Monday April 1st (Purchases completed + R-18)

Preparing breakfast; scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, various already peeled fruits, a cup of coffee or juice to drink, she heard footsteps coming from the hallway.

"Javier onii-chan!! Look at me, tell me what I look like.

Being the owner of the voice, Rinka ran into the kitchen, hugging Javier from behind as he cleaned the last dirty pan.

Turning around, Javier looks at Rinka's smiling face, carrying her new uniform.

"Let's see, one more time...oh, but what a pretty girl we have here, Rinka-chan, you look very good in that uniform.

"Hehehe, thanks Javier Onii-chan.

Dressed in her school uniform; a black and white checked skirt reaching just above her knee. A white blouse with long sleeves, followed by a black and white checked tie, on top she had a white jacket with black edges, two gold buttons and on the side above her heart the school insignia, finally white socks that reached her shin and shiny black shoes.

Smiling happily at Javier's compliment, he looks at the already set table, sitting down, Javier rinses the pan, he hears the footsteps of another person entering the kitchen, this time it being Sayaka.

"Mn, you look cute in that uniform Sasa-chan.

Akimiya was wearing her uniform; Dark navy blue, consisting of a jacket of the same color, white long-sleeved inner blouse, along with a red bow tie above her chest, navy blue skirt that fit a little above her knees and covering her legs, black stockings higher than her thighs.

"Thank you.

With a simple answer, Sayaka sat down to eat.

"Sasa-chan and Yami, I don't see her, where is she? She didn't bathe with you.

"I think he was following me behind, but he disappeared when we got to the lobby.

"Let me see where this girl got herself into then.

Closing his eyes, the image of the entire mansion and its grounds came into his head, removing everything unnecessary, finding Yami dressed in her black and white Maids uniform, sitting at the window that he had taken as his room, the largest in the mansion.

-Yami comes down to eat-.


Receiving an unhappy response from Yami, he watched her leave her room to open his eyes and see the two girls sitting there looking at him.

"Is there something on my face?"

He asked touching his face, sitting next to Rinka.

"Javier onii-chan, what was that? I felt like someone was watching me.

"Ah that, I didn't tell you yesterday, I can see everything that happens in the house in an instant like I did just now.

"Heh, Javier Onii-chan you have many powers.

"And that my power of God is sealed, if I release it I wouldn't even have to concentrate or think, it would be in my brain in an instant.

"Ohhh, but Javier Onii-chan can you move a little further, I don't want to be near you right now.

"Hey, what's wrong Rinka-chan?"

"Hmp, and you still ask that...t-that before, I hate you for that, you stupid Onii-chan!"

Rinka moved away with her plate, Sayaka continued eating in silence as if it were none of her business, without being able to do anything Javier, Yami enters and sits where the only plate served.

Unable to do anything under the agony of being ignored, Javier ate in silence.

Finishing breakfast first, Sayaka and Rinka were in charge of cleaning the plates they ate, while Javier watched with the apron on over his uniform, he wanted to enjoy the view of every inch of their butts and back, but he couldn't because of Yami.


"You won't do it Yami, you will surely make a mess if you don't know how to wash, how to break the dishes again.

Insisting on washing the dishes, but the only thing that kept her from getting close to washing the dishes was that Javier's hand was holding her neck.

"We're done Javier, you can let her go now.

"You're free Yami, Rinka-chan, Sasa-chan here's your backpack with your school supplies and this is your cell phone for each of you, it's already charged, you can go out, first I'll get ready to drop you off.

Leaving the kitchen happy because of the looks of surprise at such an expensive gift, Javier went to the bathroom to give her a bigger surprise.


Rinka and Sayaka looking closely at their new cell phone along with a bored Yami, who had been waiting in the kitchen, decided to go out for some fresh air, waiting for him next to the car to leave, Yami got into the passenger seat and fastened his seat belt and took it out again and fastened it again.

" Sasa onee-chan look! Look, it has everything, it has its own artificial intelligence and look at the brand of this phone, it's amazing.

"I looked for it, in addition to a high price, the cell phone is sold en masse, it contains the highest technology that a cell phone could have, its brand Turwq, I have never heard of it and you.

"No, never, but this company is impressive. They could fit so many things into a cell phone as thin as a sheet of paper. According to this information page, they use a special silicone sheet integrated with a microchip and circuits. It is also connected to artificial intelligence on the company's servers. In addition, it can be bent and does not get damaged.

"Certainly, this silicone technology called xZelc was manufactured to bend and not damage the circuits no matter how it is treated or the condition of the cell phone, and they achieve this with extreme violet lithography, in order to print the circuits in each part of the xZelc silicone, also calling a program that is barely in its infancy artificial intelligence is very rude Sasa-chan. Although it can also be called ambitious by expanding into the fields of Biochemistry and Bioengineering, they will still have a difficult road to develop a quantum computer, much less an artificial intelligence.

"Heh, Javier onii-chan you know a lot.... Hey ! Who are you?! "

".... Javier?.

"Hey, what's up with that reaction? It's like you've seen a ghost. I've barely touched my appearance.

With her mouth open at seeing Javier's appearance, which had not changed, his clothing was different, navy blue pants, a white long-sleeved shirt tucked in, a navy blue blazer and a red tie, wearing on the blazer the logo of the Institute that Sayaka had on her chest.

"Y-you fool, don't joke about that, we already had enough with having come out of tubes with a strange yellowish liquid, what Rinrin-chan meant was your clothing.

"Ah, well I go to the same Institute as you Sasa-chan.


"Because of the long face, I'm not going to bother you so you know.

"Javier onii-chan, I think it would be better if you took off everything and stayed at home with Yami.

"Not a chance! I've been in this adult world for 10 years, with a stupid boss who every chance I got I wanted to kill, but I knew that if I did and got caught my eroge hobby would go down the toilet, now you're telling me not to go to school... Rinka -chan, how can she be stingy and just want to enjoy her youth!



Watching a complaining God, Rinka and Sayaka looked at each other and said nothing, they sat quietly and left Javier alone there.

"Tch, you'll see when you grow up and get a shitty boss.

Swearing in a low voice and with a dead look, Javier approached the passenger door, unbuckled his seatbelt and pulled Yami out of the car.

"You stay here, for today.

" Hey , no because you don't mess with someone your own size, not Yami onee-chan.

"It's very clear that you have resentments towards your old life, but you don't need to exclude Yami onee-chan.

"And since when do you call Yami, Yami onee-chan, ah, and how do you think I'm going to leave Yami if the three of us go to school, who knows what disasters I'll cause if I leave her in the city.

"If you leave it in the car.

"Sasa-chan, you didn't know you were so cruel.

"Sasa Nee-chan, you brute.

Receiving the cruel look, Sayaka stopped talking and looked at Rinka to see if she had a good idea, but she just decided to ignore her so as not to fall like her.

"If no one has a good idea, then you stay home today Yami and don't throw a tantrum, from today on every day you will stay home until we come.


"And you think you can communicate like you do now, you don't know how to read or write, you don't have any papers, you stay here for everyone's safety as well as your own.


"Be careful with that tongue, even I can respond properly.


Getting angry Yami, black miasma began to surround his body as he let out a deafening scream that stunned Rinka and Sayaka. Javier, unaffected by Yami's tantrum, grabbed her by the nape of the neck, beginning to struggle to get away by throwing punches at her arm and body without much success. Understanding that his blows did not affect her, Yami began to spread more of his dark miasma, corroding the edge of the car door, the ground under his feet dried and cracked, and the light began to be swallowed.

Not having time to think about Yami's safety, if she endangered Rinka and Sayaka inside the car, Javier forcefully threw her face down to the floor and dragged her along the ground several meters from the vehicle, while Yami continued to fight, two whips of miasma grew and attacked Javier's chest, hitting him, causing him to let go of her and take several steps back.

"Tch, she's gone crazy, it's time to hold your tantrum Yami, with [3%] enough to stop you, without calling the resident Gods of this world.

Leaving all traces of childishness from his face, Javier seriously released a little of his power of God, Yami screaming in anger, without taking into account Yami's anger, Javier was already centimeters from Yami's face who was surprised by his arrival, without time to react Javier grabs Yami's face with his hand, directly slamming his head into the ground.

Boooon !!

Feeling a slight tremor in the area, Yami still conscious struggling to get away, grabbed his whips that grew on his back wanting to stab Javier in his chest and head, but they failed to do any damage as he began to disintegrate like mist. Yami, not understanding what was happening, noticed the pink glow in the palm of Javier's hand, before falling unconscious.

"Ugh, this girl's tantrums are a pain in the ass, but they can still be controlled, with this seal on her forehead, ah, I should have done this from the beginning and I would have passed the trouble. Girls are fine!

Relaxing, Javier takes the now sleeping Yami in his arms, approaching Rinka and Sayaka who, still dazed, touched their heads.

"My head hurts a little, but nothing more, how are you Yami Onee-chan?"

"She's okay, asleep for now after sealing her power, and you Rinka-chan are you okay?"

"Ah, mm, I'm fine, nothing serious, but what do you plan to do with Yami Onee-chan.

"I'm going to leave her on the futon, and I plan to leave a mental note when she wakes up, well, I'll be right back.

Leaving Yami on her futon peacefully asleep, not looking like a crazy woman who attacks for a small reason, Javier, Rinka and Sayaka leave the mansion.

"Javier, do you have any wet tissues?"

"Yes, but they didn't buy anything at the pharmacy yesterday.

"I forgot.

"...Take these here, use whichever you want.

Javier, who had not taken his eyes off the road, handed Sayaka the package of chamomile-scented wet wipes.

"Javier, can you park here? Just a moment."

"No problem, but why?"

"Just do it.

Not understanding what Sayaka was getting at, he slowed down and parked on the side of the road.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Taking him by surprise at Sayaka's sudden touch on his ear, he turns to look at her, wearing a worried expression.

"It's not obvious, or you haven't noticed that your ears are bleeding.

"Bleeding! Let me see Sasa Nee-chan, it's true Javier onii-chan why didn't you say anything.

"Because I just realized... Hey, don't look at me like that, when I released a small fraction of my power, my eardrums were immediately repaired, forgetting about them, Sasa-chan you are a kind-hearted person, I thought you hated me.

"It's not that I hate you, but I don't like you enough to not care about you… Besides, as perverted as you are, you still come into the bathroom without permission while I'm bathing… I can see that you're not a bad person at heart, but you are a woman-hater.

"Ehehe, I'm glad you think that of me.

Gladly accepting Sayaka's explanation, Javier leaned back in his seat as he enjoyed the gentle movements of Sayaka's delicate fingers, closing his eyes to the point of almost falling asleep.

"Okay, you can continue now. Javier, where do I throw it?"

"Uhm, take this little case, and leave it there then I'll vote on it.

Throwing the bloodstained towel into its holder, Javier began driving back to school.

Driving with new joy, Javier talked to Rinka, who was the only one who spoke in an animated manner, about what school would be like, was it pretty, would there be new friends, all the concerns of a girl of Rinka's age.

Arriving at Rinka's school first, outside you could see parents accompanying their children to the school entrance, some laughing and others nervous about their new school life.

Going down first, Javier sees the crowd passing through the school gate and the parents accompanying them, he turns around and opens the door where Rinka was nervous.

"It's okay Rinka-chan, I'll always be by your side supporting you, so smile brightly for me, yeah.


Nodding with a stiff smile, Javier smiled at her, stroking her hair a little, to shake her hand and walk along like the other children and their parents.

[Aoi School Entrance Ceremony]

Looking at the sign next to the entrance, next to which was a young teacher who was staring at them, Javier and Rinka standing out in many ways, whether it was because of their handsome appearance of both, or Rinka's light skin color and Javier's dark skin color.

"Good morning, teacher.

"... Mr. Valderrama, G-good morning, are you bringing your little sister?

"Yes, here she is, Okino Rinka, my little sister, introduce yourself.

Rinka, who didn't know what was going on around her when she looked down at the floor, looked up and saw a handsome man with a radiant smile and a penetrating gaze that seemed to see everything around him.

"Nice to meet you, Rinka Okino, I will be in your care from now on Sensei.

"Nice to meet you, Okino-chan.

Watching Rinka acting as usual with a big smile on her face, he feels a tug on the sleeve of his blazer.

"Is something wrong?"

"Mmm, you can bend down a little.

"Okay.. What do you want to tell me?

"Hehehe, Javier Onii-chan I think I wet my panties with that look of yours.

"Oh, what a naughty girl, making excuses for your own perversions is not honorable, you also have to teach very serious lessons to that lascivious body.

"Nya, hentai, what do you think you're going to do to your little sister Javier Onii-chan.

"I have nothing, but whatever you think may come true, but who knows.

Laughing as she gossiped between the two, the naive sensei thought it was a conversation about how shy Rinka was feeling, not knowing that it was all perverted stuff she would never think she would hear from an 11-year-old girl.

"Chu, goodbye Javier Onii-chan.

"Mm, bye remember to make lots of friends.

"I'll do it.

Rinka runs away in a good mood, Javier looks at the smiling sensei.

"You have raised such a nice and well-behaved girl, Mr. Valderrama, after the unfortunate accident that occurred in your family.

"We're fine now, Rinka-chan is strong, she'll get through it, but keep an eye on her sensei, they're still at an age to develop their future.

"Don't worry, we will call you, whatever happens.

"Then I'm leaving, I still have to drop my cousin off at school with her permission and call me if anything happens sen-sei.


Getting nervous at Javier's wink, Sensei touches her blushing cheeks, forgetting that Javier is a minor in that world.

Driving to his final destination alongside Sayaka, he felt an uneasy atmosphere, which wouldn't be noticeable with Rinka.

"What was that?''

Sayaka asks, seeing that she didn't receive any response from Javier, her eyebrows knit together in a frown.

"Sasa-chan, what's wrong? You look a little upset.

"I asked you what that was, but you don't answer.

"Nothing I can answer you.

"You say nothing to me, but you didn't make everyone around you stare at you, while you walked hand in hand with Rinka, which is what you did.

"You mean that, well, it's not that difficult, it's just a bit of a serious look that I always put on when I go into business with some underworld bosses when I did business in my previous life, nothing to say.

"A smile and a penetrating gaze that captivates your surroundings and you don't say anything.

"Listen, even I had a hard time learning that kind of face, don't think that it's easy to negotiate with those guys, there's always one who wants to be clever in his own way.

Not understanding what Javier meant, Sayaka simply leaves him alone and looks at the cityscape, which turns into a sparkling ocean from the sun's reflection and back to urban, before stopping at a parking lot.

Getting out while taking out a bag and putting it on her shoulder, Sayaka, no longer as surprised as she thought at first, got out of the car and began to walk.

"Sasa-chan you may not know it, but Rinko-chan had a family that she loved, she had a mother, a father and an older brother, I saved her from her fate that presented itself and brought her back, that's for you too Sasa-chan, you who suffered for your adoptive father, I hope you consider yourselves a family between the four of you.

"...Thank you for your words, and I'm sorry, but I don't think it can be normal for a girl.

Sayaka's words were sincere, as was her apology. Javier, who was walking beside her, understanding very well, stretched out his hand and hugged her to bring her to his body.

"I know Sasa-chan.

"Hey, w-what a-are you doing.

Without warning and with no one on the street where they were, Javier begins to massage Akimiya's arm while whispering to him.

"I know perfectly well that you are not always normal, your self-control is magnificent, but your uterus is asking for it, isn't it? Even though the drug has been erased from your body and your virginity has been taken away, that doesn't take away your previous experiences, you cannot have normal sex, your body is asking for it.

Blushing because he whispers close to her ear feeling his breath, or because he was right in his words, lost in her feelings, taking the opportunity of a defenseless Sayaka, her hand under her arm to the small tight waist, pulling her into a dead end.

Against the wall, Sayaka saw herself like a rabbit in the jaws of the wolf with no escape, Javier with his free hand touched her chin so that she would look him in the eyes and his hand on her waist rubbed over her uniform reaching the wind that followed and pressed lightly.

"Hyaaa♡, s-stop, nm, what are you doing to me?♡♡.

Blushing from letting out an embarrassed sound that seemed to accept Javier's advances, her plump chest kept rising and falling with her increasing breathing.

"Here is my Sasa-chan's little womb, are you sorry no, the baby's room is asking for his semen, you are mentally strong, but you can't resist for long, your body asks for it, I can erase all the drug from your body, but your soul and memories are intact, this body is only for mating, a horny little slut, who won't be able to resist for long.

"T-that's not true.

Crying with tears of humiliation upon hearing Javier's words, he smiles sadistically at her, opening Sayaka's tight thighs with his knee, touching them with the fabric of her skirt and pants.

"You're sorry, right? Look, you're already wet from just a few words. You don't disappoint me Sasa-chan, but I told you, I won't go for your body, I'll go for your heart first, and this is my gift for you to live a normal student life.

Sayaka wanted to look away at Javier's approaching face, but he had her by the chin, preventing her from turning around. He sealed her lips with his while continuing to rub his knee in the sacred region and with his hand on Sayaka's uterus, fondling it over her clothes.


Listening to Sayaka's struggle, she feels her body getting more excited by Javier's touch. Feeling something enter her mouth, the sensation traveling through her body, reaching her uterus that hadn't stopped itching since she woke up.

"W-what are you insisting on?... eh, what is this?"

[Accumulation: Excitation 1%]

"This is a skill that allows you to accumulate things, of course it has a limit which is 100% when you get there, there will be no turning back, so at night you will have to do a good job reducing it, Sasa-chan♡.

Smiling at her, Javier touches her blushing cheeks, she couldn't believe what he said.

"Why are you giving me this, I don't understand.

"Not difficult to understand, you can't regulate your body Sasa-chan, this body asks for its favorite food, but with this you won't have any discomfort anymore, you can sleep, eat, run, play normally without your uterus itching incessantly, but it has its limitations, that's why at night when you're alone, you have to take care of yourself very well♡♡… but without breaking it, you already know what I mean, right?


"Now let's continue, [Cleaning] with this your mess is clean, Sasa-chan let's move on to our normal school life.

Putting emphasis on the normal, Sayaka blushes as she follows a step behind.

Walking Javier first and without passing many people, besides some students, Sayaka reached her limit, grabs the sleeve of the blazer, stopping both of them.

"T-tell me how do I make this disappear?"

"With the mind you can disappear and reappear.

Trying out Javier's words, Sayaka's face began to sweat from the sheer amount of mental strength she had to use.


"I have it.

"Okay, now let's move on.

"Javier, how do you make that shine that comes out of your finger? I remember you used it when we woke up.

"It works just like a spray deodorant and soap at the same time, but it can't compare to a real bath, but it is useful for these occasions.

Without saying anything to Javier's words, they continued walking until they saw the gate where dozens of students were entering with the same uniform as theirs.

"Javier, I want to thank you for freeing me from everything, from my world to my body.

"Hey, Sasa-chan, I thought you'd act more angry because of what I did to you, or don't tell me you like me more than I thought.

"FOOL!... I'm not a child, since I've gone through many things that people my age have to go through, I'm not someone selfish for what you did, even if your methods are perverted.

"Hehehe, if it wasn't like that, it wouldn't be the Hentai God, right?

"Well, that's true.

Relaxing a bit with Javier's conversation, Sayaka gives a small smile, looking more like a normal 16-year-old girl.

Thinking that, Javier looks at the entrance where the teacher was at the door and a sign on the corner of the main gate.

[Sakaino High School's 10th Entrance Ceremony]