier told her, standing behind her and beginning to pick up the hair that was covering Yami's face and comb it with his hands.

-Wow, Yami's hair is so soft. None of the girls I've dated have this texture, and it's not because they didn't take care of themselves. Is it a side effect of creating the body? But if that had happened, Rinka and Sayaka would have the same effects. Mmmmm, I could comb her hair every day and never get tired of this feeling-.

Expelling all thoughts to enjoy the small moment without thinking about those around them.

"How cute, look how her boyfriend combs her hair.

"How envious, I wish mine would treat me the same.

"Why is the girl dressed as a maid?"

"It must be because they are going to a costume party.

"The groom is very handsome, tall, has lush eyelashes, an affectionate look and look at the gentleness with which he treats his hair.

"Shall I take a photo of you?"


Amidst murmurs and discussions from the ladies, they saw a young man with dark skin and a smile combing the golden hair of the woman dressed as a European-style maid who had closed her eyes enjoying it.

"Excuse me, can I take a photo of you?


Coming back to reality at the request of a woman with her phone ready to take a photo and accompanied by another woman. Pretty, carrying with them a honey fragrance that tickled the nose, Javier smiled at both girls who were between 18 and 20 years old.

"Sure, but just one… she doesn't really like having her picture taken.


Going back to combing Yami's hair followed by the sound of taking a photo, Javier just left and waited until the girls came back from trying on clothes.

"Javier Onii-chan brought me to Yami Onee-chan.

"O-oh, shop as you please, don't worry about money.

"That's good♫… Javier Onii-chan you can bend down, I want to tell you something.


Doing as he is told while enduring a sharp pain in his foot, he smiles at a happy Rinka.

" hurts Rinka-chan.

"Ehehehe, what are you saying, Javier Onii-chan♫? This is just a small fragment of my revenge for what you just did to us♫. Did you really think that a simple trip to buy clothes would be forgiven♫♫.

"Rinka-chan is scary when you smile like that♫.

"Well, you don't look like it♫. It also removes this illusion.

Watching Rinka and Yami disappear between the shelves and hangers of women's clothing after Javier destroyed the illusion of clothing.

[4 hours later]

Sitting with a pile of clothes, Javier, with nothing else to do, began to fold skirts, blouses, dresses, shorts, leggings, pants, cardigans, vests, leg warmers.

"I don't think we need anything else.


"Mmm, I got really excited and I couldn't stop…

"Javier Onii-chan said that we could buy whatever we wanted and not to worry about money.

"Still, I feel bad for taking advantage of us.

"You don't have to worry Sasa-chan, as I said, I will take care of them until they decide to leave my side.

Intervening in the conversation of a Sayaka with guilty conscience upon seeing the pile of clothes they had reached the height and more that they carried in their arms, while a heartless mischievous Rinka did not care.

"They chose a lot of clothes, they found suitable clothes for Yami.

"It was a bit difficult, but we found nice clothes, now the most important thing is Javier Onii-chan.

"Leave the clothes on the counter and go first.

He told them and Rinka and Sayaka with overflowing vitality took a pile of clothes and took them away, Yami who had the mentality of a child copied them and took some of the clothes, leaving Javier watching their backs.

By the way, Rinka had chosen a short denim skirt and a short-sleeved blouse with letters on the front. On the other hand, Sayaka chose a ruffled dress that reached her shin, which was more modest.

Putting down the bags of clothes, requiring the help of the store employees to put everything in the trunk, Javier let out a deep sigh that was carried away by the cold night wind.

"Fuuuu, women's clothes are much more expensive, I never thought I would have to pay with more than eight zeros… But since this will last them for a while, now they will have to choose what underwear they chose.

He said as he entered a women's lingerie store, causing the employee at the checkout to come out and approach him.

"Welcome customer to Akua, do you need something to catch your attention?

"Yes, a while ago, my cousins came in, a girl of this size… another one was acting tall and demure and one in a maid outfit.

"Oh, they are your family, please come with me.

Quickly finding the girls, Javier told them as he sat down on a bench.

"The way purchases are going, they already have their thing.

"I've already picked out some nice clothes, but Sasa Nee-chan is having a hard time choosing because of her boobs, not to mention Yami Onee-chan.

"Certainly, those two have some exuberant attributes… you're going to teach me.

"Pervert, I wonder what I did to have such a horrible Onii-chan who is interested in seeing her little sister's newly purchased underwear.

"Ehehehe, what's wrong with you showing them to me, after all I'll enjoy Rinka-chan's body all to myself later.

"Fool ehehe.

Laughing and looking at him mischievously as if a woman with a lot of experience would do it, stunned for a few seconds, she laughed and patted his back, to whisper in his ear.

"Don't forget to buy some daring ones just for sleeping.

"!.. Ehehehe, okay.

He said running out with red cheeks, staying alone on the bench, waiting for the three of them to return.

-Where should we go to eat? It's still early and a barbecue wouldn't be bad, see where the closest place is-.

"Excuse me, customer, but could you put your phone away, it makes other customers uncomfortable.

"Wow, that's a shame.

Glancing sideways behind the employee who came in, one could see several teenage girls who were too embarrassed to shop in front of an unknown man, and who also took out his phone.

Crossing his arms, Javier closed his eyes and with a little concentration he saw his planet Dedaria.

[Planet Dedaria; 5% oxygen] [Life Forms; Moon Plants] [Water; Zero] [Elements; Zero] [Core; Fetus] [Atmosphere; semi-formed]

-Well, let's let the oxygen build up, the core should have already completely sealed off the planet with its magnetic field against radiation and other harmful components. When the heat from the core reaches the mantle, lava and gases will be expelled into the atmosphere, when that happens, the ozone layer will be created naturally-.

Making calculations about when and at what moment the planet Dedaria will form the ozone layer, the cooling afterwards, the transport of ice by meteorites and endless possibilities, when someone tapped him on the shoulder.