Prologue (2)

Tyler had gone out to get coffee and get some fresh air, he realized that he lost his wallet so he couldn't get the coffee. Mopping and cleaning where people kept passing and messing up every now and then wasn't easy for him. It was a hard job. But he never complained about it.

He was admiring the fresh breeze the day came with and the clear sky, the sun was shining very brightly that day, it reminded him of his wife.

'she used to love days like this, if she were here, she'd have dragged me to go to the beach with her.' He thought to himself, a bitter smile on his face, you could see the pain on his face.

'what am I thinking on a great day like this? It's s been nine years Tyler, give it a rest.' He snapped himself back to reality.

He still had to complete his job, he was only on a little break, he couldn't afford to leisurely stroll around and enjoy the warmth of the sun all day.

His eyes met the shape of a young child crossing the road.

'whose kid is that? Shouldn't they be in school? Can't believe a kid is crossing the road on his own... that's dangerous.'

He didn't give it a second thought, he was about to activate his fast walking to go back to his job before he heard it.

The sound of the horn was loud, it painted the air with it's sound.. It was a truck, it was moving fast- too fast and the kid didn't seem to hear the horn.

"Sh*t that kid is in trouble!" He started running as soon as he saw that the truck was moving at a very fast pace and the boy was crossing at a slow pace, it was a recipe for disaster.

He narrowed his eyes to look better at the familiar flower pattern on the boys shirt, it was Edward!!

'what is he doing here?!' He started sprinting faster than he was before as soon as he recognized Edward. He couldn't afford to lose another person precious to him. Not his son. Anything else but, Rose's last gift to him(rose is his wife.).

'it doesn't matter what he's doing here. All that matters is his safety, once I've taken him out of there, I can ask him what he was doing there and scold him.'

The truck was moving too fast. He couldn't get there in time, he was few inches away from Edward so he jumped to shorten the distance and take Edward.

"Eddddddddddiiii!!!" He yelled loudly, his voice painted with frustration, fear and shock.

He had miscalculated the timing of the jump, he thought he could safely take Edward and land with him on the other side of the road but this wasn't a movie, the brake on the truck was failed and it was moving very fast. Even the driver had jumped out of it knowing that he'll die If he remained there.

He pushed Edward away from the truck and got hit by it himself. Edward was safe now, but he wasn't.

'looks like I'm coming to where you are Rose, I'm sorry I couldn't take care of Edward properly like a father. I'm sorry Eddy, for leaving you like this. Maybe it's for the best. If I die like this I can finally get rid of all my suffering.'

He was on the ground, limp, half conscious, almost fully unconscious.

Blood was all over his body. The joint in his knee and elbow had bent in a reverse way. But strangely admist all this he didn't feel any pain, he felt happy if anything, for the first time in nine years.

He stared at the sky for a final time as he struggled to breath, his lungs were already pierced by his broken rib cage, they were bleeding internally. His eyes was foggy, His breath was raggedy and laced with effort.

He loved the feel of the breeze at that moment, the cool and familiar warmth he felt and the afternoon sun radiating on his bloodfilled body.

He smelled the fragrance of his Angel, his world and his only love, He knew who it was. It was Rose.

He closed his eyes with a smile on his face. He rested. Right there in the middle of the road, killed by a truck.

The truck had crashed into a building after dulling it's acceleration with Tyler's body.

Tyler died.

"What? Was that dad?" Edward found himself in a state of confusion, he had suddenly heard his dad's voice and was pushed out of the road, rolling on the ground untill he found his balance, he scraped his knees and ankles too because of the force of the fall. He was lucky he didn't break his bones.

"Someone call the ambulance!"

"He's already dead!"

"He was hit by the truck!"

"Oh no, stop snapping a dead man!"

Edward heard the comments of the people that were gathered round the spot he had just been at, some people were snapping the accident with their phones, some were snapping even him, some where trying to know what happened.

Cars stopped and a traffic jam was formed, the car owners where annoyed and shouting, urging them to call an ambulance to move the collapsed man.

Everything went silent for Edward, he couldn't hear anyone's voice again, he only stared at what he knew as his father on the floor. He had a blank expression on his face.

He couldn't believe it. His brain had a hard time processing it. The time his brain finally processed it was when he was in the hospital with his Aunt, his father's sister whom had cut off connection with Tyler for years because of a dispute between them.

"He's already dead. There's nothing we can do about it. His internal injuries and bleeding was too much. And the impact of the hit crushed all his joints, I'm terribly sorry."

When the doctor said this, tears dropped down Edward's cheeks, it was all his fault. He was the cause of this, if he wasn't there, Tyler wouldn't have died, he hated and blamed himself. His mind was filled with a thousand curses that kept spawning.

He wished that he didn't exist. He was broken thoroughly, his emotions where caught in a haywire, he couldn't decide whether to cry or to just get angry.

Immediately they got into his aunt's car in the parking lot, Edward let out a low gutteral sound of pain, it was a sound filled with anger, frustration, sadness and burning fury, the fury was directed to himself and the sadness was from deep within him.

His Aunt stared at him, her eyes were filled with sympathy and pity. They were both at the front sit and he was on the passenger front sit.

"I killed him. didn't I?" Edward said with a low tone, his voice barely audible, dripping with pure anguish.

He was facing the window, staring outside trying to look like he wasn't affected.

"No you didn't Ed." His Aunt was looking at him trying to look tough, She felt only pity for him. She knew how he felt. Tyler was the best brother for her while growing up, he was always there for her. He practically raised her, but something happened between them that made them stop talking, they cut each other off, she had already forgotten what even caused the dispute, it had been so long, she missed him everyday but her pride didn't allow her call him, and Tyler was too busy trying to survive with his son. If she had reached out and helped him then maybe.. just maybe His life wouldn't have ended like that. She was not poor, she was actually capable.

"But it... it was my... Fault." His voice was still low, he was trying so hard to stop the tears from falling out, his heart felt like it was burning because of the emotions he felt.

"Eddy, you.. you can cry it all out, don't hold it in." As she said that, she grabbed his head carefully and slowly and put it on her shoulders.

Edward cryed his eyes out, he cryed so hard that he felt like he had no tears in his body again. And after that day. He vowed to never cry again all his life and to never be stupid.