Saturday March 30 (Shopping)

Opening his eyes, the first thing he sees are beautiful jade-like green eyes. Holding a pair of bags in each hand Sayaka stared at him.

"Are you done?"

"You just need to pay."

"I understand… let's pay then.

Stretching her body, she takes the bags from an unsuspecting Sayaka and heads to the checkout. Feeling a sharp look on her face, she glances sideways and says.

"If you're wondering if I'll watch, I won't.

"Sure? You identify yourself as the Hentai God, you're not going to smell them, right?"

"Aaah, who do you take me for Sasa-chan.

"... I-I'm sorry, although you paid for everything.

"Heh, why smell something unused, when I can do it when you're using it♫♫.

"!... Pig.

Feeling self-conscious and disgusted, Sayaka hugged her body, while listening to Javier's laughter.

-Mmmm, maybe if I keep acting like a degenerate in front of Sasa-chan I'll never progress. But what can I do, hehehe it's fun to see her reactions-.

"Current payment collection.

Grabbing more than twenty bags filled to the brim with underwear and paying with her credit card just taken from the bank, Sayaka and Javier went out together and waited leaning against the car; Rinka was holding Yami's hand so she wouldn't leave.

"You took too long, Javier onii-chan!"

"You talk as if it wasn't you who chose many of the clothes.

"Hehehe, I picked out a lot that you'll love♫.

"...did you find Yami?"

"A little difficult but no problem.

"And you Sasa-chan?"


"Sasa Nee-chan also chose a lot of cute clothes, but nothing sexy, even though she has that body.

"Stop talking about my body like a dirty old man Rinrin-chan!"


Shaking his head at how she liked to tease Sayaka, Javier watched Sayaka closely, who despite the mental problems on both sides, was kind by nature and fearfully helped Yami by adjusting the seat belt.

"Now that I think about it, hadn't I damaged it?"

"Sasa Nee-chan is right, did you use your hentai god powers?"

"I'm not going to waste my powers on minor things. What I did was remodel it, this vehicle can self-repair, comfort, storage, energy, among other much more special things… By the way, I'm going to take us out to eat barbecue, what do you think?

"I'm in!"


"Ehehe, you can order whatever you want, whatever is left, we'll take it home.

"I love the idea.

They all got into the family van and went to eat.

Returning from the sumptuous family barbecue, Javier stopped at a pharmacy.

"Why are we stopping at a pharmacy?"

Sayaka asked without understanding.

"Although I have bought many things, this, like the clothes, is your turn to buy. Go get your feminine hygiene."

"Th-thanks… let's go Rinrin-chan.

"Wow, I love you so much Javier Onii-chan.

Sleepy after eating, Rinka gets off with Sayaka and Javier explains to Yami.

"You stay here, if someone comes just knock here and they will come. You understand.


"If that.



"Only do it when someone comes other than us.

He said getting out of the truck leaving Yami alone.

Upon entering, he first finds Rinka with a basket in her hand filled with various things: wet wipes, antibacterial gel, toothbrush, lip balm, comb, conditioner, moisturizing cream, body cream, salt-free shampoo, etc.

"You are buying a lot of things, any more and you will have to look for a new basket.

"Hm, I want to buy some other things, but there aren't any here, I should go to a store that specializes in beauty products.

"? It's my imagination, you act more like an adult, I remember Rinka-chan you were no more than 9 years old when I met you at the park.

"!.. Ahahaha, what are you saying Javier onii-chan, I am the same Rinka that you saved in the park, I am just repeating what Sasa Nee-chan said.

"..if you say so, I'll go check on Sasa-chan.

Not believing what Rinka said, but not thinking too much about it either, Javier found Sayaka taking some feminine pads.

"You better take more.

"... Could you stop approaching me from behind without saying anything?

"My bad… And, you don't plan on bringing more things, Rinka-chan has almost filled her basket.

"I asked her to buy for the two of us, I also bought some things that I need.

Looking at the basket, she had tampons and feminine pads as well as intimate shampoos, nail clippers, deodorant, sunscreen.

"Why don't you cut your hair, it's very long, if you let it down and put on makeup, I'm sure you won't be much different from a girl in terms of your appearance.

"Ehehehe, maybe, but I like having long hair, I'll have it a little longer.

"I see.

She replied back, ignoring Javier's sincere smile as she touched her ponytail held in place by several rubber bands.

"If I decide to cut it, you will do it for me Sasa-chan.

"Hmph, why would I have to go through the trouble of cutting it, you can't go to a hair salon.

"How cold, Sasa-chan do you really think my hair is normal?


Passing by Sayaka who turned around, Javier took the basket from Rinka who could no longer carry it.

"Wow, thanks Javier Onii-chan, it's very heavy.

Finishing the shopping without any setbacks, Sayaka, who was looking at the dark forest where only the headlights illuminated the dirt road, said frightened.

"Hey, don't you think it's really dark here? You can't see anything."

"Sasa Nee-chan is right, it is very dark, you couldn't put on some headlights, and you can't see the mansion either, it's like we were traveling to an unknown area and a monster came out of nowhere, hitting the car on the side and it overturned.

"Stop! You could stop saying things like that.

"Hahahaha♫, how scared Sasa Nee-chan♫.

"Rinka-chan, don't bother Sasa-chan. As for the streetlights, I'll have to talk to the municipality to have them installed."

"You can't do it.

"Behind closed doors is my territory, outside is the human world, I don't have to waste energy to light the way when it is not necessary, because I am here.

"Ehehe, how reliable Onii-chan.

"So if you can do something about the lighting in the house, look, we arrive and we almost don't notice.

Nodding at Sayaka's words, the gate opens on its own, but instead of moving forward, Javier turns off the truck's engine, making Rinka and Sayaka nervous.


"Why did you turn off the engine Javier Onii-chan?"

"(smirk) Watch this.


With a snap of his fingers, a pink flame ignited on the wall pillar, illuminating the wall and beyond, revealing a view worthy of a fantasy.

"Amazing! Amazing!! Hehehe, you scare me Yami onee-chan, you can't hit like that, you'll break Javier onii-chan's car.

"Yami! Stop and stop stamping your feet on the ground, you'll make a hole in the vehicle."

"...What a wonderful scene.

"Don't encourage her Sasa-chan.

"Mm? I'm not talking about what Yami did, but about the fire that was lit, you can still see it from afar.

"It's really fabulous. I thought you were joking when you said how big the land was, but looking at the flames from where you can see, this place is huge.

"Hmph so you didn't believe me.

"Haha, sorry, forgive me Javier onii-chan.

He said tenderly, winking at her.

"For some reason my cheek is itchy and only a kiss could cure it…

"(kiss), is it cured?"

"It still itches."

"Save the couple games for when you are alone!"

"Hahahaha, Sasa Nee-chan how scary♫♫.

Entering the mansion, the first thing Javier did was show them which was the second floor where the bedrooms were.

"Left or right?"

"I'm going to the right.

"Me too.

"Okay, let's go this way.

"Of course there is a difference between the left and the right.

"None, I just wanted to ask them.

Javier said walking down the carpeted hallway, when Rinka stopped and opened one of the rooms.

"Wow, how big, they are all the same.

"The house is huge and yes, almost all the rooms have the same space, 10 x 10, they all have a bathroom with service and enough space for one or two people to live together.

"Eeeh, then we can share a room.

"I want a room of my own!"

"... Then I choose this one.

He said entering in front of the room that Rinka had chosen, plus they weren't that far from the stairs.

"Ok. Then let's go, to show you the first floor.

"By the way, Javier onii-chan, where did Yami onee-chan go?"

Scratching the back of his head, he replied.

"She must be playing with the stairs somewhere, don't worry about her, she won't hurt herself or pose any danger to us.

"If you say so.

Going down to the first floor they entered the right wing, where it was just a long hallway, being able to see in the distance a door at the end of the hallway where it turned.

"Listen, the right side is the rooms where the bar is located and an airtight room where wines are kept. In addition to other unoccupied rooms, the left side where the face of the mansion is located is the dining room and living rooms, as well as bathrooms.

"What a waste of space.

Sayaka stated the obvious, causing him to feel a blow to the pit of his stomach.

"Huh, turning to the right, there are more rooms, the laundry room and the kitchen.

"Why don't you leave the doors open to let the light in, it's a waste of electricity to have the hallway lights on all the time.


"Aaah, you clicked your tongue.

"I didn't do it.

"Liar, I heard it, you heard it too Sasa Nee-chan.


"Stop criticizing me and enjoy the journey… uuuu, it is so difficult, I am not asking for much.

With tears in her eyes she looked at Rinka who was laughing playfully and Sayaka just let out a sigh saying.

"How do you make the ceiling lights turn on without any switch?

"That's simple♫, they have a motion sensor, by the way the switches are here♫, don't you think it's wonderful how everything integrates into the house♫♫.

Happy to explain, he closed the lid, leaving a small touch screen embedded in the wall unseen.

"But won't it be difficult to distinguish?"

"No problem, look there is a small design of a fruit, if you see the image of a fruit on the wallpaper it is because there is a touch screen ♫♫.

Happy to explain every little thing about the house, half an hour passed when they reached the kitchen.

"Look, here is the kitchen, it has everything: oven, refrigerator, microwave, stove, shelves for dishes and appliances, if you see this door it is where the industrial freezer is.

The girls, who had a lot to complain about after being forced to walk for half an hour and stand still, but not being able to say anything when they saw Javier's happy face, looked with some respect at the kitchen that was equipped and shining again.

In the center of the kitchen was a black counter, just like wooden chairs that Rinka and Sayaka did not hesitate to take.

"...Take this.

"Thank you.

"You have grapes.

"Here I have… what did you think?"

Handing Rinka the grape she wanted, Javier asked them as he watched them take it. Both looking at each other they said at the same time.

"This house is too big! x2.

"B-but isn't she pretty, she has everything, you know.

"Javier onii-chan, you still don't understand, right?

Rinka frowned, Javier took several steps back.

"Listen, Javier… as nice as everything is, this mansion is too big, it's about a five-minute walk from here to the dining room. Plus, this kitchen is the same, why do you want one that big?"

"But, but.

"Javier onii-chan, ten chefs could fit in here and still have room left over. Fifty people could fit in those rooms and still have room left over, similar to those conference rooms. The only thing that is small is the bathrooms."

"I thought about the future because of that.

"None of that! Besides, what future are you thinking about? How many women are you planning to have sex with and leave their lives ruined by your perversion?

"How rude.

Javier immediately responded to Sayaka who had stood up and pointed her finger at him.

"Besides, what do you mean ruining her life? I'm not going to get into any skirt that swings on the street. Even I have principles, even if it's a hentai god.


"Of course.

"You-you guys!"

Trembling with frustration at the reactions of not believing his words, he points at both of them and scolds them.

"Listen and wash your ears so you understand me… I would never lay a hand on a woman just because she is a woman, I am not an animal in heat that all I do is move my waist, since I do not think with my head down. Also, your comments are very rude against me just for being the Hentai God. What is up with that about ruining a girl's life? For your information, my dream has always been to start a large family, but for work reasons I have never had a stable relationship and only occasional ones…

Half an hour after a strong scolding, Javier brought brooms, a mop, a bucket of water and brushes with disinfectants for the floor, ordering them to clean one of the rooms where they are going to sleep.


"You broke the broom again Yami!



Throwing the broom on the floor while growling, making it clear how upset she was that it was the ninth time the broom broke in two.

"Better leave it there, I'll clean the bathtub, better get some water.


"Be careful with the tone of voice you use to speak to me. I have also told you repeatedly not to put so much pressure on the broom.

Javier said, cleaning the bust of a lion's head with a brush, where hot water came out to fill the bathtub.

It was the width and length of an Olympic swimming pool and had a sloping surface reaching a depth of three metres, while the edges barely reached one metre.

Apart from the lion's head, there was also an elephant's and a crocodile's head. On one side of the Olympic bathtub were the showers and on the other side was a one-metre-high wall with coloured glass giving the image of a free eagle soaring through the sky.

"Puff, I finished cleaning the floor and the busts… although you weren't much help, you still put in some effort… if it weren't for the fact that you broke the key by using too much force.

His body trembling as he remembered the double effort he had to put in to fix with his powers the things that Yami broke in his path, for some reason Javier felt tired, just like the busy days at the office.

Sitting on the edge of the tub looking at the stained glass eagle, Yami sat next to him, looking at the soaked, maids skirt, he pulled out a towel which he placed on his lap and a cold claw.

"Have some lemonade.


"Ah, a family and a house, it's not bad at all. We may have our mishaps in the future, but we can fix things by talking… You drank all the lemonade!"


"I wanted some too, silly.

Disappointed at seeing Yami's behavior to the point of having to scratch his head, letting his shoulders fall as he sighed, looking down, fragile porcelain feet swayed to the point that one wondered how they could support the weight of the body without breaking.

-It must feel good to be stepped on by them-.

"...what am I thinking, idiot. Sasa-chan, Rinka-chan, are you done?"

She asked with no one beside her but Yami. In one of the main rooms, Rinka was sweating and looked at the polished wooden floor, seeing the reflection of the ceiling lights, while on the other side of the room Sayaka was still cleaning.

"Sasa-chan, Rinka-chan are you done?"

"! Where?.

"He's not here.

Responding to Sayaka, Javier says.

"I'm in the bathtub, you've already finished cleaning the living room.

"Hey, ah, we're almost done, Javier onii-chan. How do you manage to speak to our minds from so far away?"

"A simple trick, when you finish come to the bathtub to bathe, bring clothes and something for Yami too.

Feeling as if something had been cut off in both of their minds, they looked at each other and looked at the polished floor.

"It's clean now, right?"


"Let's take a bath♫.

Rinka's good mood returned upon learning that she was going to bathe in warm water to her liking, Sayaka expectantly also left her things in a corner and both went out to the next room where they had the bags of clothes.

Arriving with a bag of clothes and another of creams, shampoos and soaps they entered.

Receiving them from the sound of the water, expelled from the busts of animals embedded in the wall, steam that filled the place and they see two figures lying together.

"Muuuu, Javier onii-chan why didn't you wait for Rinka to wash your back.

"Hmh? Oh, they came already, the map I gave them earlier was useful.

"It was very helpful to find the bathtub in such a large house.

He said he wanted to hand over the map with the structure of the house where four points were shown.

"Stay, it will be useful for you to find yourself without problems. Here are the baskets to put your dirty clothes in, go while I go out so you can bathe in peace."

"Hey, you're not going to take a bath with Rinka, Javier onii-chan.

"For another day. I got hungry after cleaning, you guys want a late night snack."

"... what are you up to?.

"Sandwich; cheese, mortadella, ham, tomato and lettuce, do you want one Sasa-chan?

"One for me.

"Then one for me too.


The water being crystal clear, everything was visible in Javier who did not worry about being seen and neither Rinka and Sayaka who did not blush or flinch entering a section separated by an opaque glass wall, only being able to see the shadow of both girls who began to undress.

"Teach Yami how to bathe.

"He's gone, mmmm.

Puffing out her cheeks making Rinka look adorable as she didn't cover her body, revealing her developing body.

"Can you stop doing that Rinrin-chan, am I here too?"

"Why waste time if Javier onii-chan already saw us naked.

Annoyed, she turned around and grabbed one of the buckets to fill it with hot water from the bathtub and pour it over herself.

"Besides, we've both been through a lot of things that people our age don't like, so being embarrassed because people see us is really stupid.

"It may be for you, but it still doesn't mean that I'm not a woman who wants to let a man see your naked body.

"Hmph, how strange Sasa Nee-chan.

"Be quiet.


[April 1, 2028 5:45 AM]

Having spent their first night in the mansion, sleeping on futons, they spent Sunday discussing cleaning, agreeing that the only rooms they would clean would be the ones they would use and the rest would be cleaned once a month.

After that, Rinka and Sayaka went to their respective rooms to clean them while Javier did it in his room and then the individual bathrooms that will be available while the others will be locked.

"Come on, you need to stretch, one two, one two, lift those legs Rinka-chan.

"Aha, ah, ah no, I can't take it anymore…

"Aha, aha, aha, I can't take it anymore either, I feel like my heart is going to explode.

"...let's rest for five minutes, then we have to run.

"Ehhhh, we have to run too.


"What weaklings, they should feel ashamed, look at Yami, she didn't even break a sweat from just warming up.

Looking at Yami who continued jumping, jogging, squats, trunk twists, arm and leg circles.

Returning his gaze, Javier observes Sayaka's swollen chest that moved with each breath, drawing his gaze to the black sports top that contained them and made them look bigger, a little further down below he could see her soft stomach and further down some sports shorts that covered her navel.

Next to her was Rinka in a sporty skirt with inner shorts and a sleeveless blue B'sazzled shirt, showing just enough skin.

On the other hand, Yami was wearing green-brown leggings that fit the silhouette of her legs and waist where she lifted her buttocks, going up higher to reveal half of her stomach. It was a cross-back sports top in which the maternity that stood out could be appreciated.

"Y-you two are not normal… d-don't lump us together with you… aha, water.

"Here, don't take too much, it could hurt you.

"... You are very bad.

"You… Yesterday we didn't do anything, but today we did. And you complain if you go on diets afterwards because you say you gained weight.

"Ahhh, you are not delicate at all.

"Sasa Nee-chan you are right, you are a person without delicacy and yet you claim to be the Hentai God.

"Okay, let's go for a run.

"Ehhhh x2.

Ignoring her protest of not wanting to run, with an intense look the two began to run at a slow pace, accompanied by Javier to guide them and Yami who went ahead losing sight of her.

"Fu, fu, fu, remember to breathe through your nose and breathe out through your mouth… Rinka-chan, don't try to keep up with Sasa-chan, she has longer legs. Sasa-chan, relax your shoulders and keep a straighter posture when running, that way you won't hurt yourself. To keep your own pace, count in your minds one, two, three.

Guiding them as an experienced trainer would, since in Javier's eyes, even though he was a mortal with the soul of a God, he could quickly notice what he was doing wrong in an instant.

"aha, aha, aha, ha, cough, cough, cough, no, I can't take it anymore, I'm dying.

"aha, aha, aha, cough, cough… my feet hurt.

Stopping just after turning the corner, which was a block away, Javier, who saw them, knew that if they continued it would be counterproductive and they would get hurt.

"That's all for today, we'll continue training tomorrow.


"...I want to take a bath.

Akimiya said leaning against the wall of the house and slowly left, leaving Rinka and Javier while Yami had been lost for a while.

Taking a quick look at her ass, perfectly lifted by her sports shorts, which moved from side to side as she walked.

"Are you okay Rinka-chan?"

"Yes, but I'm all sweaty.

"Hehehe, it's not called exercises for nothing.

Getting up lazily, Javier approaches her and grabs her by the waist, taking her by surprise without being able to react in time.

"!, hmmm, ♡♡♡, puaaa, attacking your little sister after mmmm ♡♡♡…

Not letting him speak, Rinka instead of pushing him with her arms wrapped around Javier's neck as if they were a loving couple enjoying an intense kiss that didn't let them breathe.

The rough, watery sound was heard, their tongues tangling as they shared saliva. Rinka shuddered at the sudden touch on one of her buttocks.

"nn♡, don't squeeze Rinka's buttocks♡♡…

More than a complaint, it was a plea full of emotions that attracted the opposite sex.

Rinka, not wanting to be the only one receiving it, kissed his neck and, brushing her delicate lips against Javier's skin, moved up to reach his ear, where he shuddered.

"Hehehe♡♡, I found an interesting place♡, nn♡ ah♡..

"Really?... I've found many everywhere.

"Onii-chan you fool♡, pervert♡ attacking your little sister♡ nn♡ ah♡, d-don't play rough with Rinka's buttocks♡♡♡.

Sketching a triumphant smile as he felt pleasure in Rinka while receiving his dose of pleasure and tickling in his ear that was kissed and licked making his legs feel weak.

"I wonder who is the pervert when someone doesn't wear underwear.

"Mn♡, aha♡, niu♡ without delicacy to a girl♡♡.

Between whispers and caresses of kisses that ignited the fire of passion, Javier stopped fondling Rinka's buttocks, moving up to get into the short skirt like a snake; warm, sweaty, sticky that shuddered with each kiss sticking to Javier's palm.

"Kya♡, jajaja♡♡, ah♡, nn♡, onii-chan touches Rinka so well♡♡…

Lifting her from the buttocks, he pressed her against the wall and his own body, letting the short skirt roll down, allowing him to see her milky white ass.

Delighted, she wrapped her legs around Javier's waist and with her hands grabbed and tore at the male back while their dirty kiss continued without stopping breathing.

"Aha♡, ah♡, you fool don't play with that♡♡.


Enjoying the reaction of Rinka's body that shuddered and her back hunched as she felt Javier's finger moving in circles while scratching and a day soon after repeating it, she couldn't stand it and rested her head while her mouth escaped some dirty moans of enjoyment.


Contracting, her back stretched tightening the grip on her legs and hands to go limp, leaving behind a hot breath followed by small moans.

"Ehehe, you just came without even doing anything.

"You are wrong, Rinka is not a pervert♡ who would finish her anus without having penetrated her♡♡, for♡… a♡ dirty.. thick♡… smelly and throbbing cock♡♡♡♡♡…

He couldn't control his lips that formed a sadistic smile, with the sweat and how wet the entrance became with his middle finger.

"!♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ I-I'm coming♡♡♡♡.

Howling like an animal in heat, Rinka's back stretches, her nails tearing Javier's shirt, digging into his skin, and her waist, like a rocking motion, never stops moving, releasing a jet of crystal-clear water.

"I only put half of my finger in and you already had a third orgasm, what a horny girl I have like my little sister♫♫♫♫.

Enjoying himself, to the point that his words came out of his own mouth before he could think, Javier whispered slowly and pleasantly into Rinka's ear as she blushed.

Taking one of his hands off Rinka's ass to grab her chin so he could enjoy the face she had at that moment, Javier could see an expression of pleasure; sweat sticking her hair to her forehead and cheeks, glassy eyes, and drool running down her chin leaving her tongue hanging out.

"Ehehe, how beautiful you look….

He said to suck Rinka's delicate tongue to kiss her and play with her virgin mouth to his pleasure.


Opening her eyes wide, she tried to scream but Javier's mouth prevented her from doing so, which is why her hips moved up and down imitating the movements of a cat in heat.

Hearing a watery sound coming from Rinka's butt that was repeated with each movement of Javier's hand, suddenly Javier stopped and Rinka's back arched pressing against his feminine body and from the lower part where the two of them were glued together a sound of water was heard once again.

".... I went over.

Javier said as he felt the warm heat running through his legs and the smell of ammonia in the air tickling his nose but not bothering him.


Seeing that Rinka did not react and that the strength of his grip had disappeared, causing his finger to reach the base, completely penetrating Rinka's anus, but she did not react more than a muffled moan along with the cramps of the consequences of having reached climax in such a short time.

"... Good girl, this is your reward.

He whispered in a loving way full of love towards Rinka, kissing her sweaty forehead with her locks of hair stuck together. Carrying her like a princess, Javier walked forward as if the wall in front of him didn't exist and he walked through it.

"Oh, you were here Sasa-chan.

"Kyaaaaaaaa!!!!, W-why did you come while we were taking a bath?!.

Covering her soapy body with her hands which she was not allowed to do as it gave a more daring appearance by covering her tits and vagina giving a more vulnerable impression even if she is angry.

At her side was also Yami imitating what Sayaka did but for an innocent who had just developed one of her tits came out showing her salmon-colored nipple and areola and her vagina, giving the image of innocence and eroticism at the same time.

"Mh, I didn't think you were here, but it's a good thing… I also don't know how you are here if you ran off to who knows where. Give Rinka a bath, she's very tired from our private exercise hehehe."

He said smelling the middle finger of his left hand to kiss it and leave after leaving Rinka in Sayaka's arms.


Leaving a silly voice, Sayaka looks at Rinka who is with a bright smile and lets out a smell that Sayaka knew very well.

"Fu, fu, that's it, glub.

Hearing the saliva she brought into the bathtub, Sayaka easily lowered the short skirt that was halfway up her thigh, all soaked by different liquids.

"Incredible, how many times did you come to leave yourself in this state?"

Biting her lip without realizing she had done so, a trace of envy appeared in Sayaka's eyes as she looked at Rinka's still wet vagina.

Raising her hand she touched Rinka's vaginal lips opening them and a fragrance full of pheromones made Sayaka's nipples become pointed and her thighs twist as she held back her urination.



Awakening Sayaka's consciousness to Yami's senseless babbling, she realized that between her index finger and thumb she had her clitoris open without her foreskin, to release her and everything would return to normal and saying Sayaka with a sad smile.

"Let's wash Rinka.